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Deaf Education

 PROJECT: Explaining Special Education Legal Elements 

During your time as a teacher you will be asked to explain, explore, provide rationale for legal provisions and deaf students. This assignment provides the opportunity to create meaningful shareable resources that you can use with parents, teachers, and administrators using a resource readily avaialble to you here at TWU. 
2. Effectively research and evaluate various types of print and web-based materials on issues such as law, federal and state policies, and contemporary issues in deaf education.
For this assignment, you must create a Microsoft Sway, PowerPoint/Google Slide, or Prezi explanation of the legal elements affecting special education. The explanation should be chronological and organized in such a way to help the user see the relationships between the elements. There are fourteen elements, a combination of laws, Supreme Court decisions, and elements/terms that regularly impact the professional lives of special education teachers. Students must research and include 2 additional elements for each category. 
The Sway should be professionally constructed, well-designed, interesting to follow, and employ all the multimedia features available to it inside Sway. The target audience are EITHER school professionals OR parents new to deaf education. Students must select & identify their target audience. The purpose of the presentation is to provide such individuals a clear and comfortable way to review policy issues related to the deaf students in their lives. The language you use in your presentation should accurately reflect that audience. 
Remember, this is a multimedia presentation, not a Word Document. Avoid long paragraphs of text and try to support concepts with online resources and materials that help clarify content meaningfully to the target audience you identify. 
LAWS:  Discussions should include the rationale for creating the laws; a brief explanation of the law; AND how the law impacts students who are deaf and their teachers and student families. 
Rehabilitation Act of 1973
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)
Americans with Disabilities Act
P.L. 94-142
No Child Left Behind
+ 2 self-selected LAWS
COURT DECISIONS: Discussions should include a description of the events leading to the court case; an explanation of the court’s decision at its highest level; AND a discussion of how the decision impacts students who are deaf and their teachers and families. 
Brown v. Board of Education
Board of Education v. Rowley
Endrew F. v. Douglas County School District
+ 2 self-selected COURT DECISIONS
TERMS & EXPRESSIONS: Discussions should include an identification or explanation of each elements and where the term is from; an explanation of how the terms impacts students who are deaf and their families and the teachers who serve them; AND how you would explain the terms to the families of the children being served. 
Free and appropriate public education (FAPE)
Least restrictive environment
Separate but Equal
Admission, Review, and Dismissal / Individualized Education Program
Identification, assessment & evaluation of students with disabilities
+ 2 self-selected TERMS & EXPRESSIONS
All TWU students have a free and Google account. You can download or use the web-based version of Sway.  
No files need to be submitted for this assignment. Only a link to the timeline needs to be submitted via the assignment link. 
Use the Resources for Creating Successful Presentation from LinkedIn Learning.
Be sure to review the attached rubric so you know how the presentation will be evaluated. 
I’ve included student examples. Please remember that the student work samples you see in this course have been shared by the student. Please respect the students, the work, and the content of the materials shared. While you might notice some imperfections, please pay attention to the creativity, diversity and thoughtfulness the student work to create diverse resources that address this assignment. 
Student example #1Links to an external site.
Student example #2Links to an external site.
Student example #3Links to an external site.
Student example #4Links to an external site.
Student example #5Links to an external site.
Student example #6Links to an external site.
Student example #7Links to an external site.
View RubricPolicies Sway RubricPolicies Sway RubricCriteriaRatingsPtsOrganization & Attractivenessview longer description20 ptsSuperiorSway or Prezi is extremely well organized, easy to follow, and contains professional images and content that support the mission of the Sway or Prezi.16 ptsAdvancedSway or Prezi is well organized, easy to follow, and contains images and content that support the mission of the Sway or Prezi.12 ptsAverageSway or Prezi is somewhat organized, somewhat easy to follow, and some content supports the mission of the Sway or Prezi.8 ptsPoorSway or Prezi lacks organization and is not easy to follow, and content does not support the mission of the Sway or Prezi./ 20 ptsAppropriateness for Target Audienceview longer description20 ptsSuperiorSway or Prezi successfully presents material to those professionals outside of deaf education or those to new to deaf education.16 ptsAdvancedSway or Prezi presents material to those professionals outside of deaf education and/or those to new to deaf education.12 ptsGoodSway or Prezi tends to present material to those professionals outside of deaf education or those new to deaf education.8 ptsPoorSway or Prezi does not present material to those professionals outside of deaf education or those new to deaf education./ 20 ptsAccuracy of Explanationview longer description20 ptsSuperiorSway or Prezi is exceptionally accurate and detailed in its explanation of the content. Sway or Prezi contains considerable resources to support the explanations for more comprehensive understanding of the material.16 ptsAdvancedSway or Prezi is accurate and contains details in its explanation of the content. Sway or Prezi contains resources to support the explanations for a better understanding of the material.12 ptsAverageSway or Prezi is somewhat accurate and contains some details in its explanation of the content. Sway or Prezi contains few resources to support the explanations for a basic understanding of the material.8 ptsPoorSway or Prezi lacks accuracy and/or contains few details in its explanation of the content. Sway or Prezi contains no resources to support the explanations./ 20 ptsInclusion of Policiesview longer description20 ptsSuperiorSway or Prezi contains a well-chosen selection of diverse laws, policies, and court decisions that cover an extensive breadth of aspects of the deaf education experience.16 ptsAdvancedSway or Prezi contains a selection of diverse laws, policies, and court decisions with connections to educational scenarios impacting students who are deaf/hard of hearing.12 ptsAdvancedSway or Prezi contains a selection of diverse laws, policies, and court decisions with connections to educational scenarios impacting students who are deaf/hard of hearing.8 ptsPoorSway or Prezi lacks a selection of diverse laws, policies, and court decisions with connections to education or scenarios impacting students who are deaf/hard of hearing./ 20 ptsConnection of the policies to Deaf Education)view longer description20 ptsSuperiorSway or Prezi contains an organized collection of various, highly diverse laws, policies, and court decisions with connections to educational scenarios impacting students who are deaf/hard of hearing.16 ptsAdvancedSway or Prezi contains a selection of diverse laws, policies, and court decisions that cover various aspects of the deaf education experience.12 ptsAverageSway or Prezi contains a selection of laws, policies, and court decisions that cover aspects of the deaf education experience.8 ptsPoorSway or Prezi contains a few to no laws, policies, and /or court decisions that lack aspects of the deaf education experience./ 20 ptsTotal Points: 0 

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