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Building Professional Capacity Paper Role: You are the principal at your school.

Building Professional Capacity Paper
Role: You are the principal at your school.
Goal: To review the academic achievement data your assistant principal put together about an academic area where your school is currently struggling. You now want to use their findings to create an action plan to not only address the challenges, but you will focus specifically on building a professional development program to empower your staff building-wide to proactively address the root causes for this academic outcome.
Product: Create a 6–8-page (not counting the cover or reference pages) paper that synthesizes the data and findings from Assignment 2. Then create a professional development program to address the challenges identified in that analysis. However, given the root causes in it most likely are not limited to that one academic areas, you are going to implement this program building-wide. Integrate a minimum of five (5) peer-reviewed, scholarly sources of literature (2018-2023) to identify the current state of scholarship on this topic. Include the following components in the examination.
1. Synthesize the information you collected for Parts A and B of Assignment 2: Learning & Instruction. Include the analysis of students’ achievement data, issues related to curriculum alignment, and possible weaknesses of activities, assessments, and teachers’ instructional practices regarding cultural responsiveness and integration of technology.
2. Based on the synthesis, select and explain areas of weaknesses that could be addressed by designing a comprehensive, ongoing, professional development program.
3. Based on 1 and 2, design a comprehensive, ongoing, professional development program that offers teachers professional growth opportunities to promote school improvement and student success. The program should include:
4. Identification and description of staff leadership capability and selection of the staff who will collaborate with you in the implementation and evaluation of the program, describing a distribution of tasks that engages staff in leadership roles
5. The method of professional development you will use
6. The duration of the program and a rationale for it
7. The location where the program will be held
8. The content knowledge of the professional development program, including but not limited to cultural responsiveness and digital literacy
9. The learning activities that will constitute the program (name, participants, and step by step description)
10. The activities that will promote reflection and metacognition
11. The instructional resources that will be used to teach the content
12. The description of and links to the digital technology that will be used to teach the content and to evaluate the program
13. The strategies you, as a school principal, will use to supervise and support the program, and the resources you will allocate to support the program
14. The instruments to evaluate the program that includes actionable feedback to support improvement.
Assignment Outline
Synthesize achievement data analysis from Assignment 2
Describe areas of weaknesses that could be addressed by professional development
Building Capacity (Be sure to address all components listed in 1-14.)
Design a plan for professional growth
Identify leadership capabilities of staff
Describe distribution of tasks by staff members
Describe 3 or more digital technology tools to teach content
Develop system with strategies to promote improvement
Develop instruments to evaluate the program
Identify the role you will play as principal in supporting this initiative
Describe the evaluation system to assess the effectiveness of the program
Reflect on what you learned as a leader about the importance of understanding student achievement data in leading a school and providing focus for your instructional staff.
Other General Assignment Guidelines
Based on the guidelines outlined above, create a 6-8-page (not counting the cover or reference
pages) narrative essay that addresses and includes all bulleted points above. At a minimum, use the subheadings listed in the assignment to organize your paper
Select at a minimum five (5) peer-reviewed, scholarly sources of literature (2018-2023) to identify the current state of scholarship on your topic.
Include a Fischler College of Education APA 7 standard cover page fse_standard_format.pd f Download fse_standard_format.pdf
Include a properly formatted reference page/list, in APA 7 format, for all the research resources examined and included in the paper.
NELP Standard 7: Building Professional Capacity
Component 7.3: Program completers understand and have the capacity to personally engage in, as well as collaboratively engage school staff in, professional learning designed to promote reflection, cultural responsiveness, distributed leadership, digital literacy, school improvement, and student success.
Component 7.4: Program completers understand and have the capacity to evaluate, develop, and implement systems of supervision, support, and evaluation designed to promote school improvement and student success.

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