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Breast Versus Bottle-Feeding: What Does Mommy Need?

Order Instructions
NR327 Maternal-Child NursingRUA:DischargeTeachingGuidelines
Preparing the assignment:
Followthese guidelineswhencompletingthisassignment.Speakwithyourfacultymemberifyouhave questions.
• Students can do this project either individually or in groups. Consult with your course instructor about the size ofthegroupsorthe numberof individual projects that canbe accommodated.
• Aspartof this project,youwill selectateachingtopicof yourchoicerelatedtothe coursetopics(i.e.,women’s
• Completeanoutline andsubmitto dropbox.
• Construct your project using a software tool or application you are familiar with (i.e., Google Docs, MicrosoftWord2010orlater, PowerPoint, Prezi,or avideoplatform).
These guidelines apply to each individual student and should be adjusted per size of the group. (For example, anindividual would do five slides, and if there are three members in the group, the group should create a 15-slidepresentation.Similarly,a three-membergroupwoulddo a4.5–6-minute videoratherthana2-minutevideo.)
• PowerPointorPrezi:
o Fiveslidesmaximum,excludingtitleand referenceslides
o Follow 7-point ruleforPowerPoint
• Brochure
o Frontandback,trifold
o 12-pointfont
• Video(i.e.,commercial,publicserviceannouncement)
o Content1.5–2minutesin length
o Referencelistmust beprovidedtoinstructorbythedue date
• TrifoldPosterPresentation
o Reference list attachedtobackofposterboard
Theprojectwill begradedonqualityoftheteachingproject,accuracyofinformation, use ofcitations,useofStandardEnglishgrammar, sentencestructure, creativity,andoverallorganization.
Follow thedirections andgradingcriteriaclosely;yourprojectwillbe gradedonthecriteriafoundinthe rubric.Anyquestionsaboutyour projectshouldbedirectedtoyour faculty.
1. Topic-5points/5%
• Identification of selected topic presented to and approved by faculty, as advised (so other class memberscanselecta differenttopicandavoidrepetition).
2. PeerReview-5 points/5%
• Submitcopyofgradedrubricandstudentevaluations.Student evaluated:
3. Outline–10points/10%
• Complete outline with details under each section. Include references. Outline must be submitted todropbox.
4. Introductionto TopicandReferenceOneStatistic-10points/10%
• Describe the selected topic in the project and provide at least one statistic supporting the importance ofthetopic. Thisstatisticmust befromanoriginal source.
5. IdentificationofRiskFactors and/orBenefits -10points/10%
• Compile4-5risk factorsand/orbenefitsrelatedto theselectedtopic.
6. ReferraltoProfessionalandCommunity€BasedResources-10points/10%
• Provideonereferraltoeachofthefollowing:
o Aprofessionalorganization
o Acommunity-basedresource
o Include contact informationfortheseresources(i.e.,phone number,e-mail,website,orlink)
o Include a statement describing the role, resources, and/or services of the organizations or resourcesandtheir potential impactontheselectedtopic
7. HealthPromotionRecommendations-10points/10%
• Report three evidence-based health promotion recommendations. Provide rationale from scholarlysourcestosupport your recommendations.
8. Audio/VisualCreativity-10points/10%
• Projectiseye-catching,butgraphicsdonotdistractfromthe purposeofprovidinginformation.
• Thefontstyleandsizeareappropriateforthetargetaudience.
• Informationislogical,cohesive,andaudience appropriate;appropriate useofterminologyisshown.
• Audiomustbeclearanddiscernible.
9. ClarityofWriting -10 points/10%
• Use of standard English grammar and sentence structure. No spelling errors or typographical errors.Organizedaroundtherequiredcomponentsusingappropriatecontent.
10. APAformat, grammar, andpunctuation-10points/10%
• All information taken from another source, even if summarized, must be appropriately cited in themanuscript, and listed on the Reference page using APA formatting. Citations must be in-text and on theReferencepage.

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