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Home » 2. WRITE: In an essay, present your personal opinion regarding this topic. What sex education model would you implement if you were the superintendent of schools? Why? Present the model of sexual education that you think is ideal and should be taught to public school students. What components of this model appeal to you? What research influenced your decision and what was it about the research that was influential?

2. WRITE: In an essay, present your personal opinion regarding this topic. What sex education model would you implement if you were the superintendent of schools? Why? Present the model of sexual education that you think is ideal and should be taught to public school students. What components of this model appeal to you? What research influenced your decision and what was it about the research that was influential?

Module 06: Assignment – Sex Education 1/3
Module 06: Assignment – Sex Education
Due Mar 10 by 11:59pm Points 20 Submitting a file upload
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Sexual Education Assignment
Purpose This assignment explores the issue of sex education. This week our question is: What type of sexual education should be used in public schools?
In this assignment, you will evaluate the differences, similarities, and effectiveness of the two major types of sexual education:
Abstinence-Only sex ed
Comprehensive sex ed
This assignment is designed to challenge your thinking regarding a common experience in America’s school systems, expose you to other students’ perspectives on a controversial topic, and encourage you to develop strong research skills so you can support an opinion with quality evidence.
Use your textbook and/or other sources (see below) to help you understand the foundations and topics within both abstinence-only and comprehensive sex education curricula.
Use the internet and/or other sources (see below) to find at least one reputable source that provides some evidence for the effectiveness of each type of sex ed. You are looking for specific data/statistics about what sexual behaviors are improved/strengthened as a result of each type of education.
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Use the internet and/or textbook to find at least one reputable source the refutes or denies the effectiveness of each type of sex ed. You are looking for specific data/statistics about what sexual behaviors are NOT improved as a result of each type of education.
Suggested sources include: your textbook; Dr. Carroll’s website, dictionaries, journals, databases like “Opposing Viewpoints” and “Issues & Controversies” (go to ( , click the Articles tab, then click “Recommended Databases for Most Topics.”)
I have also created a document with references to a number of studies on this topic. Feel free to refer to some of these sources in your own assignments (using your own words and analysis). Note that this document is not an example of what your assignment should look like; I am simply presenting some issues/ideas/sources for your consideration: Sex Ed Research Document (
In an essay, present your personal opinion regarding this topic. What sex education model would you implement if you were the superintendent of schools? Why? Present the model of sexual education that you think is ideal and should be taught to public school students. What components of this model appeal to you? What research influenced your decision and what was it about the research that was influential? Please make sure that your model is informed by the research you did and the comments you read. This means that you will need to provide at least two specific references to the research, and in-text citations for the source of this information in your curriculum design. Posting a model without any reference to research will not earn full points. Excellent essays will not only support why you think what you do, but also acknowledge the other side’s arguments and state why you disagree with them.
Suggested format of the essay is:
Introduction paragraph (P1) including a thesis statement of the type of curriculum you support
Paragraph (P2) explaining abstinence-only sex ed
P3 explaining comprehensive sex ed
P4 repeat your thesis statement and support it with one specific piece of evidence
P5 support your statement with another piece of evidence
Conclusion paragraph (P6)
Reference list
2/26/24, 11:27 AM Module 06: Assignment – Sex Education 3/3
To submit your work: Click the Submit Assignment button (top right of screen).
Grading This assignment is worth 20 points. It is due by 11:59 p.m. on the due date listed. Late and/or emailed assignments are not accepted for any reason.
Points will be awarded based on:
1. Presence and strength of a clear thesis 2. Presence, accuracy, and completeness of 2 sex ed summaries 3. Logical and sufficient argumentation supporting the thesis including credibility, relevance, and descriptive summary of
at least 2 research sources to support the thesis using specific statistical data/evidence and not just personal opinion 4. APA style references and spelling & grammar. Failure to correctly cite sources will result in a 10% grade reduction.
Failure to proofread will result in a 10% grade reduction.
Students who answer the essay question based only on personal opinion without reference to specific supporting evidence will receive a 0 on this assignment.

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