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Home » Ms. Bowen has been admitted to the Medical Unit with a diagnosis of Acute COPD exacerbation most likely caused by pneumonia. You are about to start your shift. You receive the following SBAR report.

Ms. Bowen has been admitted to the Medical Unit with a diagnosis of Acute COPD exacerbation most likely caused by pneumonia. You are about to start your shift. You receive the following SBAR report.

Katherine Bowen Part 2


NUR 130 AY 2023-24


Part 2 – Inpatient Care – 5 Points (see points)


Ms. Bowen has been admitted to the Medical Unit with a diagnosis of Acute COPD exacerbation most likely caused by pneumonia. You are about to start your shift.


You receive the following SBAR report.




Ms. Katherine Bowen presents to the Emergency Department (ED) complaining of a productive cough of green phlegm that started three days ago being admitted for Acute COPD exacerbation most likely caused by pneumonia.






Ms. Bowen has diagnosed Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and Anxiety. She has an allergy to sulfa medication.




Katherine, or Kate as she likes to be called, lives at home with her husband of 64 years Xander. They live alone independently though their two adult children live less than 30 minutes away. She is a retired elementary school teacher.


A- Assessment:




Alert & oriented to person, place, time and situation (x4)


Appears anxious and in distress






hot & dry


no edema


heart sounds regular – S1 S2


pulses strong, equal with palpation at radial/pedal/post-tibial landmarks


P: 113 (regular)


B/P: 154/89


Normal Saline (0.9% NS) running at 75 milliliters and hour




Dyspnea with use of accessory muscles,


breath sounds very diminished bilaterally anterior and posterior with scattered expiratory wheezing


barrel chest present


RR: 28 (labored)


Sats: 89% on 6 liters N/C




Abdomen soft/non-tender,


bowel sounds audible per auscultation in all 4 quadrants


Unknown when last BM or when last ate




Voiding without difficulty, urine clear / yellow




(Infectious Disease)


101.2 F / 38.4 C (oral)


Antibiotics have not been given.


Was on home antibiotics






Skin integrity intact


skin turgor elastic


no tenting


20 ga IV in her left forearm




Not diabetic






· Feelings of hopelessness


· Religious and close to her pastor that has visited


R- Review &




(“What’s the plan?”) .


· Goals


· Patient Education


· Discharge/Transfer Status


Next Page


Answer the following questions.


1. Look at the interpretation of both the EKG and the Chest X-ray and answer the questions below. (1 point)




A graph of a heart beat  Description automatically generated with medium confidence


Interpretation: Sinus Tachycardia


Chest X-ray =;source=PT;ttl=1662142849190;hash=w5518Cf7Pba8QPCKRaguxQ==&UserName=43d1ac73-2fe0-497b-b9a8-3bc50150d713


Interpretation: Left lower lobe infiltrate. Hypoventilation is present in both lung fields.


a) Why would the HCP order an EKG?


b) What is a lobe infiltrate?


What does hypoventilation in the Chest X-ray mean?


2. Using the medication and procedure orders below, fill out the chart regarding each order, rationale for the order and the expected outcome would be. (2 points)




Analyze Cues – Why is it being used?


Evaluated / Expected Outcome:


Albuterol-ipratropium 2.5 mg neb


Establish peripheral IV


Lorazepam 1 mg IV push every 6 hours as needed (PRN) for anxiety


Methylprednisolone 125 mg IV push


Levofloxacin 750 mg IVPB


Acetaminophen 1000 mg oral


Obtain blood cultures


Next Page


3. Prioritize the medications and orders in descending order. (Use the assumption that you are acting as the nurse alone without additional assistance) (2 points)


· Acetaminophen 1000 mg oral


· Albuterol-ipratropium 2.5 mg neb


· Establish peripheral IV


· Levofloxacin 750 mg IVPB


· Lorazepam 1 mg IV push every 6 hours as needed (PRN) for anxiety


· Methylprednisolone 125 mg IV push


· Obtain blood cultures


Order / Medication


Prioritized Order


Why is this order / medication being given in this order?


Why did you prioritize it this way?




















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