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My professor is very strict in grading so please be as specific as possible in

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WRITE MY ESSAYMy professor is very strict in grading so please be as specific as possible in
My professor is very strict in grading so please be as specific as possible in answering the question. I will be generous with you!
In the age of EHRs and data sharing having standardized terminology is beneficial. Nurse informatics specialists collaborate closely with chief nursing officers to guide the organization towards effective and efficient demonstration of meaningful use and standardized terminology. Informatics nurses are now focusing on reducing documentation burdens, streamlining processes, and leveraging data from EHRs to drive innovation and improve patient care. They use data from the point of care to highlight the value of nursing’s contribution to patient care quality. Examples include developing algorithms for identifying intimate partner violence, bringing healthcare directly to homeless populations using mobile technology, and using advanced analytics for predictive modeling to improve patient outcomes. Reflect on how nursing contributions can be documented and highlighted through electronic health records. Consider the impact of nursing interventions that are not electronically documented and how they can affect patient outcomes. Discuss some cases where this might occur including examples from your work or clinical experiences if applicable. What actions can be taken to enhance the visibility and recognition of nursing contributions? What best practices would you suggest for nursing professionals to adopt in order to streamline processes, reduce documentation burdens, and enhance patient outcomes? How can these practices help in making the nursing profession more visible and acknowledged within the healthcare system?
Visit Privacy Rights Clearinghouse and familiarize yourself with the content related to data breaches:
Choose one recent health information breach to discuss. Provide details about the incident, including how it occurred, the type of data compromised, and the number of individuals affected.
Identify one strategy that could be used to prevent such breaches and protect the privacy of Electronic Health Records (EHR) and Personal Health Information (PHI).
Explain how this strategy could be applied in a real-world healthcare setting to improve data security and patient privacy.
Discussion Question Grading Rubric
Excellent 2 points
1 point
Needs Improvement
0.5 points
Unacceptable 0 points
Demonstrates synthesis of assigned material, and incorporates both assigned textbook/course content readings and evidence- based information from a scholarly article into the content of the posting.
Thoughts are organized, thoughtful, analyze content, and stay on topic; pose insightful ideas that clearly
connect to the topic.
Demonstrates analysis of assigned material, and incorporates either assigned textbook/course content readings or evidence-basedinformation from a scholarlyarticle into the content of the posting. Information isaccurate, but only summarized; incorporates opinions and personalexperiences;
marginal effort
Post demonstrates comprehension of assigned material, and incorporates neither the assigned textbook/course content readings reading nor an additional current, evidence-based article for information.Information is superficialand/or off topic; no connections made between topics and
literature; minimal effort
No post
Posting Requirements
Initial post is a minimum of 200 words
Initial post do not meet the minimum required word count. Post do not all contain scholarly sources.
Neither the initial post nor the peer response posts meet theminimum required word count. Posts do not all contain scholarly sources.
NA – due to no posts
APA (includes grammar, punctuation, & sentence structure)
No errors with in- text citations or references; correct grammar and punctuation demonstrated; proficient sentence
1-2 errors with citations/references,grammar/punctuation, or sentence structure
3-4 errors with citations/references,grammar/punctuation, or sentence structure
NA – due to no posts

Struggling with your essay and deadlines?

Get this or a similar paper done in as fast as 4 hours, 24/7.
NB: We do not sell prewritten papers. All essays are written from scratch according to are specific needs and instructions

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