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Home » Questions 1. In all three lectures, we discussed how religion and politics often overlapped and how that combination could be used to the advantage of both religious and political leaders to boost their power and authority over others. With this in mind, identify one example from each civilization (Byzantine, Islamic, and Germanic) when religion and politics overlapped.

Questions 1. In all three lectures, we discussed how religion and politics often overlapped and how that combination could be used to the advantage of both religious and political leaders to boost their power and authority over others. With this in mind, identify one example from each civilization (Byzantine, Islamic, and Germanic) when religion and politics overlapped.

Assignment: The Dynamic Duo- Politics and Religion




1. Review the transcripts for all three lectures:  Lecture 7A  Download Lecture 7A


,  Lecture 7B  Download Lecture 7B


, and  Lecture 7C  Download Lecture 7C


. Look specifically for where I discuss connections between politics and religion for each civilization (Byzantine, Islamic, and Germanic). 


2. After reviewing the lecture transcript, answer the questions listed below.  




1. In all three lectures, we discussed how religion and politics often overlapped and how that combination could be used to the advantage of both religious and political leaders to boost their power and authority over others. With this in mind,  identify one example from each civilization (Byzantine, Islamic, and Germanic) when religion and politics overlapped.




· This means that you will discuss a total of 3 examples in your answer (1 from each civilization). 


2. For each example (3 total), make sure that you fully and specifically describe the example (in your own words).






· Don’t assume that I know what you mean. Make sure to tell me which individuals were involved, how they used politics/religion, and why.


· You will likely need to write a separate paragraph for each example.








· For the Byzantine Empire, if you discuss an event like the Iconoclastic Controversy, make sure you fully explain why it happened and what it was in addition to which rulers started it and ended it.


· For the Islamic Civilization, if you discuss Muhammad as your example, make sure you explain where he became a political leader (in addition to a religious one) and how this helped him take charge of Mecca and Medina. If you instead discuss the Qu’ran, make sure to explain what exactly it included and how it served as both a political and religious tool for Islamic leaders starting with Muhammad.


· For the Germanic Kingdoms, if you discuss a specific ruler like Clovis or Charlemagne, make sure you explain specifically (be descriptive) how they used religion to further their goals. If you instead discuss the political roles of religious leaders, make sure you explain why they were given political responsibilities, in addition to what those political roles were. 


How to earn a good grade (and avoid earning a bad one)


Make sure to address all parts of the question fully. You may need to write a few sentences for each part. Write your answer in sentence form using good grammar and complete sentences. You may only use information from my lecture (no assigned reading this week). Using outside information (websites, other textbooks, other people, etc.) will result in a zero for the assignment. Please keep in mind that all answers go through a plagiarism checker. If you copy from another student, your assignment will receive a zero. Please contact me if you need any clarification about these directions.




Some Rubric (8)


Some Rubric (8)








This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeThe assignment correctly identifies and discusses a political/religious connection for the Byzantine Empire.


10 pts


Full Marks


4 pts


Half Marks


0 pts


No Marks


10 pts


This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeThe assignment correctly identifies and discusses a political/religious connection for the Islamic Civilization.


10 pts


Full Marks


4 pts


Half Marks


0 pts


No Marks


10 pts


This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeThe assignment correctly identifies and discusses a political/religious connection for the Germanic Kingdoms.


10 pts


Full Marks


4 pts


Half Marks


0 pts


No Marks


10 pts


This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeThe answer demonstrates good grammar, spelling, and clarity, including complete sentences.


5 pts


Full Marks


0 pts


No Marks


5 pts


Total Points: 35




This submission is heading in the right direction. You did a good job defining Athenian democracy, but for the Spartan oligarchy, you needed to explain that it was a type of government in which a small handful of elites made most of the government decisions. In addition, in response to #4, I would have liked you to have included more specific information. You might have mentioned that it was the outcome of the Persian War that encouraged the Athenians to make their government even more democratic. In addition, you might have given me the example of the Boule to demonstrate how the government included people regardless of social or economic class. GRADE: 22/30




Excellent work with this assignment! GRADE: 25/25




This answer is heading in the right direction, but I would have liked you to have offered more specific information about the 4 characteristics you identified. For the Neo-Assyrians, you needed to explain that assimilation was forced and they often did it through deportation (which they used on the Israelites). This would force conquered people to lose their identities over time and become Assyrian. For the Persians, I would have liked you to have explained why King Cyrus was nice and tolerant to the people he conquered and you might have given me an example of this- the Hebrews. For the Greeks, you needed to further discuss the democratic government of the Athenians and its different parts and how they worked together to allow citizens to participate actively. And for the Romans, would have liked you to have offered more information about what aqueducts were used for and what their roads were like- paved, slanted on either side, etc. GRADE: 34/50




This looks much better!


GRADE: 40/40

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