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My Development Journal

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Think back to your elementary and junior high years. How would you describe your social competence and friendships?
Body image is an important part of your self-esteem and is especially true during adolescence. Because of the rapid changes taking place, many adolescents are dissatisfied with their bodies. Think back to high school. How did you feel about your body? Try to imagine yourself on a typical day in high school. Compared to others, how did you feel about your: height, weight, breasts, muscles, ears, hips, legs, nose, hair, eyes, face, clothes, posture, nails, athletic ability, skin, teeth, smile, sexuality, and overall body? How do you think these early adolescent feelings have affected how you feel about yourself now?
Now reflect on your adulthood experience. How do your feelings now contrast with your experiences in high school? How are your attitudes the same or different? How are your relationships the same or different? Do you plan to get married or are you already married or in a relationship? Do you have any children?
What are your goals? When did you decide to go to college and why did you choose this college? Is this your first time in college? What difficulties are you experiencing? Is college like what you expected it to be; how is it different?
(between 400-600 words) that describes your experiences through life.
My Development Journal
Social competence refers to skills that are required in helping people get along with others. These skills include respecting and expressing appreciation for others, being able to work well with others including the sharing of information, being able to behave according to social norms, and being able to resolve conflicts. In my junior high years, what influenced my relationships with other students were factors such as similarities in attitudes, expectations that the other person will be positive towards me, proximity, availability, accessibility, and their ability to reciprocate. The types of relationships I managed to build in my junior high years were a mixture of normal friendships, acquaintances, romantic relationships, and family relationships. Most of my relationships had strong ties which reflect back to my character of being a caregiver as it made me get attached to people whom I considered to be my friends. One other character trait that I have is being an extrovert and it gave me the opportunity to formulate very many different relationships with people. 
In high school, I was in my adolescent stage where human beings experience rapid bodily transformations which is a normal process of growth. The problem is that, at this phase in life, I had started maturing and could notice various things in other people. The changes included growing beards and growing tall or fat among others. These changes at some point made me feel very uncomfortable, for instance, when I noticed some of the boys in school were taller and seemed healthier than I was. One major thing that contributed greatly to being cautious about my appearance was when I started developing crushes on other girls in school; this made me go to extremes to try and look neat and presentable in order to attract my crushes. I was not satisfied with my own body at that time and it was why I picked rugby as a sport because I knew it will help me add more muscles and at the same time gain weight. The random and rapid changes in my body made me end up venturing into things that were never on my bucket list, I even had to change the way I dress with the aim of impressing my crushes, other times I tried changing my body posture to emulate a person who is confident or even change the way I walk. 
The feelings I had when I was growing up shaped the person that I am today, but the difference is that my level of maturity has increased just the same way I have gotten more responsibilities than I used to have. At that time I was fully dependent on my family and more so, parents and my only focus was to go to school, acquire knowledge and think about future careers, the rest of my free time was meant to socialize and exercise as much as I could. At my age right now, there are things that do not seem to bother me such as appearances, but this does not mean I am not well-groomed or am careless in the way I handle things. On the contrary, one particular trait that has affected how I feel about myself up to date is the grooming part. I developed a habit of always being neat and kempt at all times and up to now, I prioritize being neat in all aspects as it gives me the confidence I need to carry out my daily duties because that is how I trained myself. This means that the early adolescent feelings have had some impact on how I feel about myself, but again, transitioning to adulthood comes with a lot of mental changes. 
There has been more clarity in my adulthood in the sense that at times I look in the past and regret some of the decisions I made. It is understood that the adolescent stage is very important in our growth and development, and if not guided well, youths tend to try figure out life on their own and in most cases, they end up taking directions that they were not supposed to. It is the stage where it is either you will come out a better person or a worse person. In terms of relationships, I admit I have dropped some of the friends I used to have because of availability and accessibility to them making us lose the connection we had. But for the friends I kept all along, our bond has never faded. Additionally, the new friends I have made after the adolescent stage and in my adulthood stage have all been influenced by the same factors that influenced my relationships in high school only that this time my relationships tend to focus mostly on social networks because of my focus on career advancement. 
My current plan is to get married in the next three years because at the moment I am focused on building a career for myself and since it needs dedication and commitment, I chose not to marry at this age, however, I am in a romantic relationship which has been very beneficial to both of us because we are helping each other grow and attain goals. It will be easy for me to marry someone I take as my best friend. It is only after we get married that we can have children, that is a decision we made together and it has helped us build a good foundation for building a stable family. The reason I chose to go to college is to be able to build a better life for myself and that can be achieved through education. I chose this university because of its elite and social status as it offers high-quality education as compared to other universities even when it comes to the overall ranking. The main challenge am facing right now is balancing school and work, but all in all, I love the experience and it has not differed from what I pictured while growing up. I hope to graduate with a good grade so that my employer can finally hire me as a permanent employee. 

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