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Home » Simulated Field Experience Reflections Template Video 1: Write the Name of the Video – Learning Walks: Structured Observation for Teachers

Simulated Field Experience Reflections Template Video 1: Write the Name of the Video – Learning Walks: Structured Observation for Teachers

CHS495V – Simulated Field Experience Capstone
CHS495V Simulated Field Experience Reflections Template
Video 1: Write the Name of the Video – Learning Walks: Structured Observation for Teachers

a. Main Point and why it is an important topic.
The main point of the video is about Learning Walks, a structured observation process for teachers at the University of Wyoming Lab School. The video emphasizes the significance of teachers going beyond their classroom walls to observe and learn from their peers. This practice helps in building a strong school community, fostering a shared vision, and promoting a culture of continuous learning.
b. How has the content of this video changed, confirmed, or inspired your thoughts?
The content of the video confirms the idea that collaborative professional development, such as Learning Walks, can be a powerful tool for teachers. It provides a valuable opportunity for educators to observe each other, share insights, and reflect on their teaching practices. The emphasis on continuous improvement and the exchange of ideas is inspiring and aligns with the notion that teaching is a dynamic and evolving profession.
c. Explain why you agree/disagree with a statement made in the video. Include the quote and the role of the quoted person (teacher, parent, director, etc.).
One statement in the video that resonates is Margaret’s remark about the importance of Learning Walks: “It’s amazing how when teachers go into classrooms, even if they’re different levels and different content areas from what they teach, what they can learn from each other.” I agree with this statement as it highlights the cross-disciplinary and cross-grade insights that teachers can gain through observation. As an observer, teachers can gather valuable ideas that may not be apparent within their own specific classroom context. Margaret, in her role as the principal, emphasizes the collaborative and inclusive nature of professional development, which is crucial for the overall growth of the teaching community.
Video 2: Write the Name of the Video – Starting Critical Thinking and Collaboration Early

a. Main Point and why it is an important topic.
The main point of the video is about fostering critical thinking and collaboration in kindergarten students, particularly through the practice of giving thoughtful feedback. The video emphasizes that engaging students in reflective practices and collaboration enhances their learning experience and contributes to the development of more elaborate and detailed end products. Early exposure to such practices sets a foundation for metacognitive skills and academic excellence.
b. Describe a classroom activity that you would plan to implement in your classroom that demonstrates the main concept discussed in this video. Would you use technology, a story, a book, a song or poem, a game, or an experiment? Would it take place indoors or out? Be specific with titles and/ or materials.
I would plan a classroom activity called “Gallery of Ideas” that aligns with the concept of giving thoughtful feedback and collaboration. This activity would take place indoors and involve various learning centers. For instance, if the theme is “Exploring Habitats,” each center would represent a different habitat.
· Learning centers representing different habitats (e.g., rainforest, desert, ocean).
· Artefacts or models related to each habitat created by students.
· Flipchart paper and markers.
Activity Steps:
· Center Exploration: Students explore different learning centers, creating artefacts or models related to the assigned habitat.
· Artefact Display: Each student selects one artefact to be displayed in the “Gallery of Ideas.”
· Gallery Observation: The class gathers around the gallery, silently observing each artefact. This step encourages the development of observation skills.
· Notice and Reflect: Students take turns expressing what they notice about each artefact. This step promotes reflection and critical thinking.
· Creator’s Explanation: The creator of each artefact explains their work to the class. This encourages students to articulate their thought process.
· Wondering Session: The class engages in a session where students ask questions about the artefacts. This step encourages inquiry and curiosity.
· Inspiring and Suggesting: Students provide ideas and suggestions for improvement or enhancement of the artefacts. This promotes collaboration and constructive feedback.
· Reflection and Improvement: Students reflect on the feedback received and consider how they can improve their artefact or apply new ideas. This step fosters a growth mindset.
c. Provide a specific classroom application of new knowledge gained from the video.
The video emphasizes the importance of metacognitive skills and collaboration in early education. After watching the video, I would implement regular “Feedback Fridays” in my classroom. On Fridays, students would bring in a project or piece of work they are proud of, and the class would engage in a structured feedback session similar to the one described in the video. This would not only reinforce the concepts of noticing, wondering, inspiring, and suggesting but also create a positive and collaborative classroom culture that supports continuous improvement.
Video 3: Write the Name of the Video – Engaging Families with Social and Emotional Learning Strategies

a. Main Point and why it is an important topic.
The main point of the video is about engaging families in social and emotional learning (SEL) strategies. Dr. Linda Darling-Hammond emphasizes the importance of creating healthy environments in all aspects of life to support learning. The video highlights the role of families in learning SEL skills as adults, which not only fosters a more peaceful and productive home environment but also reinforces the skills children are learning in school. Building a connection between home and school in this way contributes to the overall well-being and development of both parents and children.
b. Describe something that inspired you or caused you to want to learn more.
The idea of monthly family social-emotional learning lessons inspired me. Anna Parker, the 4th-grade teacher, mentions conducting these lessons to show parents the skills their children are learning in school. This strategy not only involves parents in their child’s education but also provides them with tools to support their child’s social and emotional development at home. The concept of explicitly teaching social and emotional skills to both children and adults is intriguing, and I would want to learn more about the specific activities and approaches used in these family lessons.
c. Connect something from the video to your experience or prior knowledge.
The emphasis on explicitly teaching social and emotional skills resonates with my prior knowledge and experience in education. I am familiar with the growing recognition of the importance of SEL in the academic and overall development of students. The video reinforces the idea that social and emotional learning is not only crucial within the school setting but should extend to the home environment as well. This aligns with the understanding that a holistic approach to education involves collaboration between educators and families to nurture a child’s emotional intelligence and well-being.

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