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The Book of Delights Literary Analysis

The Book of Delights Literary Analysis  ENG 101  2022-23
Choose one of the prompts below to answer with regard to WKCTC’s One Book Read, The Book of Delights by Ross Gay.  The literary analysis should be 3-5 pages in length, and SHOULD NOT use first or second person point of view (NO I, me, us, we, our, my, you, your).  You are analyzing the author’s purpose or something about how or why he did what he did in the text, so YOU are not talking about your opinion of it.  You are EVALUATING to text.  Look up that word if you are unsure of its meaning.  It should include a minimum of three quotes from the text properly embedded into your text and serving as evidence/proof of your claim. Your paper should be focused on your argument/claim throughout, employing well-chosen transitions and effectively written topic sentences.  It should include a properly formatted Works Cited page.  There are samples and examples posted in Blackboard for your perusal.
1. In one book review of this text, a reader stated, “If you like rambling streams of unedited consciousness, then you might find this book delightful.”  Another commented, “I am so disappointed. The premise was so promising: Ross Gay tasked himself with writing one essay every day about something delightful.  His plan was to write quickly, using pen and ink.  I don’t think the word “delight” means what the author thinks it means”.  
Choose 3-4 essays and challenge or support the reviewers’ opinions.  Is all of the 
subject matter “delightful”?  Does the language and style prevent the reader from being 
delighted? Is the author trying too hard?  Support your stance with reasons backed by 
clear and relevant examples which show depth of thought and analysis.
2. Francis Bacon, English philosopher and statesman (1561-1626), once said, “Some books should be tasted, some devoured, but only a few should be chewed and digested thoroughly.”  In which category does The Books of Delights belong?  Support your stance with reasons, clear and relevant examples, thoughtful reflection, and thorough analysis.
3. After having read the book in its entirety, would you recommend it to your friends?  Carefully analyze your response to the text. Consider your reasons for or against recommendation, and support your stance with clear and relevant examples from the pieces included in the overall text.
4. In Ross’ introduction, he mentions that over the course of writing this book, one pattern that emerged is he discovered his “life to be more full of delight.”  Did reading this book help you to discover you had more delight in your life than you thought?  Reflect  on your reactions as you read the book.  Choose 3-4 essayettes that helped you to recognize the joy and delight in your own life, and showcase the how and why of this self-discovery. Provide an explanation as to the How and Why of your revelation.  This is the sole essay where you may use a first person point of view since it includes examples of joy in YOUR life as a result of reading this text.
5. There are several themes or patterns in subject matter throughout this collection of daily essays.  Choose one theme that especially spoke to you as you read, and discuss the theme as it applies to 3-4 essays in the text.  How or Why is the theme prevalent in Gay’s life? In what ways does the theme convey a deeper meaning to the reader?  How does the theme illustrate delight in life?  Support your claim with clear reasons and relevant examples from the text.
6. Choose a topic of your own, but be sure to get it approved by your instructor before you begin your writing journey!

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