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Home » 1. A park ranger wanted to measure the height of a tall tree. The ranger stood 9.50 m from the base of the tree; and he observed that his line of sight made an angle of 65.2° above the horizontal as he looked at the top of the tree. The park ranger’s eyes are 1.80 m above the ground. What is the height of the tree? A) 5.84 m B) 8.77 m C) 11.7 m D) 17.3 m E) 22.4 m

1. A park ranger wanted to measure the height of a tall tree. The ranger stood 9.50 m from the base of the tree; and he observed that his line of sight made an angle of 65.2° above the horizontal as he looked at the top of the tree. The park ranger’s eyes are 1.80 m above the ground. What is the height of the tree? A) 5.84 m B) 8.77 m C) 11.7 m D) 17.3 m E) 22.4 m

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1. A park ranger wanted to measure the height of a tall tree. The ranger stood 9.50 m from the base of the tree; and he observed that


his line of sight made an angle of 65.2° above the horizontal as he looked at the top of the tree. The park ranger’s eyes are 1.80 m


above the ground. What is the height of the tree?


A) 5.84 m


B) 8.77 m


C) 11.7 m


D) 17.3 m


E) 22.4 m


2. A toolbox is carried from the base of a ladder at point A as shown in the figure. The toolbox comes to a rest on a scaffold 5.0 m


above the ground. What is the magnitude of the displacement of the toolbox in its movement from point A to point B?


A) 15 m


B) 19 m


C) 8.1 m


D) 11 m


E) 13 m


3. A delivery truck leaves a warehouse and travels 2.60 km north. The truck makes a left turn and travels 1.25 km west before


making another right turn to travel 1.40 km north to arrive at its destination. What is the magnitude and direction of the truck’s


displacement from the warehouse?


A) 4.00 km, 18.2° north of west


B) 5.25 km, 59.8° north of west


C) 6.33 km, 70.2° north of west


D) 3.40 km, 55.0° north of west


E) 4.19 km, 72.6° north of west


4. A car travels due east at 22 m/s. It makes a turn due south and continues to travel at 22 m/s.


What is the change in velocity of the car?


A) 22 m/s, due east


B) 22 m/s, due south


C) 31 m/s, 45° south of west


D) 31 m/s, 45° south of east


E) zero m/s


During a one-hour trip, a small boat travels 80.0 km north and then travels 60.0 km east.


5. What is the boat’s displacement for the one-hour trip?


A) 20 km


B) 100 km


C) 140 km


D) 280 km


E) 10 000 km


6. What is the boat’s average speed during the one-hour trip?


A) 20 km/h


B) 100 km/h


C) 140 km/h


D) 280 km/h


E) 10 000 km/h


7. What is the magnitude of the boat’s average velocity for the one-hour trip?


A) 20 km/h


B) 100 km/h


C) 140 km/h


D) 10 000 km/h


E) 20 000 km/h


8. What is the direction of the boat’s average velocity for the one-hour trip?


A) due east


B) 36.9° north of east


C) 41.7° north of east


D) 49.2° north of east


E) 53.1° north of east


9. An eagle is flying due east at 8.9 m/s carrying a gopher in its talons. The gopher manages to break free at a height of 12 m. What


is the magnitude of the gopher’s velocity as it reaches the ground? Note: effects of air resistance are not included in this calculation.


A) 22 m/s


B) 18 m/s


C) 11 m/s


D) 9.8 m/s


E) 8.9 m/s


10. A football is kicked at an angle  with respect to the horizontal. Which one of the following statements best describes the


acceleration of the football during this event if air resistance is neglected?


A) The acceleration is zero m/s2 at all times.


B) The acceleration is 9.8 m/s2 at all times.


C) The acceleration is zero m/s2 when the football has reached the highest point in its trajectory.


D) The acceleration is positive as the football rises, and it is negative as the football falls.


E) The acceleration starts at 9.8 m/s2 and drops to some constant lower value as the ball approaches the ground.


11. A baseball is hit upward and travels along a parabolic arc before it strikes the ground. Which one of the following statements is


necessarily true?


A) The acceleration of the ball decreases as the ball moves upward.


B) The velocity of the ball is zero m/s when the ball is at the highest point in the arc.


C) The acceleration of the ball is zero m/s2 when the ball is at the highest point in the arc.


D) The x-component of the velocity of the ball is the same throughout the ball’s flight.


E) The velocity of the ball is a maximum when the ball is at the highest point in the arc.


12. A tennis ball is thrown from ground level with velocity 0v directed 30° above the horizontal. If it takes the ball 0.5 s to reach the


top of its trajectory, what is the magnitude of the initial velocity?


A) 4.9 m/s


B) 9.8 m/s


C) 11.3 m/s


D) 19.6 m/s


E) 34.4 m/s


A projectile is fired at an angle of 55.0° above the horizontal with an initial speed of 35.0 m/s.


13. What is the magnitude of the horizontal component of the projectile’s displacement at the end of 2 s?


A) 30 m


B) 40 m


C) 10 m


D) 20 m


E) 50 m


14. How long does it take the projectile to reach the highest point in its trajectory?


A) 1.5 s


B) 2.4 s


C) 4.0 s


D) 6.2 s


E) 9.8 s


A projectile fired from a gun has initial horizontal and vertical components of velocity equal to 30 m/s and 40 m/s, respectively.


15. Determine the initial speed of the projectile.


A) 40 m/s


B) 50 m/s


C) 60 m/s


D) 70 m/s


E) 80 m/s


16. At what angle is the projectile fired (measured with respect to the horizontal)?


A) 37°


B) 40°


C) 45°


D) 53°


E) 60°


17. Approximately how long does it take the projectile to reach the highest point in its trajectory?


A) 1 s


B) 2 s


C) 4 s


D) 8 s


E) 16 s


18. What is the speed of the projectile when it is at the highest point in its trajectory?


A) 0 m/s


B) 20 m/s


C) 30 m/s


D) 40 m/s


E) 50 m/s


19. What is the magnitude of the projectile’s velocity just before it strikes the ground?


A) zero m/s


B) 9.8 m/s


C) 30 m/s


D) 40 m/s


E) 50 m/s


20. A quarterback throws a pass at an angle of 35° above the horizontal with an initial speed of 25 m/s. The ball is caught by the


receiver 2.55 seconds later. Determine the distance the ball was thrown.


A) 13 m


B) 18 m


C) 36 m


D) 52 m


E) 72 m

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