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Home » Mrs. Maria begins the lesson by displaying a large chart titled “Understanding Place Value.” She explains that today, they will focus on understanding how to read and represent numbers up to 100 Students are seated at their desks paying attention to the teacher.

Mrs. Maria begins the lesson by displaying a large chart titled “Understanding Place Value.” She explains that today, they will focus on understanding how to read and represent numbers up to 100 Students are seated at their desks paying attention to the teacher.



Low-Inference Transcript


Student Name: Valentina Fedonyuk


Course Number: SEDN 683


Date 2/7/2024




Low-Inference Transcript


School: M.S. Sunshine


Date: 2/7/2024


Teacher: Mrs. Maria


Class/ Grade: 2th Grade ICT


Type: Math


Focus for the visit: Comprehension Strategies in Math


Focus Domain: Danielson Domain 3 – A


Time Teacher Students






Mrs. Maria begins the


lesson by displaying a large


chart titled “Understanding


Place Value.” She explains


that today, they will focus


on understanding how to


read and represent numbers


up to 100


Students are seated at their desks paying


attention to the teacher. One student raises


her hand and asks “What does the ‘hundred’


place mean?” Mrs. Maria responds by


saying, “That is an excellent question! The


handred’ place tells us how many groups of


one thousand we have in a number.”


02:50 Mrs. Maria distributes a worksheet


with various numbers written in


expanded form. She instructs the


Students start to work on their tasks


independently, using their notes and the


examples on the board as guides. As Mrs.




students to rewrite each number in


standard form.


Maria walks around the room, she talks to


each student separately. She gives advice and


explanations as needed.


03:00 Mrs. Maria presents a manipulative


math activity to strengthen her


understanding of place value. She


hands out base-ten blocks and


instructs students to construct


various numbers.


Students eagerly engage in the activity and


collaborate with their peers to build and


compare numbers. Mrs Maria walks around


the room, observing students’ progress and


facilitating discussions. She encourages


students to explain their thinking and justify


their choices




Mrs. Maria concludes the lesson by


reviewing key concepts and


inviting students to share their




Students participate in a closing discussion,


sharing their strategies for understanding


place value. Mrs. Maria praises students for


their participation and encourages them to


continue practicing their math skills.




Mrs. Maria demonstrates explicit


instruction by breaking down


complex concepts into manageable




Students are actively engaged in the lesson.


They demonstrate their understanding


through their participation and responses.


Mrs. Maria provides intensive instruction by


offering additional support to students


struggling with the material. Students


demonstrate metacognitive strategies by




reflecting on their learning and identifying


areas where they need extra practice.


Teacher Observation Critical Analysis


Aspect Analysis


Explicit Instruction (HLP 16) Mrs. Maria effectively breaks down complex place value


concepts into manageable steps. She also provides clear


explanations and examples for students to follow.


Cognitive and Metacognitive


Strategies (HLP 14)


Mrs. Maria encourages students to think critically about their


learning, asking probing questions and prompting them to


reflect on their understanding throughout the lesson.


Intensive Instruction (HLP 20) Mrs. Maria provides additional support to struggling


students, offering targeted interventions and scaffolding to


help them succeed.


Glow (What Went Well)


Mrs. Maria excelled in maintaining classroom order. She skillfully engaged students and


ensured their focus remained on the task throughout the lesson. Incorporating hands-on


manipulatives also proved highly effective in solidifying her understanding of place value


concepts. This fostered active participation and deeper learning among students. These strategies


facilitated a conducive learning environment and encouraged students to explore mathematical




concepts actively. This results in heightened engagement and comprehension (Kettler & Reddy,




Grow (Suggestions for Improvement)


There are several suggestions to enhance learning outcomes. First, Mrs. Maria could


expand student engagement by integrating more student-led discussions and peer collaboration.


This would facilitate deeper comprehension and involvement. She should also implement a


broader range of differentiation strategies tailored to address the diverse learning needs present


within the classroom. Doing this will enable her to effectively cater to individual learning styles


and abilities, thus ensuring that all students receive adequate support and opportunities for




Recommendations for Improvement


Two key recommendations are proposed to enhance instructional effectiveness. First,


implementing small group or individual conferencing sessions can offer personalized support


and feedback to students, addressing their specific learning needs. This approach allows


educators to tailor instruction to individual students, fostering a deeper understanding of


concepts (Shehab, 2019). Secondly, integrating formative assessment strategies is essential for


regularly assessing student progress and adjusting instructional methods accordingly. Instructors


can identify areas of improvement and adapt their teaching techniques to better meet the diverse


needs of their students by continuously monitoring student learning through formative


assessments (Takkoush, 2021). These recommendations aim to create a more inclusive and


dynamic learning environment, ultimately supporting student success and academic growth.






Kettler, R. J., & Reddy, L. A. (2019). Using Observational Assessment to Inform Professional


Development Decisions: Alternative Scoring for the Danielson Framework for Teaching.


Assessment for Effective Intervention, 44(2), 69–80.


Shehab, U. (2019). The effect of utilizing the Danielson framework for teaching on teachers’


perceptions of effective teaching.(c2019) (Doctoral dissertation, Lebanese American


University). DOI:


Takkoush, S. (2021). Teachers’ and Evaluators’ Perceptions of Teacher Effectiveness after the


Implementation of the Danielson Framework for Teaching (Doctoral dissertation,


Lebanese American University).

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