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Home » EHR Migration Path Assignment (70 points) In this assignment, you will evaluate an EHR migration path for the Medical Center of DeVry. The medical center already has the following systems: · Patient Financials · R-ADT · Radiology Information System · Laboratory Information System

EHR Migration Path Assignment (70 points) In this assignment, you will evaluate an EHR migration path for the Medical Center of DeVry. The medical center already has the following systems: · Patient Financials · R-ADT · Radiology Information System · Laboratory Information System

Week 2


Written Assignment: EHR Migration Path Assignment (70 points)


In this assignment, you will evaluate an EHR migration path for the Medical Center of DeVry. The medical center already has the following systems:


· Patient Financials




· Radiology Information System


· Laboratory Information System


· Materials Management


· Abstracting


· Digital Dictation


· Chart Tracking


· Order Communication


· Release of Information


Below is a partial EHR migration path:




Phase I


Phase II


Phase III












· Chart scanning




· Results review


· Nursing documentation


· Add surgery system


· Add OR scheduling


· CDS system




· Add pharmacy information system




· Wireless network


· Data warehouse


· Remote access


· Upgrade broadband network




· Physician champion


· Tighten suspension policy for verbal orders


· Nurse informaticist


· Workflow for PFS document imaging system


Review this migration path while studying Chapter 3 of your textbook and write a two-to-three page paper identifying the good elements and problem elements with this migration path. Recommend changes to it (in content and/or format) in order to help assure a smooth migration towards health IT implementation, adoption, and optimization.


Grading Rubric










Documentation and Formatting






Use APA formatting of paper, citations, and references.


Organization and Cohesiveness






Include an introduction and conclusion. The paper should contain smooth transitions between topics discussed.








Spelling and Grammar








Identify the good elements in the migration plan and the problem elements. These items should be described and not simply listed. Recommend modifications to the migration plan.








A quality paper will meet or exceed all of the above requirements.


Review migration path discussed in Chapter 3 of your textbook and watch the Health IT Migration Path Video.


Review the assignment details provided in the  Course Project Overview.


Evaluate and recommend improvements to the EHR migration path for the Medical Center of DeVry. Write a two-to-three page paper (including the proposed matrix format migration path). The paper should identify the proper elements and problem elements with the given migration path and explain the proposed changes in order to help assure a smooth migration to the EHR.


Submit your assignment as a Word document.




LMA: HS.HIM335.W2.CourseProject.202140


LMA: HS.HIM335.W2.CourseProject.202140








 This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDesign Content of Migration Path


This criterion is linked to  a learning outcome designed to evaluate an EHR migration path for a medical center.  BSTM PO2: Develop the skills to effectively covey information to a variety of business audiences using oral, written, presentation and technical platforms.     Domain 3: Data Analytics and Informatics


threshold: 60.0 pts


70 pts


The student comprehensively identifies all of the necessary elements in the migration plan and the problem elements. These items should be described and not simply listed. Appropriately recommended modifications to the migration plan as needed. Includes specific points along the migration path with specific examples.


60 pts


The student identifies most of the necessary elements in the migration plan and the problem elements. These items should be described and not simply listed. Made appropriate recommended modifications to the migration plan as needed. Includes specific points along the migration path.


30 pts


The student identifies some of the necessary elements in the migration plan and the problem elements. These items should be described and not simply listed. Made appropriate recommended modifications to the migration plan as needed. Includes specific points along the migration path with some gaps in detail.


20 pts


The student identifies a few of the necessary elements in the migration plan and the problem elements. These items should be described and not simply listed. Made appropriate recommended modifications to the migration plan as needed. Includes specific points along the migration path. with some gaps in detail, but migration plan is cursory or illogical.


0 pts


The student does not identify the necessary elements in the migration plan and the problem elements. These items were not described. There were no recommended modifications to the migration plan.

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