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Home » 2 You will explain why this photo of my cat is relevant and supports your argument, perhaps citing research from an additional source.3 If, later in my essay, I choose to cite different information from a source that I’ve already used once in my paper, I can use a shortened footnote format. 4 The final paragraph of your essay you should draw your paper to a succinct but thoughtful conclusion. You may choose to restate your thesis and main arguments, but also explain why these ideas are important.

2 You will explain why this photo of my cat is relevant and supports your argument, perhaps citing research from an additional source.3 If, later in my essay, I choose to cite different information from a source that I’ve already used once in my paper, I can use a shortened footnote format. 4 The final paragraph of your essay you should draw your paper to a succinct but thoughtful conclusion. You may choose to restate your thesis and main arguments, but also explain why these ideas are important.

Your name *Page numbers are required. Date paper was submitted Course code *Name, date, course code left aligned and single-spaced, title of paper centre aligned.
Title This is a template document outlining the formatting guidelines for the essays written for
the Contemporary Black Urban Music course, taught by Professor Ron Westray. Your first
paragraph will be an introductory paragraph outlining your thesis and supporting arguments.
*Writing is double-spaced and left-justified. 12 point font, Times New Roman. Use
standard margins. Paragraphs are indented.
Your body paragraphs will introduce your main points, supported by evidence that you
have discovered through research. * Your essay will be no less than 3000 words, excluding
graphics and bibliography. Here, you will want to cite some relevant information.1 After you cite
this information, discuss how it supports or relates to your argument. For some additional
support you may include a photo, for example, like this one of my cat, the very important hip
hop artist, whose work is relevant to your argument.
My cat, the very important hip hop artist.2
1John Doe, An Amazing Hip Hop Book (Toronto: Prestigious University Press, 2018), 17. 2Jessica Todd, My cat, the very important hip hop artist, 2018, Photograph, Original size 2976 x 3968, Jessica’s house,
You will explain why this photo of my cat is relevant and supports your argument, perhaps citing
research from an additional source.3 If, later in my essay, I choose to cite different information
from a source that I’ve already used once in my paper, I can use a shortened footnote format. 4
The final paragraph of your essay you should draw your paper to a succinct but
thoughtful conclusion. You may choose to restate your thesis and main arguments, but also
explain why these ideas are important.
Your bibliography should be on its own page, and the format should be consistent with
your citations. The Chicago Manual of Style website is an excellent resource for formatting your
bibliography properly5 if you choose to use this style. Scroll down to see a sample of Chicago
style bibliography.
Your paper will be submitted via Turnitin on Moodle. Academic integrity is expected.
Topics need examples and or through explanations that are proofed and edited by YOU. Strive
for clarity in your thesis – is it understandable? Writing must be focused on chosen topic and
based in facts, not personal opinions.
3 Betty Boop, “Why Jessica’s Cat is a Great Rapper,” The Awesome Journal of Brand-New Hip Hop Research 4, no.1 (January 2019): 21. 4 Doe, An Amazing Hip Hop Book, 30. 5 “Notes and Bibliography: Sample Citations,” University of Chicago, accessed January 25th, 2021,
Bibliography *Apart from the Chicago Manual of Style website, these are imaginary sources. Please don’t use them in your paper!
Boop, Betty. “Why Jessica’s Cat is a Great Rapper.” The Awesome Journal of Brand-New Hip Hop Research 4, no.1 (January 2019): 1 – 42.
Doe, John. An Amazing Hip Hop Book. Toronto: Prestigious University Press, 2018.
The University of Chicago. “Notes and Bibliography: Sample Citations.” Accessed January 25th, 2021.
Todd, Jessica. My cat, the very important hip hop artist. 2018. Photograph. Original size 2976 x 3968. Jessica’s house,

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