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Home » The room where Rowan’s child care group meets has only one com-puter, which is much sought after by all the children. This afternoon Mei wants to e-mail her friend in China and is eager to get started. Three other children are clamoring to get online as well. They each have urgent things they want to do. Emily has a homework assignment, Gregory wants to fi nish a game he started the day before, and Xavier just wants to explore some information about stars, his newest inter-est. They all begin squabbling, each declaring he or she should be fi rst.

The room where Rowan’s child care group meets has only one com-puter, which is much sought after by all the children. This afternoon Mei wants to e-mail her friend in China and is eager to get started. Three other children are clamoring to get online as well. They each have urgent things they want to do. Emily has a homework assignment, Gregory wants to fi nish a game he started the day before, and Xavier just wants to explore some information about stars, his newest inter-est. They all begin squabbling, each declaring he or she should be fi rst.

Read the case study on page 127 of your text and answer the 3 questions. Use at least 1 scholarly source to support your answer.
The room where Rowan’s child care group meets has only one com-puter, which is much sought after by all the children. This afternoon Mei wants to e-mail her friend in China and is eager to get started. Three other children are clamoring to get online as well. They each have urgent things they want to do. Emily has a homework assignment, Gregory wants to fi nish a game he started the day before, and Xavier just wants to explore some information about stars, his newest inter-est. They all begin squabbling, each declaring he or she should be fi rst. Rowan is so tired of the fi ghting over the one computer that she would like to just get rid of it, but she knows the children benefi t by using it. Her assistant thinks they should all be told that no one can use the com-puter until they learn to share.
1. Do you agree with the assistant’s advice that none of them should be allowed to use the computer until they learn to share? If youdisagree, why?
2. If you were Rowan, what would be the first thing you would doto resolve the problem?
3. Can you think of a plan that would prevent problems like this in the future?
Part 2 (10 Points)
The process of categorizing autism has changed since our textbook was written. You will still run across the categories as listed on page 124, but you need to be aware of the most recent information.
One of the disabilities that caregivers of school-age children may encoun-ter in a before- and after-school program is autism. Autism is a complex set of disorders that affect about one-half million people in the United States today. About 10 to 15 out of every 10,000 people, depending on the diagnosis criteria used, will be diagnosed with the disease. An additional 12 to 20 per 10,000 have autistic-like features. Three boys to one girl have the disorder ( Landy, 2009). The term autism is sometimes used to describe several related disorders that are included under the heading of pervasive developmental disorder (PDD). The term is also used to refer to a child who cannot be specifi cally diagnosed but has severe impairment in behav-iors. The standard reference Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM) (2000) lists the following categories:Autistic Disorder• . Limited social interaction, language, and imag-inative play observed in children, usually before the age of three. There may also be stereotyped interests and repetitive behaviors.Asperger’s Disorder• . Impaired social interactions, restricted inter-ests and activities. No signifi cant general delay in language. These children test in the average or above-average intelligence levels.Childhood Disintegrative Disorder• . Normal development in the fi rst two years, then loss of previously acquired skills. Children who fall within the general spectrum of pervasive developmental disor-ders may seem relatively normal for the fi rst two years or so, then parents or caretakers notice changes that may include a delay in
Write a short paragraph about your thoughts
Part 3 (20 Points)
Research articles on gender differences in children’s play and socialization. Write a 1 page report of your findings. Some suggested resources are the following:
Gilligan, C.(9182). In a different voice: Psychological theory and women’s development. Cambridge, MA Harvard University Press.
Paley, C.(1984) Boys and girls: Superheroes in the doll corner Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Part 4 (20 Points)
After watching the videos and viewing the powerpoint about Impact and Prevalence, consider how does a child’s behavior impact their self-esteem? How can we be change agents and teach appropriate behavior?
Notice the statistics on slides 13 and 14. Based on this information, what are the ramifications for not teaching emotional competence in the early years?

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