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Home » Getting Started You’ve been thinking about the Hero’s Journey and your TED-style talk for the past few courses. Now it’s time to start taking inventory of what you’ve learned so you can begin planning for your talk in a more concrete manner. In the capstone course, you will develop a TED-style talk that pulls together much of your learning from this and other courses. These journal entries are of particular importance in helping you refine your topic for the talk.

Getting Started You’ve been thinking about the Hero’s Journey and your TED-style talk for the past few courses. Now it’s time to start taking inventory of what you’ve learned so you can begin planning for your talk in a more concrete manner. In the capstone course, you will develop a TED-style talk that pulls together much of your learning from this and other courses. These journal entries are of particular importance in helping you refine your topic for the talk.

3.4 Assignment. Journal. Continuing the Hero’s Journey
Getting Started
You’ve been thinking about the Hero’s Journey and your TED-style talk for the past few courses. Now it’s time to start taking inventory of what you’ve learned so you can begin planning for your talk in a more concrete manner.
In the capstone course, you will develop a TED-style talk that pulls together much of your learning from this and other courses. These journal entries are of particular importance in helping you refine your topic for the talk.
In this journal entry, you will review and sift out ten of the most important takeaways from the character strengths profile that you completed earlier in this workshop, along with any other personality or character traits you’ve identified in other courses. You can also think about how these traits overlap with career aspirations you’ve already identified and would like to explore.
You will then narrow that list of ten takeaways to three and from that short list come up with a tentative topic for your TED-style talk. Getting clear on your topic in this assignment is important because it will enable you to move forward with future work in a focused manner.
And just to clarify a couple of points on the talk. It’s referred to as a TED-style talk to give you a lot of room to be creative. In this and previous courses, you’ve had an opportunity to view a number of actual TED-style talks. These are formal speeches given from the stage and watched by millions of people. You can create a similar speech for your talk (though it may not be viewed by millions of people), or you can infuse more creativity into your presentation. For example, you could create it in the format of a podcast, or you could do an animation with a voice-over, or some other creative option of your choice.
In addition to refining your topic and your format, you also want to get clarity on what audio and video resources you will need to create and present your talk in the chosen format. This journal entry is designed to help you think through these important steps in your TED-style talk.
Upon successful completion of the course material, you will be able to:
· Identify and describe the most salient takeaways from previous assignments to be incorporated into a future TED-style talk.
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· Textbook:  Modern Psychopathologies: A Comprehensive Christian Appraisal
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Background Information
Here is a suggested approach to completing this assignment. First, take the results of the character strengths profile you completed earlier in this workshop and highlight the top character traits from the inventory. Think about how these traits manifest in your life and why they ranked high in your profile. Jot down ideas as you sort through the inventory.
Then go back over some of the previous journal entries from past courses to review what you’ve already learned about your personality, your chosen specialization, and the type of work you think would be most interesting to you. Match this previous learning with what you are seeing in the character strengths profile. Look for patterns that overlap. This is the brainstorming part of the task. Don’t get hung up on limiting yourself to ten. The idea is to brainstorm at least ten points to work from.
With those patterns in mind, narrow it to three core ideas that seem most prevalent or interest you the most. From that short list, choose a specific topic and a format for delivery.
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1. Read Chapter 9, “Problem of Mood,” in your textbook.
2. Open your ongoing TED-style talk Reflection Journal that you have saved in a Word document.
a. Title this new journal entry “PSY-540 3.4 TED-Style Talk  .”
3. As you write your journal during this session, reflect on the following questions:
a. Make a list of the ten most important takeaways you’ve learned about yourself from the courses you’ve completed thus far, including the Character Strengths Profile.
b. From that list of ten, choose three that represent your most vital growth, both personally and spiritually. Explain why these are of particular importance to you.
c. What is your tentative topic for the upcoming TED-style talk, and how do you intend to incorporate at least one (or more) of those three vital areas of importance into your talk?
d. The TED-style talk will involve both audio and video but can be presented in a number of ways. For example, it can be delivered as a speech to an audience, or given as a podcast or through a voice-over with animation, among other options. Explain how you might want to present your TED-style talk.
e. What elements of audio and video do you think will be used in your talk to enhance your message? Do you have the resources and knowledge needed to apply these elements into your talk?

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