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Home » Research Question: Given the rise of automation and technological breakthroughs, how may Universal Basic Income (UBI) address job displacement and income inequality? Working Thesis Statement: Universal Basic Income presents a remedy to the problems brought about by automation and technological advancements, offering a safety net to individuals through an income irrespective of their job status.

Research Question: Given the rise of automation and technological breakthroughs, how may Universal Basic Income (UBI) address job displacement and income inequality? Working Thesis Statement: Universal Basic Income presents a remedy to the problems brought about by automation and technological advancements, offering a safety net to individuals through an income irrespective of their job status.





English II


Touchstone 1.2


March 4th, 2024


Universal Basic Income


Research Question: Given the rise of automation and technological breakthroughs, how may Universal Basic Income (UBI) address job displacement and income inequality? Working Thesis Statement: Universal Basic Income presents a remedy to the problems brought about by automation and technological advancements, offering a safety net to individuals through an income irrespective of their job status.




I. Working Thesis in the introduction: Universal Basic Income presents a remedy to the problems brought about by automation and technological advancements, offering a safety net to individuals through an income irrespective of their job status. This can mitigate job displacement and income inequality concerns in the rapidly transforming job market.


a. With automation on the rise, 25% of all U.S. jobs face susceptibility.


b. This has sparked concerns about widespread job displacement.


Source: Nova, 2019


II. Poverty Alleviation


a. UBI guarantees assistance to all citizens regardless of their employment status.


b. gives individuals the resources to meet their basic needs.


c. Streamlines social assistance programs, ensuring that support reaches those in need efficiently.


d. Serves as a foundation, for economic growth opportunities.


Source: Araujo, 2020 


Source: Thompson, 2020


Source: Nava, 2022


III. Adaptation to Automation


a. Acknowledges the challenges posed by automation and technological advancements.


b. Recognizes the potential for job displacement in traditional sectors.


c. Provides a safety net for individuals facing unemployment due to automation.


d. Provide time to invest in skill development


e. Alleviates economic anxiety associated with job uncertainty.


Source: Bichia, 2020


Source: Bohn, 2021


Source: Monteiro, 2023


Source: Baranes, 2020


IV. Streamlined Social Assistance


a. Can simplify social assistance


b. Eliminates the need for extensive bureaucratic processes


c. Efficient and equitable distribution of financial support


d. The simplicity of UBI allows for a more direct and immediate approach to supporting needy individuals.


Source: Davis, 2021


Source: Thompson, 2020


Source: Fleischer and Hemel, 2020


V. Counterargument


a. Opponents of UBI raise concerns about its economic feasibility.


b. The sheer cost of providing a regular income to all citizens poses a substantial financial burden on the national budget.


c. It could strain national budgets, leading to potential consequences such as increased taxation or reduced funding for essential public services.


Source: Afscharian et al., 2022


Source: De Wispelaere and Yemtsov, 2020


IV. Rebuttal


a. UBI could stimulate economic growth by encouraging increased consumer spending.


b. Individuals with a guaranteed income might feel more empowered to take risks.


c. Could lead to job creation, helping to offset the initial costs associated with the program.


Source: Jaimovich et al., 2022


Source: Ter-Minassian, 2020


VI. Conclusion


a. Universal Basic Income emerges as a potentially viable option to address the challenges of job displacement and income inequality caused by automation and technological advancements.


b. Source: Kelly, 2023


Reflection Questions


1. Learning to conduct research is important because it is a skill you will use both in academia and in your professional life. It improves critical thinking and empowers you to find information for yourself. Consider the process of researching as a whole. What was the most challenging aspect of the process for you? (2-3 sentences)


While doing the research, I noticed a substantial literature gap on UBI, which presented a formidable challenge during the research process. The scarcity of relevant sources required a more extensive and meticulous search, demanding a creative and resourceful approach to gather comprehensive insights on the topic.


2. The working thesis statement is a proposed answer to your research question. It should clearly identify a debatable topic and take a position on one side of that topic. Analyze the effectiveness of your working thesis statement.


The thesis statement effectively presents Universal Basic Income as a solution, to the issues arising from automation and technological progress. It addresses the core research question by taking an arguable stance. A detailed outline is an effective tool for laying out the progression of an argument. It allows you to consider the arrangement and organization of your ideas, as well as choose places to incorporate outside source materials. Review your detailed outline and summarize the argument you’ve presented.


The outline starts by highlighting the importance of dealing with job displacement issues caused by automation stressing the increasing risk to income equality. The subsequent sections examine the benefits of UBI, focusing on poverty alleviation, adaptation to automation, and streamlined social assistance supported by credible sources. The counterargument acknowledges concerns about UBI’s economic feasibility, but the rebuttal counters by emphasizing the potential for economic growth, entrepreneurship, and job creation. The conclusion reinforces UBI’s viability in addressing job displacement and income inequality, providing a comprehensive and well-supported overview of the argument.


3. You will use the same topic on three of the remaining Touchstones in this course. What kind of feedback would be helpful for you? What are specific questions you might have as you go deeper into the research process?


Any feedback on how to strengthen the logical flow and coherence of the argument would be helpful. Are there specific scholarly debates or ongoing discussions within the field of UBI that I should be aware of and consider in my research to ensure a comprehensive understanding of the topic? If yes, let me know.




Afscharian, D., Muliavka, V., Ostrowski, M. S., & Siegel, L. (2022). The State of the UBI Debate: Mapping the Arguments for and against UBI.  Basic Income Studies,  17(2), 213-237.


Araujo Duarte, F. (2020).  Universal basic income (Doctoral dissertation, KDI School).


Baranes, A. I. (2020). Automation, Financialization, and Institutional Change: Challenges for Progressive Policy.  Journal of Economic Issues,  54(2), 495-502.


Bichia, Q. (2020). Accelerated Automation and the Ecosystem of Adaptation to the Changes.  Globalization and Business,  5(10), 233-242.


Bohn, D. A. (2021).  The Socio-Economic Implications of Automation: NIT and UBI as Alternative Policy Responses (Doctoral dissertation).


Davis, E. (2021). Universal Basic Income: The Social Policy Upgrade for the Future, a Meta-Synthesis.


De Wispelaere, J., & Yemtsov, R. (2020). The political economy of universal basic income.  Exploring Universal Basic Income, 183.


Fleischer, M. P., & Hemel, D. (2020). The architecture of a basic income.  U. Chi. L. Rev.,  87, 625.


Jaimovich, N., Saporta-Eksten, I., Setty, O., & Yedid-Levi, Y. (2022). Universal basic income: Inspecting the mechanisms.


Kelly, L. (2023). Re-politicising the future of work: Automation anxieties, universal basic income, and the end of techno-optimism.  Journal of Sociology,  59(4), 828-843.


Monteiro, M. A. D. S. C. (2023).  The influence of automation in support for Universal Basic Income (Doctoral dissertation).


Nava, J. (2022). Making’Universal Basic Income’Universal: An Argument for Residency Based UBI over Citizenship Based UBI.  Geo. Immigr. LJ,  37, 139.


Nova, A. (2019, January 27). Automation threatening 25% of jobs in the US, especially the boring and repetitive' ones: Brookings study. CNBC.


Ter-Minassian, T. (2020). Financing a Universal Basic Income: A Primer.  Exploring Universal Basic Income, 153.


Thompson, M. (2020). Universal Basic Income as emergency measure and enduring reform.

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