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Impaired Immune System Care Map

Module 09 Assignment – Impaired Immune System

 Care Map

System Care Map

Purpose of Assignment

For this assignment, you will demonstrate knowledge of the diagnostic process using the template below.  You will identify common assessment data, three priority nursing diagnoses, client-centered outcomes, and nursing interventions with rationale for a client with impaired immunity.

Course Competency

• Describe strategies for safe effective multidimensional nursing practice when providing care for clients experiencing immunologic, infectious and inflammatory disorders.


Tom Howard, a 45-year old man with HIV from the community, has come to the clinic because he reports he had not been feeling well recently.  During the intake process, Tom complains of a dry cough and chilling.  The intake nurse takes his vital signs, and they are:  Temp 102 degrees Fahrenheit, Pulse 102, Respirations 28 breaths per minute, Blood pressure 135/86.  The clinic physician refers Tom to the local hospital for a suspected opportunistic infection.  

Use the template directly below these instructions to complete a care map to design care for a client with impaired immunity. For this assignment, include the following: assessment and data collection (including disease process, common labwork/diagnostics, subjective, objective, and health history data), three NANDA-I approved nursing diagnosis, one SMART goal for each nursing diagnosis, and two nursing interventions with rationale for each SMART goal for a client with a immune system disorder.

Use at least two scholarly sources to support your care map. Be sure to cite your sources in-text and on a reference page using APA format.

Check out the following link for information about writing SMART goals and to see examples:

You can find useful reference materials for this assignment in the School of Nursing guide: 

Have questions about APA? Visit the online APA guide:




Data Collection Three NANDA-I Approved                    Nursing Diagnosis One Smart Goal for EACH Nursing Diagnosis Two Nursing Interventions with Rationale for EACH Nursing Diagnosis

Disease Process: 









Common Labwork/Diagnostics:









Assessment Data (consider subjective, objective, and heath history): 








Nursing Diagnosis:









Nursing Diagnosis:









Nursing Diagnosis SMART Goal:









 SMART Goal:









SMART Goal: 1.
























 Module 09 Assignment – Impaired Immune System Care Map Rubric

Total Assessment Points – 65

Levels of Achievement

Criteria Emerging Competence Proficiency Mastery

Assessment / Data Collection

(10 Pts) Lacks basic factors of the disease process, common labs, diagnostic tests, and subjective, objective, and health history data.

Failure to submit Assessment/Data Collection will result in zero points for this criterion. Briefly identifies the factors including the disease process, common labs, diagnostic tests, and subjective, objective, and health history data. Clearly identifies the factors including the disease process, common labs, and diagnostic tests, and subjective, objective, and health history data. Thoroughly identifies all factors including the disease process, common labs, diagnostic tests, and subjective, objective, and health history data with a deep understanding. 

Points – 7 Points – 8 Points – 9 Points – 10

Nursing Diagnosis  (should fit the data)

(10 Pts) Nursing diagnoses are insufficient and/or do not fit the data.

Failure to submit Nursing Diagnosis will result in zero points for this criterion. Writes ONE NANDA-I approved nursing diagnosis in the correct format (including related to/as evidenced by) with a strong connection to identified data. Writes TWO NANDA-I approved nursing diagnoses in the correct format (including related to/as evidenced by) with a strong connection to identified data. Writes THREE NANDA-I approved nursing diagnoses in the correct format (including related to/as evidenced by) with a strong connection to identified data.

Points – 7 Points – 8 Points – 9 Points – 10

SMART Goal (should reflect the diagnosis and follow guidelines)

 (15 Pts) The goals meet few SMART goal guidelines and/or are not related to the nursing diagnoses. 

Failure to submit SMART goals will result in zero points for this criterion. Writes ONE goal for ONE nursing diagnosis and the goal meets all the SMART goal guidelines and are related to the nursing diagnosis. Writes ONE goal for TWO nursing diagnoses and the goals meet all the SMART goal guidelines and are related to the nursing diagnoses. Writes ONE goal for THREE nursing diagnoses and the goals meet all the SMART goal guidelines and are related to the nursing diagnoses.

Points – 11 Points – 12 Points – 13 Points – 15

Interventions and Rationale

(20 Pts) Lacks appropriate interventions and rationale to assist the client in resolving the issues leading to the problem.

Failure to submit Interventions and Rationale will result in zero points for this criterion.

Writes 3 interventions with rationale to assist the client in resolving the issues leading to the problem with appropriate references. Writes 5 interventions with rationale to assist the client in resolving the issues leading to the problem with appropriate references. Writes more than 5 interventions with rationale to assist the client in resolving the issues leading to the problem with appropriate references.

Points – 15 Points – 16 Points – 18 Points –20

APA Citation

(5 Pts) APA in-text citations and references are missing. Attempted to use APA in-text citations and references. APA in-text citations and references are used with few errors. APA in-text citations and references are used correctly.

Points- 2 Points- 3 Points- 4 Points- 5

Spelling and Grammar

 (5 Pts) Numerous spelling and grammar errors, which detract from the audience’s ability to comprehend material.

Some spelling and grammar errors, which detract from the audience’s ability to comprehend material. Few spelling and grammar errors.  Minimal to no spelling and grammar errors.

Points- 2 Points- 3 Points- 4 Points- 5



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