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Home » Did you find it beneficial to share experiences in the brainstorming process? Did working together help discover new ideas and refine points?

Did you find it beneficial to share experiences in the brainstorming process? Did working together help discover new ideas and refine points?

Assignment: Chapter 6 Reflect on Collaboration: Examining Causes and Effects


Did you find it beneficial to share experiences in the brainstorming process? Did working together help discover new ideas and refine points?


I found sharing experiences in the brainstorming process to be highly beneficial. Hearing different perspectives and ideas from my peers helped me to broaden my understanding of the topic and consider aspects that I may not have thought of on my own. Working together allowed us to build upon each other’s ideas and refine points collaboratively, resulting in a more comprehensive and well-rounded report.


By dividing the task into parts, were you able to devote more time and thought to completing a single section rather than the entire report?


Dividing the task into parts was also advantageous. It allowed us to focus our attention and effort on completing a single section thoroughly, rather than feeling overwhelmed by the prospect of completing the entire report at once.


Assignment: Chapter 7 Reflect on Collaboration: Comparing and Synthesizing

Did you find it beneficial to share experiences with others? Did others encounter situations you were unaware of? How did their experiences compare with yours? Did working together help select the best words or phrases for the comparison?


Sharing our experiences with each other while we worked together was very helpful. It not only helped me see things from different points of view and methods, but it also helped me find things I didn’t know about before. Hearing about other people’s experiences helped me see how their points of view compared to mine, showing how our understanding of the task at hand was both the same and different. It was also easier to choose the best words and sentences to compare when everyone worked together. Together, we talked about and argued about the pros and cons of each choice and finally chose the best words to accurately communicate our thoughts.


Did your group share the same recommendations? What does this reveal about remote work and learning?


When it came to recommendations, most of us in the group came to the same opinions. This shows that it is still possible to work together effectively, even though there are some problems with working and learning from home, like being physically far away and possibly having trouble communicating. It shows that faraway teams can work together and come to an agreement on important choices if they are honest with each other, have common goals, and are dedicated to doing so.


Assignment: Chapter 8 Reflect on Collaboration: Conducting Rhetorical Analysis


How did you react to the films that were featured in the reviews from your group? Were there any movies you definitely did or did not want to see? How did the reviews contribute to this reaction? What did the reviewers express that led to your reaction?


When I read the reviews that my group wrote, I had different feelings about the movies that were shown. Some pictures stood out to me as ones I had to see, while others I was sure I didn’t want to see. These responses were mostly caused by what was written in the reviews and how the writers felt about it. The reviews for the movies I really wanted to see talked about interesting plots, interesting personalities, and good general feelings. I was interested and excited to see the movies because of how much the critics loved and praised these parts of them. On the other hand, the reviews of the movies I didn’t want to see said they had bad plots, boring characters, or bad experiences all around. Because of the bad reviews, I decided not to see these movies because I didn’t think I would enjoy them or find them useful.


Assignment: Chapter 9 Reflect on Collaboration: Analyzing Literary Texts


What did you learn about the collaborative writing process by discussing the poem with others?


Did input from other students assist in prewriting and guiding you in completing your assigned paragraph?


Assignment: Chapter 10 Reflect on Collaboration: Evaluating and Reviewing


How did your reasons compare to your classmates? Were the lists more or less similar than you had expected? Why do you think that is?


My Topic: Teenagers and underage drinking


Car crashes, injuries, and fatalities; alcohol poisoning and other health issues; problems at school and home


How can underage driniking be prevented?


When do teenagers start drinking?


What problems result from underage drinking?


Where does the problem occur?


Who does underage drinking affect?


Why do teenagers drink?


Risk taking, peer pressure, hereditary factors, personality


How can underage driniking be prevented?


When do teenagers start drinking?


What problems result from underage drinking?


Where does the problem occur?


Who does underage drinking affect?


Why do teenagers drink?


Raise the price of alcohol; enforce zero-tolerance laws for underage drinkers; school- and family-based prevention programs


How can underage driniking be prevented?


When do teenagers start drinking?


What problems result from underage drinking?


Where does the problem occur?


Who does underage drinking affect?


Why do teenagers drink?


Teenagers, families, friends, strangers, the community


How can underage driniking be prevented?


When do teenagers start drinking?


What problems result from underage drinking?


Where does the problem occur?


Who does underage drinking affect?


Why do teenagers drink?


At parties, at friends’ houses, at school events


How can underage driniking be prevented?


When do teenagers start drinking?


What problems result from underage drinking?


Where does the problem occur?


Who does underage drinking affect?


Why do teenagers drink?


On average, around the age of 14


How can underage driniking be prevented?


When do teenagers start drinking?


What problems result from underage drinking?


Where does the problem occur?


Who does underage drinking affect?


Why do teenagers drink?


Assignment: Chapter 12 Reflect on Collaboration: Making Academic Arguments


Did you initially agree or disagree with the position you were assigned? How did the exercise of evaluating your position and the opposing one impact your thoughts on the topic?


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Assignment: Chapter 13 Reflect on Collaboration: Making Arguments in Public Discourse-ANSWER IN 125 WORDS

Do you agree with the position your group was assigned? If so, how did that impact your ability to complete this assignment? If not, what challenges did that present? If you have mixed feelings about the topic, what challenges did that present? Explain your reactions to these questions.


At first, I wasn’t sure how I felt about the role my group was given in the partnership on making cases in public conversation. Part of me agreed with the point of view, but another part had questions or different opinions. This mixed feeling made the task hard because I had to find a way to support a position I didn’t fully agree with while also recognizing the truth of other points of view. However, this struggle within myself also gave me a chance to think more deeply and critically. It made me think about things from different points of view, improve my understanding of the subject, and have helpful conversations with the other people in my group. I learned how hard public speaking is and how vital it is to enter fights with an open mind and a willingness to consider other perspectives.


Assignment: Chapter 14 Reflect on Collaboration: Presenting a Proposal ANSWER 125 WORDS


Imagine that you were chosen as the best proposal within the scenario for this activity. What would be the next step in putting this proposal into action? What would you need to consider when implementing this step and why would this be the logical place to start?


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If my proposal was picked as the best one for this activity, the next step would be to show it to the right people who make decisions or have a stake in the matter and ask them to approve it. Before putting it into action, I would have to think about a few things. I would have to make sure that the plan fits with the organization’s purpose, goals, and available funds. During the talk, I would answer any questions or concerns that might come up and give full explanations and solutions. Also, it’s important to get help and buy-in from key individuals or entities involved in the application process; it would ensure their support and approval for optimal implementation.

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