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Home » 1). For Paper I and Paper II, where (and why!) did you lose the most points? For example, did you lose the most points based on writing quality, APA formatting, not fully describing the materials/articles, turning in the paper late, etc. Write a separate answer for Papers I and II. 2). What was the best piece of advice you received in your feedback in each paper, and what made this significant (or important) for you? What advice (if any) did you disagree with, and why?

1). For Paper I and Paper II, where (and why!) did you lose the most points? For example, did you lose the most points based on writing quality, APA formatting, not fully describing the materials/articles, turning in the paper late, etc. Write a separate answer for Papers I and II. 2). What was the best piece of advice you received in your feedback in each paper, and what made this significant (or important) for you? What advice (if any) did you disagree with, and why?

Papers I and II Feedback Assignment #6
Instructions: Your instructors work hard to give you some good feedback on your Papers I and II in this class. Answer the following questions with regard to Papers I and II and how you will use your instructor’s feedback to make sure Paper III is the best it can be! There are no correct answers, so we will grade your answers based on the depth of your understanding of the feedback and the extent to which strategies for using the feedback are realistic.
Note that there are no perfect papers right now, if ever! Even published papers could probably use a little revision. Thus, all students can improve their papers, even if they received a high grade! Further note that you cannot complete this short assignment and get the points unless you look over your graded Papers I and II. Finally, note that I am looking for 1 to 3 sentence answers for each of the following questions, but feel free to write more. Sometimes reflecting on your work (as these questions ask you to do) can help prompt you to think about ways to improve your papers (in terms of methods, writing, or APA formatting). (0.5points per question)
1). For Paper I and Paper II, where (and why!) did you lose the most points? For example, did you lose the most points based on writing quality, APA formatting, not fully describing the materials/articles, turning in the paper late, etc. Write a separate answer for Papers I and II.
2). What was the best piece of advice you received in your feedback in each paper, and what made this significant (or important) for you? What advice (if any) did you disagree with, and why?
3). What specifically will you do differently as you prepare to write Paper III? For example, will you visit your instructor’s office hours, make an appointment with the writing center, make sure you check “yes” to everything on the paper checklist, look over the example paper, or read aloud other elements of your paper to make sure the writing is smooth and easy to read, etc.? You can do multiple things, of course, but make sure to follow-through with your strategies!
4). If you could change one thing about your Paper I that would make it better, what would it be? How will you use that as you revise Paper I for Paper III? What about Paper II? How could you change Paper II to make it better for its inclusion in Paper III?
5). What connections should there be between the methods and results sections from Paper II? Sometimes students have no idea what I mean here, but keep in mind that there is a big connection between what you describe in the methods section and what you look at in the results section. Think about that connection.
6). Look carefully at your use of APA format for your in-text citations and references in Paper I (and Paper II you cited in that paper). Did you have any APA errors? If so, is there an error you seemed to make more than once? Are there any comments your grader made about your APA formatting that surprised you? What changes to you think are necessary as you revise your papers for Paper III? Write 1-2 sentences commenting on your analysis and/or what you intend to do with regard to APA formatting in future papers (e.g., “I will review the APA formatting powerpoint and make any changes as needed,” or “Everything seemed fine to me already” or “I’ll visit APA formatting websites like the Owl Purdue site to make sure my APA format is correct). 7). Now, carefully examine your papers for specific language/editing issues. I want you to focus on at least one to three writing issues that you are now aware of—either issues that your grader mentioned in your paper feedback on your previous papers and/or issues you know you struggle with.  Again, write a 1-2 sentence analysis that specifies what you looked for, what you found, and how you plan to make changes for those writing issues as you revise for future papers.
8). Before you turned in Paper I, you completed the “Read Aloud Assignment” where you read the first page of your paper to another person and received some feedback from them. I want you to do that again for a new section of either Paper I or Paper II. If you like, you can re-read the first page of your Paper I aloud again to see if the changes you made seem to improve the flow and content of that page, but I’d prefer you take a different section of your paper. Take notes on any changes you make while reading aloud. If you want, return to the Short Lab Assignment #4 instructions and ask your listener to once again give you rating feedback on this follow-up read aloud activity. Write 1-2 sentences about what you learned from doing this and the types of things you changed, if any (e.g., “I found missing words”; “I found typos”; “I realized some of my sentences were too long & wordy”; “I realized my paper is already perfect”; etc.).
9). I want you to give me some information into what it feels like writing papers for this course. Do you find writing for this course easy or hard? What would make it easier for you? What tools do you find most useful in the course (e.g. the example papers, the paper instructions, the grade rubrics, the paper checklists, the paper clinics, etc.). Can you think of any tools not already available that you think would be beneficial for either you or for future semesters?
10). Finally, do you have any specific questions about either language or APA format that you want to raise in class or ask me individually? List them here.  If not, say “None.”

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