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Explain the key aspects of achievement.

This assignment supports the following unit objectives:
· Explain the key aspects of achievement.
Assignment Overview This application assignment has you focus on achievement styles Deliverables A Word document in 12-point font, double spacing, APA citations (including a title and reference page), and utilizes paragraph format with complete sentences.  This assignment should also respond to the following questions thoroughly and thoughtfully. Activity Details Perform the following tasks:
Step 1: Achievement Styles Questionnaire Activity
For each of the following scales, record a 0 if the style is atypical of you, a 1 if you occasionally use the style, a 2 if you believe you are average in this pattern, and a 3 if you think you use the particular style often. After rating the substyles, go back and rank the three major styles (direct, instrumental, and relational) from 1 (most typical for you) to 3 (least typical for you).
_____ Direct style: I like to achieve and accomplish tasks by my own efforts.
_____ Intrinsic substyle: I tend to compare myself to some standard of performance excellence. For example, I am satisfied with A’s and B’s and would like to make the dean’s list. I like to see “well written” on a paper I have done. I try to do work that meets the high standards set by my boss.
_____ Competitive substyle: I tend to express achievement by trying to do better than others do. For example, I like to get grades that are higher than other students in the class. It is as important to win an athletic competition as it is to do well. I like to hear that my ideas are better than others.
_____ Power substyle: I like to be in charge of and have control over others in order to accomplish achievement goals. For example, I would like to organize and lead a study group in order to improve my grades. I would like to be chairperson of a student organization. I would like a career in management or another area in which I am in charge of other personnel.
_____ Instrumental style: I tend to use myself and others as a way to meet my goals.
_____ Personal substyle: I often achieve by making use of my status, influence, reputation, and personal characteristics. For example, I try to dress for success in order to make a good impression on the people with whom I work. I would like to earn a doctorate degree because I think I would be better able to meet my goals if I could sign Ph.D. after my name. I would like to be on the dean’s list or an officer in state organizations because this would help me achieve more.
_____ Social substyle: I tend to use networking to achieve my goals. For example, I plan to join a fraternity or sorority because other members can provide lifelong social and career connections. I think it is important to belong to lots of organizations, because you meet people who are able to help you get things accomplished. I try to associate socially with people I admire, and with whom I hope to work.
_____ Reliant substyle: I tend to achieve by depending on others for direction. For example, before studying or writing papers, I usually ask instructors and classmates what I should do, and how I should do it. I think it’s important to get lots of input and feedback from others in order to know how to work on a task correctly. I often get advice on what to do from others rather than deciding goals by myself.
_____ Relational style: I tend to achieve by contributing to the accomplishments of others.
_____ Collaborative substyle: I tend to achieve through group effort that includes the sharing of both responsibility and credit. For example, I prefer classes in which projects are done in small groups with shared responsibilities and a common grade. I would rather co-author a paper than write alone. I like working on issues with a group of peers.
_____ Contributory substyle: I tend to play a secondary role of helping others to achieve. For example, I would be willing to work and financially support a spouse while he or she went to college. I like to offer suggestions in committees, but I would not enjoy being the chairperson of the committee. I would enjoy playing supportive roles in arenas such as politics and charitable organizations.
_____ Vicarious substyle: I tend to satisfy my own achievement needs by identifying with the success of other persons who are important to me. For example, I get a lot of school pride when our athletic teams win. I would just as soon help my offspring to accomplish something important than to achieve that accomplishment myself. It is satisfying to see a co-worker have great success. I feel like I can identify with the co-worker’s achievements.
When you are finished with your rankings, discuss the following questions:
1. How do you feel about your individual pattern? 2. Are you able to work on achievement in ways that are satisfying to you? 3. How would you change school, work, and family situations to better fit your needs? 4. Have you chosen career goals that will enable you to achieve in ways that fit your pattern? 5. What kinds of changes would you like to make in your achievement style? 6. What kinds of changes in your achievement style have occurred over your life so far? 7. Regardless of your current achievement style, which substyle do you wish was your most prominent style? 8. Can you identify achievement styles of your family members? 9. Can you identify achievement styles of your friends? 10. Do you have similar or dissimilar styles to family and friends? 11. How do you think cultural and worldwide influences affect the prominence of different types of achievement styles from generation to generation?
Step 2: Read through your Textbook, Web Resources, and Other Supplemental Resources to Answer the Questions. As you answer the questions, make sure you utilize paragraph format as well as APA guidelines. If you use references, make sure to cite those as well.
Step 3: Look over your Assignment for Spelling or Grammar Errors. It is always a good idea to proofread your work prior to submission. Take this time to read over your assignment and make sure you have thoroughly and thoughtfully explained your answers to the questions listed above.
Step 4: Make sure to put your assignment in a Word document (12-point font) and clearly label it with the information from the Step 5 example.

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