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4. Determine corporate social responsibility in business. 4.1 Identify an organizational culture, including the role of diversity.

MGT 3301, Principles of Management 1
Course Learning Outcomes for Unit V At the end of this unit, you should be able to:
4. Determine corporate social responsibility in business. 4.1 Identify an organizational culture, including the role of diversity.
Required Unit Resources Article: Increasing Workplace Diversity: Evidence from a Recruiting Experiment at a Fortune 500 Company (ULO 4.1) This article explores ways to increase diversity and attract minority candidates (20 pages). Video: Managing Diversity and Inclusion (ULO 4.1) This video explains the benefits of diversity and the steps to take to improve diversity in your workplace (7 mins.). The transcript for this video can be found by clicking on “Transcript” in the gray bar at the top of the video in the Films on Demand database. Article: I’m Biased and So Are You. What Should Organizations Do? A Review of Organizational Implicit-Bias Training Programs (4.2, 4.3) This article explores implicit-bias training programs within large organizations and provides recommendations for improvement (20 pages). Unit Lesson Lesson: Workplace Diversity (ULO 4.1) Units I through IV lessons detailed the importance of the four primary functions of management: planning, organizing, leading, and control (POLC). The remaining units will expand on the principles of management from an accountability and responsibility side. For Unit V, the lesson focus will expand upon the importance and benefits of diversity as an embedded company culture. The Unit VI focus will add similar presence of the importance of corporate social responsibility (CSR). Throughout this lesson, the importance of providing a diversity program that is embedded in the organizational culture and serves as a core operational function will be discussed.
Workplace Diversity Although the term diversity has been around for decades, many organizations have struggled defining and understanding the moral rights and the legalities. Some organizations were confused with the multiple characteristics and meanings and laws defined that supported diversity in the workplace. To assist and provide clarity, laws were created and amended as the workforce continued to change demographically. Currently, the workforce has made many strives forward, yet to progress, companies will need to continuously monitor and benchmark diversity. There are still gray areas that are questionable such as the Fair Labor Act. Ponder this thought; are men and women who are performing similar jobs, earning the same amount, all things equal? What is the statistic of female executives versus male executives? Some organizations are slow to change, while others are in denial of the long-term benefits, due to the immediate overhead financial costs to educate and provide annual training. Regardless of the omission, denial, or unawareness of diversity, an
UNIT V STUDY GUIDE Diversity and Inclusion
MGT 3301, Principles of Management 2
organization that does not adhere to laws and policies, will face many internal challenges and potential external legalities. The leading-edge organizations provide a safe, satisfying, inclusive environment that attracts the most skilled workers, retains and provides professional development, and rewards the high performers. A safe assumption to make is a company that truly recognizes the benefits and unlimited potential of a diverse work force will strive to foster an inclusive work environment where each person feels appreciated, valued, and respected. Diversity and inclusion are interconnected, and one should not exist without the other (Indeed, 2023). Diversity is the representation of a company’s workforce, from hiring to retaining and performing. Inclusion provides an environment where each employee feels they are valued, and a diverse and inclusive work environment promotes a deeper trust, overall commitment, and team collaborations among employees that correlates to the organizational morale and productivity that results in a win-win situation.
Challenges With Diversity Among the many benefits of providing an environment that is acceptable to diversity, there are potential issues and challenges that may arise from the differences and the unknowns. Considering the multiple characteristics, not all organizations are able to achieve a workforce that is diverse and inclusive. Many companies overlook the obvious issue and fail to recognize the company’s greatest asset—the employee! Without a realization of the value of each employee, the organization will struggle to hire, retain, and attain a productive, all-around respectful workforce. Another potential issue is spiritual, political, and cultural diversity in the workplace. Although most organizations provide and mandate annual training, often management will need monthly or periodical reminders to the workforce to not impose their spiritual and/or personal beliefs on others. A great best practice to avoid potential disputes or disagreements is to have marketing materials and posters around the workplace as friendly reminders of company policy. Keep in mind, all policies apply to every employee, regardless of the hierarchal levels.
Changing the Culture Although change can be a challenge, an upward, thriving organization must constantly change as a best practice of success. Change begins when management acknowledges the need, plans, and then communicates with the organization. One initiative forward-thinking change is committing to a diverse and inclusive (work) environment. Management must take the lead through hiring individuals of various backgrounds and demonstrating their commitment to a culture of respect. Lesson: Training (ULO 4.2-4.2)
Diversity Training Diversity and inclusion training is used in many organizations to educate employees on the benefits of diversity. Annual professional development should include an array of topics such as race, gender, age, disability, religion, culture, racism, prejudice, nationalities, biases, unconscious biases, and many others (Indeed, 2023). A diversity training program’s primary goal is to foster a positive, respectable work environment that precludes unconscious bias such as prejudice or racism and promotes and supports inclusion. The hope is that through an awareness of their own biases, employees can grow past these judgements and interact collaboratively with others.
MGT 3301, Principles of Management 3
With the ever-changing workforce and the constant increase of globalization, diversity and inclusion training may determine the success and survivability of a company or the failure and bankruptcy of a company. Employees who understand and respect their colleagues will create a conducive, positive work environment and contribute to the success of the company and the personal success as a valued, respective member of the team (Indeed, 2023). Training and professional development should be a norm in the workplace. Holding annual opportunities that bring forth an awareness of the ever-changing worldly work environment displays a caring culture and places a hierarchal importance that prioritizes what the company values—their employees. Individuals may have different experiences that have impacted their life in one way or another. It is important to recognize how some differences may make some feel uncomfortable because they simply are not knowledgeable of their colleague’s world view. Bringing forth the awareness of the many differences and willingness to learn is one core component of organizational effectiveness. Additionally, the training should create a cohesive environment that teaches how to communicate with one another, despite the differences. Ultimately, training is essential for all employees and employers. Training may not eliminate every daily problem, but creating and providing a welcoming, respectful environment will attract, hire, retain, and enhance the best employees who, in return, will work productively and collaboratively supporting the cause, mission, and vision of the organization due to their personal inclusivity.
Conclusion Today, a commitment to diversity is not enough. Surviving and thriving organizations display diversity and inclusion in every aspect of the business platform (Tynes, 2022). Inclusiveness is the core component to retaining a diverse workforce that enhances a supportive culture. It is imperative that all organizations strive for total acceptance of each person for who they are, regardless of their differences. Diversity alone does not protract a guaranteed success factor. Employees have internal needs that must be satisfied through inclusivity. Employees need to feel they are valued and contributing to the overall success independently and collaboratively. There is a direct correlation between diversity and inclusion that enhances each employees’ potential and raises the moral through loyalty, commitment, and satisfaction. Having a cultural environment that promotes diversity and inclusion will financially benefit the company’s bottom-line of profitability, productivity, and most importantly, the company’s greatest asset is a direct reflection of what the company values most—the people!
MGT 3301, Principles of Management 4
References Channel 1 Creative Media (Producer). (2021). Managing diversity and inclusion [Video]. Films on Demand. aylists.aspx?wID=273866&xtid=279825
Flory, J. A., Leibbrandt, A., Rott, C., & Stoddard, O. (2021). Increasing workplace diversity: Evidence from a
recruiting experiment at a Fortune 500 company. Journal of Human Resources, 56(1), 73–92. ct=true&db=bsu&AN=148188856&site=ehost-live&scope=site
Indeed. (2023, February 3). 5 diversity skills to develop (and why they’re important). Kim, J. Y., & Roberson, L. (2022). I’m biased and so are you. What should organizations do? A review of
organizational implicit-bias training programs. Consulting Psychology Journal, 74(1), 19–39. ct=true&db=pdh&AN=2022-16084-001&site=ehost-live&scope=site
TED (Producer). (2018). TEDTalks: Janet Stovall—How to get serious about diversity and inclusion in the
workplace [Video]. Films on Demand. aylists.aspx?wID=273866&xtid=209793
Tynes, B. (2022, March 3). The importance of diversity and inclusion

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