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Home » Based on the three factors you selected, review the Zappos case study and analyze Tony Hsieh’s approach to change management. Provide specific examples to support your analysis of whether Hsieh took each factor you identified into consideration when preparing his organization for the change in structure.

Based on the three factors you selected, review the Zappos case study and analyze Tony Hsieh’s approach to change management. Provide specific examples to support your analysis of whether Hsieh took each factor you identified into consideration when preparing his organization for the change in structure.

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Assessment Template: Organizational Change Case Analysis
Prepared by: Replace this text with your name.
Date: Replace this text with the submission date.
Walden University, CBE Dynamics of Change, DY3002: Leading Change Effectively
Part 1: Strategy and Organizational Change (10–16 paragraphs)
Factors for Consideration
Replace this text with your response to the following: Analyze three factors that leaders should consider when developing a strategic approach to change management. As part of your analysis, describe each factor and why it is important to the change management process. (75–150 words, or 1–2 paragraphs)
Tony Hsieh’s Approach to Change Management
Replace this text with your response to the following: Based on the three factors you selected, review the Zappos case study and analyze Tony Hsieh’s approach to change management. Provide specific examples to support your analysis of whether Hsieh took each factor you identified into consideration when preparing his organization for the change in structure. (150–225 words, or 2–3 paragraphs)
Common Challenges and Strategies to Address Them
Replace this text with your response to the following: Examine at least three common challenges that leaders of organizations face during times of change management and identify at least one strategy to address each type of challenge. (150–225 words, or 2–3 paragraphs)
Reasons for Implementing Organizational Change
Replace this text with your response to the following: Examine why organizations may want to implement organizational change, including two specific examples of relevant situations to support your explanation. (75–150 words, or 1–2 paragraphs)
Organizational Changes at Zappos
Replace this text with your response to the following: Explain two major changes that Zappos went through (as described in the case study), including leadership’s reason(s) for implementing each change. (150–225 words, or 2–3 paragraphs)
Challenges and Change Management Approaches at Zappos
Replace this text with your response to the following: Identify two challenges that Zappos faced throughout its history (as described in the case study) and explain how change management approaches were or could have been applied to address these challenges. (150–225 words, or 2–3 paragraphs)
Part 2: Leading Organizational Change (14–21 paragraphs)
Planning for Organizational Change
Replace this text with your response to the following: Analyze at least three considerations that leaders of organizations should be aware of as they plan for organizational change. Describe the importance of each consideration and the potential impact of taking it into account or failing to take it into account during planning. (225–300 words, or 3–4 paragraphs)
Communication Strategies
Replace this text with your response to the following: Explain at least two communication strategies that leaders of organizations can incorporate in order to facilitate a more successful organizational change. (75–150 words, or 1–2 paragraphs)
The Effectiveness of Tony Hsieh’s Communication
Replace this text with your response to the following: Analyze the effectiveness of how Tony Hsieh communicated his decision to move to a holacracy. Explain why it was or was not effective. (75–150 words, or 1–2 paragraphs)
Change Management Tools and How to Incorporate Them
Replace this text with your response to the following: Identify at least three change management tools and explain how leaders can incorporate them. For at least two of the change management tools you identified, provide an analysis of how Tony Hsieh either incorporated or could have incorporated these tools while implementing organizational change at Zappos. What were or what could have been the effects of incorporating those tools? Was organizational change within Zappos handled more effectively (or could it have been handled more effectively) due to these tools? Explain your answer. (225–300 words, or 3–4 paragraphs)
Tony Hsieh’s Leadership Through Organizational Change
Replace this text with your response to the following: Analyze Tony Hsieh’s leadership throughout times of organizational change. Provide at least two examples of situations in which he demonstrated effective leadership. Additionally, provide at least one example of a situation in which he was not as effective in his leadership approach. What could he have done differently in that situation to improve his leadership effectiveness? (225–300 words, or 3–4 paragraphs)
The Role of Employees in Organizational Change
Replace this text with your response to the following: Analyze the role of employees in organizational change. As part of your analysis, explain how Zappos employees were empowered to take an active role in the change process during the transition to a holacracy. (75–150 words, or 1–2 paragraphs)
Transformational Change
Replace this text with your response to the following: Analyze at least three examples of how Tony Hsieh and Zappos made efforts to create transformational change (i.e., significant organizational change) that yielded a positive impact, both internally (within the company) and externally (in the community). As part of your analysis, be sure to explain the impact(s) of these efforts. (150–225 words, or 2–3 paragraphs)
Include appropriately formatted references to a minimum of four scholarly sources to support the statements made in your analysis. Please refer to the Academic Writing Expectations Checklist for more information.
©2020 Walden University 1

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