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Home » Task 1: Post a one paragraph response in which you share a time when you experienced significant joy. Be sure to address what the circumstances were that brought you joy, how you felt when experiencing the situation, and how you responded to the situation.

Task 1: Post a one paragraph response in which you share a time when you experienced significant joy. Be sure to address what the circumstances were that brought you joy, how you felt when experiencing the situation, and how you responded to the situation.

For this discussion, you will practice planning for a phenomenological study based on a shared experience among members of the class. There are two tasks to complete.
Task 1: Post a one paragraph response in which you share a time when you experienced significant joy. Be sure to address what the circumstances were that brought you joy, how you felt when experiencing the situation, and how you responded to the situation.
Task 2: Read the postings of your classmates. Select one of the phenomenological designs (descriptive/transcendental or interpretive, or hermeneutic). Using the selected design as a framework, share what you hope to learn from the descriptions posted by your classmates. Discuss the steps you will take to analyze the data. Explain the strengths and limitations of the type of analysis selected.
BERNAL- When thinking about experiences that brought me significant joy, quite a few come to mind. Being a collector of Pokémon since it came out in 1996, I felt joy as a kid opening an original pack and getting the one card I wanted. As I got older, I felt significant joy in graduating and getting promoted to a position I wanted at my job. However, the one and most recent experience that brought me significant joy was accomplishing my deadlift goal for the year. The circumstances that led to this goal started in 2020. Like many, I did nothing during that time but eat, watch TV, be lazy, and work from home. The lifestyle that I was living during that time led to my health declining. My cholesterol was high, I gained close to 60 pounds and I was overall just unhealthy. It wasn’t until I went to the doctor, who told me that my cholesterol was out of control and I needed to be put on meds that I decided to do something. I started to walk and run, but when living in Arizona, it’s almost impossible to comfortably do either of those once the summer starts. It wasn’t until gyms opened up that I decided to start lifting. I eventually decided to get into powerlifting and found a coach. During that time, my lifts were horrible, I was weak, and I struggled to improve. My favorite lift was the deadlift, and at the time I started, I could only get up around 275. I made it a goal to get my max to 405 within the next two years. In the first year, I was able to get it to 374. However, it wasn’t until after my second competition this last year in December that I was able to completely beat my goal at pull 463. Working so hard to reach this goal by working out five days a week, eating healthier, losing weight,  and improving my overall health made me beyond happy. I remember after pulling the weight, I started yelling and pumping my fist like Tiger Woods at the masters. All that hard work paid off; I reached my goal and regained control over my health. That’s why that experience brought me significant joy.
Assessment Description
Identify a topic of personal interest that could benefit from further research using a phenomenological design. This could be your intended dissertation topic, or you may choose another for convenience for this discussion. Provide the following information about the potential study:
· The research purpose of the potential study. (“The purpose of this phenomenological research is to…”)
· A research question to inform the study.
What are the most common ways to analyze phenomenological data to answer the research question? What do you believe are the most significant strengths and weaknesses of conducting phenomenological research? Explain.
Post a one-paragraph response in which you share a time when you experienced significant joy. Be sure to address what the circumstances were that brought you joy, how you felt when experiencing the situation, and how you responded to the situation.
One of the most profound moments of joy Selena experienced was when she bought a home for her grandchildren. This liberated them from the turmoil of motel rooms. The journey began with Selena’s daughter facing relentless harassment from the owner of their rented house. The property owner plans to convert it into an elderly care facility. Despite her daughter’s legal rights, the situation escalated with frequent police interventions at the landlord’s behest. Exhausted and seeking peace, Selena’s daughter moved back to a motel with her children, where Selena supported them financially for a month. Amidst this struggle, Selena fervently prayed for a permanent solution. Amazingly, her prayers were answered when she found their new home. As Selena turned the key, overwhelmed with gratitude, she fell to her knees, offering thanks to God. During this moment, Selena was able to affirm her faith in divine intervention and Galatians 6:7. “Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap” (BibleGateway, n.d.). Now, residing together in their own home, Selena is filled with an indescribable sense of joy and relief, knowing that her grandchildren have a stable environment to thrive in. In the face of adversity, this experience reaffirmed Selena’s belief in the power of prayer and perseverance.
Select one of the phenomenological designs (descriptive/transcendental interpretive, or hermeneutic). Using the selected design as a framework, share what to learn from the descriptions posted. Discuss the steps to take to analyze the data. Explain the strengths and limitations of the type of analysis selected.
The chosen research framework for this study is descriptive, aiming to offer a comprehensive portrayal of the phenomenon under examination. Kim et al. (2017) explain that descriptive research describes the characteristics of a population, situation, or phenomenon. Often, it is used to identify patterns or trends within data or to provide a detailed overview of a situation or phenomenon. As noted by Doyle et al. (2020), qualitative descriptive research aims to capture the ‘who, what, and where’ of events or experiences from a subjective viewpoint. For instance, participants may be asked to recount a moment of significant joy, detailing the circumstances, emotions experienced, and their responses. In analyzing the collected data, Kim et al. (2017) outlined several key steps. First, researchers adopt a naturalistic perspective, observing the phenomenon in its natural setting. Second, they maintain flexibility in adhering to a specific theory or framework, allowing exploration of alternative paths. Third, data collection methods often involve individual or focus group interviews with semi-structured guides. Fourth, purposeful sampling techniques like maximum variation sampling are employed to ensure diverse insights. Fifth, thematic analysis identifies patterns within the data. Finally, the study findings are presented in straightforward, descriptive summaries for clarity.
           However, it’s critical to acknowledge both descriptive analysis’s strengths and limitations. Aggarwal & Ranganathan (2019) highlight its ability to offer a comprehensive overview of the research topic efficiently and affordably, with minimal ethical concerns in most cases. Descriptive analysis may struggle to establish causal relationships between variables and lack generalizability beyond the specific context and sample studied. Despite these limitations, descriptive research remains a valuable tool for understanding complex phenomena. By recognizing these strengths and limitations, researchers can ensure the validity and reliability of their findings, contributing to a deeper understanding of the subject matter.
Aggarwal, R., & Ranganathan, P. (2019). Study designs: Part 2 – Descriptive studies. Perspectives in clinical research, 10(1), 34–36.
BibleGateway. (n.d.). Galatians 6:7 (King James Version).
Doyle, L., McCabe, C., Keogh, B., Brady, A., & McCann, M. (2020). An overview of the qualitative descriptive design within nursing research. Journal of research in nursing : JRN, 25(5), 443–455.
Kim, H., Sefcik, J. S., & Bradway, C. (2017). Characteristics of Qualitative Descriptive Studies: A Systematic Review. Research in nursing & health, 40(1), 23–42.

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