Writing, English Criminal Justice Worksheet
Read each of your peer’s essays and REPLY to EACH of them individually by clicking on the reply button beneath their posted link. These reviews must be complete by Tuesday, November 7; you will have the class period Monday and Tuesday (11/6 & 11/7) to complete these reviews.Provide them helpful, detailed feedback by answering the questions below in your reply (number your responses). Remember to make helpful comments and maintain the privacy of your peers by not commenting on or sharing student work outside of your discussion group.
1. Does the essay contain all of the required elements listed above? If not, what is missing or incorrect?
2. What did you find the most interesting about their topic? (Be Specific) Why?
3. Ask questions that you still have about their topic which aren’t answered in their essay? If you don’t have questions, how can the essay be improved?
4. Suggest another metaphor or simile for their topic here.
5. Detail all spelling, capitalization, or grammarmistakes here.
6. How would you change the organization of this piece and why?
7. What is your favorite line from their essay? (Copy and paste it here.) Why did you like this line?.
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