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Assignment 4: CEO Meeting Managing Conflicts and Confidences

JWI 522: Strategic Partnering with the C-Suite Assignment 4
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Assignment 4: CEO Meeting Managing Conflicts and Confidences Due: Sunday, Midnight of Week 9 (15% of total grade) Overview HR leaders frequently find themselves in situations that require tact and diplomacy. While most business decisions can be made in a manner that manages potential conflicts, occasionally, there are serious ethical and legal challenges to be navigated. C-Suite leaders must be able to address situations that do not have an obviously “right” solution, that involve power struggles and confidences, and that involve conflicting needs of multiple individuals and groups across the business.
HR leaders must understand the dual role they play, as advocates for employees and as strategic partners to the C-Suite. Having a seat at the table frequently requires a nuanced approach to conflict management, while still requiring a clear message to business leaders. HR leaders also need to know when to bring a problem to the CEO, and when the issue should be dealt with at a lower level. Scenario
Read the Assignment 4 Scenario Document provide in your course: it presents a complex ethical and potentially legal challenge. Information has surfaced that may involve an ethical and/or legal violation, but a fellow employee has asked you to keep it confidential. While the discussion with your coworker was after hours and private, due to the potential gravity of the situation, you determine you must address this with the CEO. You have made an appointment to meet with the CEO and are preparing for your meeting. Instructions
Remember that a CEO is a busy person, so you must be concise. Plan for 5 minutes speaking directly to the CEO in his or her office. There will be no time for you to show a PowerPoint or present any visuals. Prepare by making notes that outline your communication, including a short description of the ethical or legal challenge from the scenario, clearly stated recommendations, and the rationale for your ideas. Your communication must include the following:
• Explanation of the problem, including any legal issues or regulations involved • Likely impacts on major stakeholder groups • Outline of proposed actions • Risk-reward assessment based on the actions proposed • Communication plan to inform employees and the public about the problem and response
Organize your presentation as you wish, but you should imagine yourself walking into the CEO’s office, closing the door and beginning your conversation with, “Something important has just come to my attention that I need to discuss with you…”
JWI 522: Strategic Partnering with the C-Suite Assignment 4
© Strayer University. All Rights Reserved. This document contains Strayer University confidential and proprietary information and may not be copied, further distributed, or otherwise disclosed, in whole or in part, without the expressed written permission of Strayer University. This document is subject to change based on the needs of the class. JWI 522 – Assignment 4 (1236) Page 2 of 3
Submission Requirements
• Assignment is submitted as a video presentation using Zoom. • The presentation lasts no more than 5 minutes.
• No slide deck or visuals are used. • All required elements are covered, as indicated in the assignment instructions.
JWI 522: Strategic Partnering with the C-Suite Assignment 4
© Strayer University. All Rights Reserved. This document contains Strayer University confidential and proprietary information and may not be copied, further distributed, or otherwise disclosed, in whole or in part, without the expressed written permission of Strayer University. This document is subject to change based on the needs of the class. JWI 522 – Assignment 4 (1236) Page 3 of 3
RUBRIC: Assignment 4
CRITERIA Honors High Pass Pass Low Pass Unsatisfactory
1. Synopsis of Problem Weight: 20%
Presented a clear synopsis and was confident and informed about what information would be shared and why, and included confirmation the CHRO will handle it.
Very good opening to the meeting; confident, clear and succinct while still providing the right level of detail.
Good, but basic presentation of the problem. Failed to adequately frame the context and implications.
Synopsis was vague on how information was obtained and/or took too much (or too little) time to summarize the circumstances.
Unclear or missing explanation of the reason for the meeting and the intended outcome.
2. Explanation of Impact on Stakeholders Weight: 20%
Excellent explanation of impact on all stakeholder groups; demonstrated empathy for collateral damage while demonstrating deep understanding of corporate responsibility.
Very good explanation of impact on all stakeholder groups; demonstrated empathy for collateral damage while balancing this against corporate responsibility.
Good explanation of impact on two or more stakeholder groups; basic insight into repercussions and/or empathy for collateral damage and impact on the business.
Presented basic explanation of impact on one stakeholder group; lacked insight into repercussions and/or empathy for collateral damage to others.
No explanation of impact on stakeholders or only superficial reference to seriousness of problem.
3. Outline of Proposed Actions Weight 20%
Plan of action was exemplary. Demonstrated deep understanding of the impact and the actions needed to address each issue.
Very good plan of action. The right level of detail to demonstrate that it has been well thought out but not too much detail for the CEO.
Good proposal for actions; some detail missing on timelines and actions and/or imbalance with some details emphasized too much and others not enough.
Solution was provided, but was basic with little insight into the complexities or was vague in terms of ownership and timelines.
No plan presented and/or; CEO was left with a problem and no solution.
4. Risk-Reward Evaluation Based on Alternatives Being Considered Weight: 20%
Briefing presented an excellent, well- informed and succinct synopsis of risk and reward and delivered the alternatives in a clear and concise manner that was balanced.
Very good presentation of risk- reward and clear summary of and concise consideration of alternatives and options.
Risk-reward evaluation was adequate, but was not sufficiently focused and/or failed to address key elements of potential impact.
Rudimentary presentation of risk- reward of alternatives, but little more than generalities.
No explanation of upside or downside potential of alternatives.
5. Communication Plan Weight: 20%
Communication plan was excellent and very thorough; demonstrated control over the situation; ownership and timelines and consideration of all stakeholders.
Communication plan was well-formed; addressed all key stakeholders and had action items, timelines and ownership.
Communication plan contained basic components and addressed all impacted groups.
Communication plan was basic, but did not address one or more impacted groups.
No communication plan presented and/or plan was vague lacking details on timelines and specific actions.

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