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Home » 1. Identify and describe two (2) factors that affect reliability coefficients. Be sure to define reliability coefficient in your answer before explaining how the two factors affect reliability coefficients.

1. Identify and describe two (2) factors that affect reliability coefficients. Be sure to define reliability coefficient in your answer before explaining how the two factors affect reliability coefficients.

1. Identify and describe two (2) factors that affect reliability coefficients. Be sure to define reliability coefficient in your answer before explaining how the two factors affect reliability coefficients.
2. What is the test-retest method of estimating reliability? Describe the type of study that would be needed to find evidence of test-retest reliability. When is this method best used? When should it not be used?
3. Fully explain the relationship between reliability and validity.
4. Identify the steps of a criterion-related validation study. Be sure to define criterion-related validity in your answer.
5. Define standard error of measurement. Describe its relationship to confidence intervals (you will need to define confidence intervals in your answer)
6. What is restriction of range? What is its effect on the validity coefficient? Provide an example of this concept
7. Messick (1995) suggested that the traditional view of construct is fragmented and proposed a unified and expanded concept of construct validity: Briefly describe the problems that he identified with the traditional view of construct validity. (Note that you will first need to briefly describe the traditional view.) Identify and fully describe four (4) of the six aspects of Messick’s view of construct validity, that highlight the central issues he identified. Finally, describe Messick’s (1995) unified validity framework and its four classification types (i.e., the progressive matrix). Using examples is helpful.
8. For the following situation, consider the type of inference that the test user desires to make from the test score and indicate the type of validation study that would be most appropriate (content, criterion-related predictive, criterion-related concurrent, or construct): An observational rating scale is being developed to rate the classroom performance of first-year teachers, and experienced classroom teachers are asked to examine the items on the rating scale to see if they are relevant to effective performance.
9. Identify and describe two (2) problems that can affect the results of a criterion-related validity study.
10. A psychologist has been studying delayed recall of certain words using a new memory measure. On this measure, she has found that the distribution follows a normal curve. Using the normal curve table (provided on Canvas), what percentage of students have z-scores below -1.12?
11. There is a 0.66 correlation between the number of movies that Nicolas Cage appeared in and the number of people who drowned in a pool. How much of the variance in the relationship between these two variables is accounted for?

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