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Home » An advantage to studying identical twins is that they have the same genetic makeup, so any differences between the two are likely to be the result of the environment. A disadvantage of studying identical twins is that they are often treated similarly and are brought up in the same environment.

An advantage to studying identical twins is that they have the same genetic makeup, so any differences between the two are likely to be the result of the environment. A disadvantage of studying identical twins is that they are often treated similarly and are brought up in the same environment.



An advantage to studying identical twins is that they have the same genetic makeup, so any differences between the two are likely to be the result of the environment. A disadvantage of studying identical twins is that they are often treated similarly and are brought up in the same environment. .




Disadvantage Results from twin studies cannot be directly generalized to the general population, due to lack of randomization; in addition, they are different with regard to their developmental environment, as two fetuses growing simultaneously.  


Jose Rentas


Mar 4, 2024, 12:40 PM




Isn’t it captivating how our DNA and the surroundings we live in engage with each other so intimately? Identical twins (monozygotic) share nearly 100% of their genetic material, making them ideal for isolating genetic influences (Burger & Reevy, 2023). This gives the science folks a chance to chalk up any differences they spot right down to things in their surroundings. But just using twins in research isn’t foolproof – it tends to overlook those environmental influences that aren’t common between them.


Dizygotic twins share around 50% of their genes, enabling researchers to differentiate between genetic and environmental influences more accurately (Haworth et al., 2013). Leveraging this method, we’re homing in on the precision of heritability approximations. Plus, with all the new stuff coming out in epigenetics, it’s clear we have to figure out how to tell apart these twin types. Intriguing isn’t it, how our meticulous attention to these barely noticeable variations not only enriches our comprehension of genetic ancestry but also sets the stage for more sophisticated and precision-oriented explorations in this realm.




Burger, J. M., & Reevy, G. M. (2023).  Personality. SAGE Publications Inc.




Haworth, C. M. A., Davis, O. S. P., & Plomin, R. (2013, February).  Twins Early Development Study (TEDS): A genetically sensitive investigation of cognitive and behavioral development from childhood to young adulthood. Twin research and human genetics: the official journal of the International Society for Twin Studies.








James English


Mar 5, 2024, 3:27 PM




If I was a scientist and I came across the curiosity first of all I probably be a millionaire. This would be an impact in psychology in tremendous ways. It would play psychology on the map and the reason why is because we will finally know why people do the things they do. The reason for that is because we face our impulses our decisions a lot of times on curiosity. So if there was a gene out there that made you curious about what decisions to make what foods to try let haircut have I would definitely be a great Outlook out on psychology especially personality traits because those two go hand in hand..curiosity. It constantly seeks new information and experiences, and it rewards us with pleasure and satisfaction when we learn something new or experience something exciting. This is why curiosity is often described as a “reward. According to 




Think about it if there was a gene out there that strikes are curiosity there be no need for psychology.






· AL


Kyle Champion


Mar 5, 2024, 6:05 PM




Hi class,




The impact on the world of psychology as a whole would be massive by discovering a gene like this. I could give an example of a “selfless gene”. Just the discovery of genes strongly associated with personality factors could change the process of not only psychology, but the process of child development. If we took the time to nurture children that we discover certain genes in a very specific way, it would potentially allow us to play around with our own genetics, even in older folks. It could change the free market, making it more restrictive to get certain jobs if you do not possess specific genes. If you had a “selfless gene,” you could be very popular with those in the military, or the military could require it, knowing that everyone would be able to take care of one another. You could say though that a downside is that humans are that much closer to “playing god” and “trying to create the perfect human being.” Churches might reject the concept, requiring you to be unaltered to remain the “unique person that God himself created.” Another downside is that it could make us soulless creatures, constantly changing ourselves for the sake of our environment, or “being whatever I feel like being today.” When you look at “genome-wide association studies” that Burger & Reevy (2023) discussed, that technology is just that, but it is not perfected. With enough information, and examples, it allows humans to see how are a combination of our genetics and how they interact with one another. Someone who is “selfless” but also “curious” and carries those genes, It would make them a unique mix. If you isolated those genes and put them in someone else, would they become exactly like you. No but close. You still would have to factor environmental differences between the subjects.








Burger, J. M., & Reevy, G. M. (2023).  Personality (11th ed.). SAGE Publications, Inc. ISB




John Bandt


Mar 5, 2024, 8:41 AM




The item I thought about that McDonald’s has a lot of success with is their chicken nuggets. Introduced as a menu item in 1983, chicken nuggets proved to be a popular alternative to a burger, and a big hit for kids. Chicken nuggets are an easy and convenient option that has become a staple in fast-food. I can’t think of a restaurant I’ve been to that didn’t have chicken nuggets on the kids menu. An item McDonald’s failed with is their McLean Deluxe burger. The item was introduced in 1991 and was aimed to provide a healthy option for people during a time when healthy eating was becoming more and more popular. The healthy option wasn’t popular and would be taken off the menu. I don’t think having a singular item that is a super healthy option will work at McDonald’s, their best option would be to make everything a little more healthy, but it’s a fast-food burger place. I don’t think many people chose McDonald’s as a place to eat when they are trying to eat healthy, it’s more of a cheat day or need something quick place.  


Karissa Yamaguchi


Mar 5, 2024, 4:40 PM(edited)




Hello Professor & Class,


One product that comes to mind that is a major success of McDonald’s products is the famous and iconic McFlurry dessert. Whether it is Oreo, M&M, Butterfinger, etc., the McFlurry is a highly successful product whose popularity can be attributed to its innovative concept, combining its popular soft-serve ice cream, which is already a sought out flavor and texture with an assortment of toppings that are mixed in, which resonates with customers who might be looking for a cold treat that they can customize to their liking. However, not all McDonald’s products have been liked or successful. One notable failure is the Onion Nuggets. In the late 1970s, they were introduced and constructed as the core of the onions made into fried nuggets, an alternative to their French Fries as a side dish. They were removed from the menu by the end of the decade because there was no interest in them—it is said that no one saw much of them, even those who worked in the company because no one ordered them (Phillips, 2023). However, shortly after that failure, in the 1980s, they introduced Chicken McNuggets, and we all know how successful that product has been.




I would say McDonald’s in Hawai’i has tailored its menu to the tastes of Hawai’i’s local people well, as like the people in Hawai’i have rice always made, so do McDonald’s. Eggs, Spam, Portuguese sausage, link sausage, hash browns, pancakes, etc., are all favorite breakfast foods that local people often eat, and McDonald’s provides breakfast platters with these combinations. Reflecting on where I grew up, McDonald’s in Hawai’i was one of my favorite fast food places when I was young because it was fast and had everything we would like for breakfast or lunch in one place. It was especially nice to be able to just pick it up and go on picnics or eat it at the beach. I can imagine it was an easy and less stressful breakfast meal for parents who were too busy to cook or pack meals, and then having a toy in every kid’s meal was also an appeal. Not to mention, it used to be really cheap and tasted the same as what we normally would eat for breakfast as it had all the same ingredients we would use at our houses, but the convenience of just picking it up was more significant than the energy to actually cook.




I believe in improving any failed product, McDonald’s could benefit from conducting thorough market research to understand the unique preferences of diverse regions, including Hawai’i. Asking the public what they would want would lessen the possibility of missing the mark when catering products to the public’s taste. Perhaps by connecting with what the people want and collaborating with local chefs to develop culturally relevant menu items, McDonald’s could enhance its products and better cater to their surrounding audience.


All the best,








· Phillips, H. (2023).  20 biggest McDonald’s menu fails of all time. Eat This Not That.




Kory Fortin


Mar 4, 2024, 6:36 PM




Hello Class, 


To start this off I would like to point out a possible issue with using the cheeto’s site as I cannot find the cheeto duster on it even though it still shows up as buy able products from other re-tellers in a simple google search. This leads me to believe it is available as second hand purchase but not officially through the main Cheeto site anymore. With how popular Cheetos are for their crunchy and tasty goodness of the powder they use, it is no wonder why they invented the cheeto duster for customers who want the cheeto taste on other food or to be used in cooking recipes that need an extra kick. It gives the user the ability to churn down the cheetos into cheeto dust as the name says so; however, I do not see how a common blender would not be able to do the same thing other than to try and not dirty up the blender and having the cheeto duster only for that purpose. That is why I would not use it. I think this product did go through its own journey with the product life cycle starting with the introduction phase, growth phase, maturity phase, and ending with the decline phase. Introduction phase is when launching the item onto the market after the research and production on the item testing if the marketing strategy is up to par for making the item successful to consumers while the the growth phase is self explanatory focusing on the initial success of the product with consumers seeing the renegotiation push the popularity and sales higher only if the introduction phase was a success though (Grand Canyon University, 2022). This leads to the maturity phase where the product evens out with sales and rave form the public slows while still selling an being part of the brand until the decline phase where it stops all together losing the same spark it had with the public, market shares, etc. (Grand Canyon University, 2022). Different marketing strategies evolve with each phase to adjust to success, slow growth or stopping or failure of a product as in each phase as it the product launches and slows towards the end of the cycle it still is important part of the business. I will guess the novelty of the item was part of an initial success as Fox News Channel 9 reported it selling out during the holiday season, but this was back in the 2022 holiday season (Williams, 2022). It would seem the novelty and public repose died down a bit making the product go to the end of the cycle being the maturity and decline phase where you can only buy form third party sellers and not from the official site slowing production and more on the product to fit the marketing and production strategy and budget to not break the business over it as the textbook mentioned this happens (Grand Canyon University, 2022). 




Kory Fortin






Grand Canyon University (Ed.). (2022).  Marketing: An enterprise view (4th ed.).




Williams, C. (2022, November 28).  Sold out! Cheetos Duster comes, goes amid holiday shopping season. FOX 9 Minneapolis-St. Paul.





Karissa Yamaguchi


Mar 5, 2024, 5:10 PM




Hello Professor & Class,


Amazon and Cheetos collaborated and created the Cheetos Duster after seeing the public making recipes with Cheeto dust or “Cheetle” on their own. They wanted the Duster, the first-ever kitchen gadget created to grind Cheetos into “Cheetles” specifically, to allow fans of Cheetos to add to their own recipes from a product they created (Imam, 2023). I was unsure if the Cheetos Duster was a success because it was not listed or sold on their official website. However, I have found it on other sites and stores. I thought it was a failure that did not resonate with the customers as well as they wanted, but it seems like they were quite successful. Apparently, they released about 2,000 Cheetos Dusters, sold out in two hours, created a buzz about it across social media, and got press coverage (Imam, 2023). I’m not sure if they were able to remain successful, but my guess is that they were successful at first. However, maybe they’re not as successful as that first launch was as it’s not as talked about now, and I haven’t seen it in stores other than second-hand stores.




From development to market launch and progressing through the different stages of the product life cycle, such as introduction, growth, maturity, and decline, products face numerous challenges to remain relevant and keep consumers’ interest. I honestly did not know about this product, nor did I hear about nor did those around me hear about it, so I feel like although the Cheetos Duster was able to capture the attention of fans, I think we were not able to keep the customer’s interest or remain relevant. Personally, while the concept of the Cheetos Duster might sound intriguing, the product’s lack of enduring appeal and consumer following would deter me from purchasing it. Not to mention, if I wanted to make “Cheetle,” I could do it without buying their product and just use my food processor or Vitamix—their product isn’t the only way to make Cheeto dust. I think that’s a huge reason why the Duster is not as sought out now. In my opinion, the demise of the Cheetos Duster is a valuable lesson in marketing, as is understanding the significance of consumer preferences and needs and adapting strategies to ensure a product’s longevity in a competitive market.


All the best,








· Imam, J. (2023).  Cheetos Duster Campaign collaboration with Brand Innovation Lab … Amazon Ads.





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