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Home » Narrative Note: Mr. Wales presented to the emergency department after falling approximately 10 feet from a ladder. Joe reports severe back pain rated at 10/10 on the pain scale and is observed to be diaphoretic and grimacing. Additionally, the patient’s pulse is noted to be above 100 beats per minute, indicative of tachycardia.

Narrative Note: Mr. Wales presented to the emergency department after falling approximately 10 feet from a ladder. Joe reports severe back pain rated at 10/10 on the pain scale and is observed to be diaphoretic and grimacing. Additionally, the patient’s pulse is noted to be above 100 beats per minute, indicative of tachycardia.

Narrative Note:
Mr. Wales presented to the emergency department after falling approximately 10 feet from a ladder. Joe reports severe back pain rated at 10/10 on the pain scale and is observed to be diaphoretic and grimacing. Additionally, the patient’s pulse is noted to be above 100 beats per minute, indicative of tachycardia.
Upon further assessment, the patient reports bilateral leg weakness and limited flexion at the waist, The patient denies any allergies and reports having taken 2 tablets of Motrin 200 mg one hour after the fall, without experiencing any relief. Joe Wales reports quit smoking one year ago. Joe spontaneously drinks 3 to 4 beers on weekends with her wife at home.
Vital signs at admission were as follows: BP 138/80 mm Hg, HR 112 beats per minute, Resp 24 breaths per minute, and oxygen saturation 98% on room air.
Physical examination reveals significant findings consistent with severe back pain. The patient requires assistance to sit on the examination table and clenches the jaw with position changes. Lower back support with hands is observed, and there is significant tenderness of the lumbar spine. The patient is unable to perform hip flexion/extension or spinal range of motion due to pain.
Abdominal examination reveals bowel sounds in all four quadrants, with a soft abdomen. The patient is voiding spontaneously, and urine appears clear with no sedimentation. Laboratory blood results are within normal range limits.
Imaging studies conducted in the emergency department show a herniated lumbar disc, which corresponds with the patient’s clinical presentation and symptoms.
Joe will be monitored closely in case of any changes.
Nurse: Yanai Gonzalez

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