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CS6676 Project: Simulation of a network

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CS6676 Project: Simulation of a network
Total: 30 points (total 30% of the entire grade) -> Two projects
Objective: Creation of the your own network behaviors.
Through the Tic Toc Examples you have studied, you now have knowledge of
sending messages and replying messages to nodes in the network. You have to create
1) basic Send-Forward-Reply Simulation and 2) Multicast network simulation.
These two networks can be created with only using basic operations you have
learned and seen in the Tic Toc examples. Please go over other Tic Toc examples to
get hints of building two different network simulation.
Project 1 – 1): Send-Forward-Reply Simulation (10 points)
In this project you will create 5 nodes that are communicating. A message sent by
a node 0 can be only received by node 1. Node1 will forward the received message
to node 2. Node 2 will forward the message to node 3. Node 3 will be forwarding
the message to node 4. Node 4 will generate a reply message and send it to node 3.
0 1
Node 3 will forward it to node 2. Node 2 will forward the message to node 1. Node
1 will forward the message to node 0. The figure above is the example network
format. Note that network is not a circle. Node 4 CANNOT send message to node
0 directly. For full credit, you must submit you have to submit all of the
following files (If I do not have them all, I cannot run the program which will
lead to 0pts)
– .ini file
-.ned file files
-.msg files
Project 1 – 2): Screenshots (5 points)
Submit the screenshot of the working program
*Partial points will be given.
Project 2 – 1) Multicast (10 points)
This project aims to send multiple messages to multiple receiving nodes. Node 0
initiates send message. However, this time, it is sending 4 messages ‘AT THE
SAME TIME’ There is no forwarding message in this network. Nodes 1, 2, 3, 4
will send reply messages back to Node 0. You must show that it has received all 4
messages. For full credit, you must submit you have to submit all of the
following files (If I do not have them all, I cannot run the program which will
lead to 0pts)
– .ini file
-.ned file files
-.msg files
Project 2 – 2): Screenshots (5 points)
Submit the screenshot of the working program
*Partial points will be given.

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