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Home » Compare various methods of organizational communication and issues with interpretation. Writing memos, sending emails, having meetings, video conferencing are all methods of organizational communication. I think the top two that can have issues with interpretation are writing memos and sending emails. Anytime a person is reading words on a page, there is a possibility for interpretation error. People read and insert their own dramatics into the text on the screen/page.

Compare various methods of organizational communication and issues with interpretation. Writing memos, sending emails, having meetings, video conferencing are all methods of organizational communication. I think the top two that can have issues with interpretation are writing memos and sending emails. Anytime a person is reading words on a page, there is a possibility for interpretation error. People read and insert their own dramatics into the text on the screen/page.

Respond to at least two of your classmates’ posts. Each of your
responses to your classmates should be at least 150 words in length,
and include an APA formatted scholarly resource. In your response
post, please provide a thoughtful reply to promote discussion,
critical thinking, and class interaction, and provide an open-ended
question for each of your colleagues. DISCUSSION 1 (Kerri)
Compare various methods of organizational communication and issues with interpretation.
Writing memos, sending emails, having meetings, video conferencing are all methods of organizational communication. I think the top two that can have issues with interpretation are writing memos and sending emails. Anytime a person is reading words on a page, there is a possibility for interpretation error. People read and insert their own dramatics into the text on the screen/page.
It is much easier to talk to someone either in person or on the phone so that they can hear the inflection in your voice and in person see the body language that is being displayed.
Assess how the lack of organizational communication may contribute to employee stress and burnout.
If things are not being communicated to employees through organizational communication, that can be very stressful. Whether it is a change to a company policy or a company goal, if there is no communication that can lead to burnout if the employee is working towards something only to find out that things changed but there was no communication.
Need for Empathy with Organizational Communication During Times of Crisis
I think what this is saying is that even though this is a business, when there is a crisis within the workplace, people need to be treated as human beings and shown empathy instead of looking like they are just a number with the company. If handled correctly, people who work through a crisis with an employer will be loyal for many years to come.
Best Methods to Enhance Organizational Communication with Underserved Populations.
The best way to enhance communication with underserved populations is to overdeliver. By that I mean, be in constant communication so that they feel valued. Being inclusive with communication as well as having people employed from an underserved community will go a long way.
Link Between Organizational Communication, Organizational Effectiveness, and the Culture of the Organization.
I think that these three things are all intertwined. To have effectiveness there must be communication which speaks to the culture all involving the organization. By communicating with your target audience in their preferred method and addressing and listening to their feedback, people feel valued. When people feel valued, they will go the extra mile for their employer and stay loyal to that company.
Dolamore, S., Lovell, D., Collins, H., & Kline, A. (2020). The role of empathy in organizational communication during times of crisis. Administrative Theory & Praxis, 43(3), 1–10. doi/full/10.1080/10841806.2020.1830661 What is Organizational Communication? 2.0
Respond to at least two of your classmates’ posts. Each of your
responses to your classmates should be at least 150 words in length,
and include an APA formatted scholarly resource. In your response
post, please provide a thoughtful reply to promote discussion,
critical thinking, and class interaction, and provide an open-ended
question for each of your colleagues. DISCUSSION 1 (Ingrid) Compare various methods of organizational communication and issues with interpretation
The transmission model of communication shows that different people interpret the exact same message very differently; that people can be deceptive in their communication and their motives are incredibly difficult to figure out; that the meaning of language changes depending on the context; or that what you say is often much less important than how you say it (Koschman, M., 2021). Constitutive model of communication forces us to accept communication as a neutral conduit of information without recognizing that our interactions with each other actually create or change the very things we are communicating about.
Assess how the lack of organizational communication may contribute to employee stress and burnout
According to Dolamore, S., et al (2021), positive communication relationship, defined by connection, engagement, and interaction, will foster a relationship that can help mitigate the impact of a crisis. Lack thereof could possibly present stress and burnout. The main objective is to form relationships that are respectful and understanding of the people that are served.
Describe the need for empathy with organizational communication during times of crisis or organizational change
Empathy builds relationships because connections creates trust. When communication focuses on empathy, it promotes continued, sustained, and on-going interaction and does not strive to be one-and-done (Dolamore,S., et al, 2021). For example, there were many homeless people trying to spend nights in my retail store during the pandemic. The employees noticed this and came together as a family to find resources to assist the people in a very timely manner. It brought tears to my eyes because there were employees that did not get along. When it came to helping the less fortunate, everyone banded together and put their differences aside.
Summarize the best methods to enhance organizational communication with underserved populations
A constitutive view of organizations as communication provides a better way to understand and explain the complexities of organizing and communicating (Koschman, M., 2021). Lack of communication means the job will not be done. Lack of communication means the less fortunate will not receive the assistance that’s needed. Communication is the key in businesses and organizations due to every person has a different view when it comes to interpretation. If people don’t transmit the right information to the right people at the right times in the right ways things fall apart.
Evaluate the link between organizational communication, organizational effectiveness, and the culture of the organization.
Trust, Empathy and Empathic communication are links between organizational communication, effectiveness, and the organization’s culture. The organizational theory model of crisis management notes the importance of trust between the community and organization, noting this can impact “organizational and policy decisions as well as judgments about their success or failure. In empathy, research on neuroimaging proves that human brains have cells that cause us to mirror the experiences of others (Dolamore, S., et al, 2021). Empathic communication is a method for sustaining relationship building so public organizations can create opportunities for stronger outcomes.
Dolamore, S., Lovell, D., Collins, H., & Kline, A. (2021). The role of empathy in organizational communication during times of crisis. Administrative Theory & Praxis, 43(3), 366–375.
Koschmann, M. (2021, October 11). What is organizational communication? 2.0. [Video]. YouTube.

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