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Hurricane Matthew struck North Carolina as a category one hurricane in October 2016.

Organization Overview
Hurricane Matthew struck North Carolina as a category one hurricane in October 2016. The storm lingered for two days, unleashing unprecedented rainfall across the coastal regions of eastern North Carolina, particularly impacting Craven County. As reported by the New Bern Sun Journal, more than 300 individuals were affected by Hurricane Matthew in Craven County. One year later, Hurricane Florence traversed a similar path, prompting an additional 2,486 individuals to seek federal assistance (New Bern Sun Journal, 2021).
In response to the widespread devastation, the community united, forming the Craven County Disaster Recovery Alliance (CCDRA). This organization emerged from a collective effort to assist families in need, providing essential support to survivors heavily impacted by the disaster in Carteret County, especially underserved families. The organization was formed with the support of FEMA and coalition partners that comprised representatives from corporations, faith-based organizations, community nonprofits, governmental entities, and citizens from the local county (Cravenda, n.d.). According to CCDRA’s website, the organization’s mission is to strengthen area wide disaster coordination through information sharing, simplifying the access to available resources for individuals and families, and jointly resolving cases with unmet needs from disasters.
CCDRA was established as a nonprofit organization, with the United Way of Coastal Carolina serving as the organization’s fiscal agent. The leadership structure includes a Board of Directors responsible for governance and strategic direction, along with the Disaster Recovery Director, who oversees the organization’s daily operations. Their bylaws serve as the governing document. The organization operates with nine committees dedicated to advancing its program goals. These committees include finance, case management, housing, construction, emotional support, communications, volunteer, disaster preparedness, and unmet needs (Cravenda, n.d.). Each committee plays a crucial role for the accomplishment of the organization’s activities, supporting the Director, and ensuring effective implementation of the programs.
Disaster Case Management
The CCDRA Disaster Case Management Program serves as a vital resource for families residing in Craven County who have been affected by disasters. Designed to facilitate the recovery journey, this program plays a pivotal role in assisting families by identifying their specific needs, formulating comprehensive recovery plans, and securing the necessary resources (through advocacy) to support them throughout the process. The case management services are mostly delivered by volunteers and interns. Overseeing the operations is the Director, who oftely, wears many different hats in the organization. Supporting the Director is the Case Management Committee. The members are responsible for prioritizing funding distribution by implementing a scoring process and overseeing the appeal process when a client challenges a determination by case managers (Craven County Disaster Recovery Alliance, n.d.).
Home Repair
The Home Repair Program collaborates closely with the Case Management Program to address the needs of families displaced from their homes due to destruction. Case managers handle the intake process and paperwork to secure approval for rebuild projects. Once a case is approved, the construction committee oversees the project, coordinating with the volunteer committee to match volunteer skills with repair tasks. Other responsibilities of these committee includes developing estimates for home repair costs, plan for, and assist with warehouse inventory of donated goods for repair projects (Craven County Disaster Recovery Alliance, n.d.).
Unmet Needs Committee
The Unmet Needs Program plays a crucial role in facilitating the recovery of the affected families. Managed by the Resources Table Committee, this program involves CCDRA members and non-member organizations. Among its members are local organizations like the United Way and Habitat for Humanity and statewide entities such as Lutheran of the Carolinas and Team Rubicon. The Resources Table Committee collaborates closely with the Case Management Program and the committee’s responsibilities involves receiving and addressing referrals from case managers to ensure comprehensive support for families in need. These member and non-member organizations provide support through various ways, including financial, materials, or volunteer labor. In addition, the committee members are responsible for developing and fostering relationships with potential and current partners to increase the ability of resources.
The mentioned programs are supported by additional committees that operate collaboratively to advance CCDRA’s mission of assisting disaster-affected residents in achieve full recovery through comprehensive services. These other committees include Volunteer, Finance, Housing, Emotional Support, Communications, and Disaster Preparedness. Each committee plays a crucial role in ensuring the organization’s effectiveness in addressing the community’s diverse needs during and after a disaster.
Current Organization’s Metrics
For the past seven years, CCDRA has been at the forefront of disaster recovery efforts in Craven County, diligently assisting residents impacted by the devastating effects of Hurricanes Matthew and Florence. Inheriting over 1,800 cases following the conclusion of FEMA’s Disaster Case Management Program, CCDRA faced a monumental task in providing support and assistance to individuals and families grappling with the aftermath of the storms. These cases represent a wide spectrum of needs, ranging from minor needs to significant needs that require immediate attention. According to CCDRA Director, Kristy Kulbert, these cases encompass a broad spectrum of needs, ranging from minor needs like furniture replacement to more significant ones like roof replacement and major repairs. To effectively prioritize and address these cases, CCDRA relies on a systematic approach guided by the standards set forth by the Case Management and Unmet Needs Committee.
For instance, cases requiring roof replacement may be categorized as Category 3 if the home remains habitable despite the damage. However, if the structural integrity of the home is compromised, leading to displacement of the family, the case is escalated to Category 5, signifying the need for immediate intervention and support. Recognizing the resource-intensive nature of Category 4 and 5 cases, CCDRA acknowledges that these cases may entail longer turnaround times due to the complexities involved and the need for substantial resources. In contrast, cases categorized as three or lower are typically those that can be resolved within a relatively shorter timeframe, often within six months of completing the intake assessment. These cases may involve replacing personal property, addressing minor repairs, and restoring essential.
Certain cases present heightened complexity due to the presence of multiple needs that necessitate simultaneous or phased intervention. One such challenging case, as recounted by Kristy, involved a family whose home was inundated by floodwaters, resulting in the need for comprehensive interventions, including the replacement of all personal property, complete reconstruction of the dwelling, provision of temporary housing, and delivery of spiritual and emotional support. Addressing such multifaceted needs demands intensive case management and often requires a phased approach and the need to engage the coordinated efforts of various agency members to ensure comprehensive support and recovery. Regarding tracking performance and outcomes, CCDRA employs a structured approach based on established outcome categories. Closed cases are categorized into three main classifications: “Close (needs met),” “Unable to meet needs,” and “Lost contact with the survivor.” Cases still receiving assistance remain categorized as “In case management” until all needs have been addressed, upon which they are marked as “Completed.” To gauge success and effectiveness, CCDRA places particular emphasis on the “Close (with all needs met)” and “Completed” categories as key performance indicators. Their goal is to achieve positive outcomes for individuals and families by ensuring that all unmet needs are satisfactorily addressed, regardless of the nature or scope of the assistance required.
Similarly, the construction program tracks its performance based on the number of projects completed, serving as a tangible measure of progress and achievement in rebuilding and restoration efforts. Meanwhile, the Unmet Needs Program evaluates its effectiveness by monitoring the allocation of funding at the Resource Table, assessing its ability to address the community’s diverse needs efficiently and equitably. Lastly, the Volunteer Committee is tasked with monitoring and documenting volunteer hours on a weekly basis across all programs.
Data Governance
Due to the transient nature of its funding sources, CCDRA faces inherent limitations in its operational capacity. Disaster funding, often provided on a temporary basis, gradually diminishes within affected communities over time. Consequently, CCDRA operates within the constraints of limited staff capacity, with the Director serving as the sole paid staff member. The Director assumes responsibility for overseeing all organizational operations, including the vital tasks of data collection and storage. However, recognizing the demands of this multifaceted role, the Director has adopted a decentralized approach to data management. Specifically, one member from each committee has been tasked with tracking and gathering relevant data. This distributed approach enhances the organization’s ability to maintain comprehensive and efficient data collection practices, despite the inherent staffing limitations it faces.
For instance, Case Managers rely on an internal case management system designed to monitor case progress effectively. Once cases are completed or closed, they are logged into a shareable spreadsheet accessible exclusively to case managers, committee chairs, and the director. This Excel sheet is structured with separate tabs for each program, facilitating the organized segregation of data. This approach enhances accessibility and organization, ensuring that pertinent information is readily available for review and analysis by relevant stakeholders within the organization. The data stored in the spreadsheet serves several critical purposes within CCDRA’s operations. Primarily, it forms the basis for generating comprehensive reports on case progress, offering valuable insights into the organization’s performance in addressing disaster recovery needs. These reports provide a detailed overview of individual cases, including the types of assistance rendered, the duration of case management, and the outcomes attained.
Furthermore, the data facilitates informed decision-making by CCDRA’s leadership and staff. By analyzing trends and patterns across cases, they can identify areas of improvement, allocate resources more effectively, and implement strategies to enhance service delivery. Additionally, the data allows for evaluating program effectiveness and identifying best practices that can be replicated in future disaster response efforts.
Moreover, the stored data supports grant application processes by providing concrete evidence of CCDRA’s impact and the tangible outcomes of its interventions. This enhances the organization’s credibility and competitiveness in securing funding to sustain its operations and expand its reach within the community.
Moreover, the data collected is pivotal in the grant application process. The organization can effectively support its funding requests by documenting the progress of cases and demonstrating the impact of CCDRA’s interventions. Grant applications often require evidence of tangible outcomes and successful service delivery, which the spreadsheet data helps substantiate. Currently, the Director assumes responsibility for monitoring case progress and overseeing the data management process. However, CCDRA needs to formalize its performance management framework by developing a written performance plan.
Current Performance
While CCDRA has successfully closed 1,300 cases out of 1,800, it’s essential to conduct a thorough analysis of the reasons behind case closures. According to the data provided by the Director, some cases were closed due to challenges in contacting clients or an inability to fulfill specific needs. These cases, although marked as closed, may not accurately reflect successful outcomes or the resolution of client needs. Additionally, the data indicates that some of the construction projects reported as completed may have been referred to other agencies better equipped to handle full rebuilds. However, there appears to be a gap in follow-up procedures to confirm the status and completion of these projects post-transfer.
At first glance, one might conclude that CCDRA programs are effectively helping families affected by disasters achieve recovery. However, it’s important to note that not every person who sought CCDRA services had their needs met. This highlights the importance of conducting a comprehensive evaluation of case closures and construction project completions to ensure that services are effectively meeting the needs of disaster-affected individuals and families from Craven County.
Beyond tracking case closure, CCDRA should consider monitoring the average time taken to complete a case, CCDRA can further analyze the breakdown of case management stages to identify bottlenecks and streamline processes. For example, monitoring the time spent on initial assessments, resource coordination, and follow-up communications provides insights into where improvements can be made to enhance efficiency. Additionally, evaluating the ratio of active cases to closed cases over time will helps CCDRA assess its capacity to manage caseloads effectively and ensure equitable access to services for all clients.
In addition to measuring the percentage of cases successfully closed, CCDRA can gauge client satisfaction with the overall case management experience. Implementing client feedback mechanisms, such as satisfaction surveys or post-case interviews, allows the organization to gather qualitative insights into clients’ perceptions of the support received. By analyzing feedback related to responsiveness, communication effectiveness, and service quality, CCDRA can identify areas for improvement and tailor its services to better meet the diverse needs of clients. High levels of client satisfaction not only indicate program effectiveness, but also foster trust and confidence in CCDRA’s disaster recovery efforts within the community.
Furthermore, Efficient resource utilization is essential for optimizing CCDRA’s impact and ensuring that available resources are allocated effectively across programs and initiatives. Beyond tracking the percentage of resources allocated to different programs, CCDRA can analyze resource utilization rates to identify areas of overutilization or underutilization. By aligning resource allocation with program priorities and community needs, CCDRA can maximize the impact of its interventions and achieve greater outcomes with limited resources. Moreover, evaluating the cost-effectiveness of resource allocation strategies enables CCDRA to make informed decisions about resource reallocation and investment in initiatives with the highest potential for positive outcomes.
CCDRA’s success relies heavily on its ability to engage with the community and foster collaborative partnerships with local organizations, government agencies, and stakeholders. Monitoring metrics related to community engagement, such as the number of community events hosted or the level of participation in outreach initiatives, provides insights into the organization’s reach and impact within the community. By actively soliciting community input, engaging in dialogue with stakeholders, and leveraging partnerships to amplify its efforts, CCDRA can strengthen its position as a trusted resource for disaster recovery support and build resilience within the community.
Cravendra. (n.d.). Craven County Disaster Recovery Alliance. Retrieved from
Craven County Disaster Recovery Alliance. (n.d.). Working Committees. Retrieved from
Federal Emergency Management Agency. (n.d.). Losses Avoided: Hurricane Matthew, North Carolina Retrieved from
National Weather Service. (n.d.). Hurricane Florence. Retrieved from
New Bern Sun Journal. (2017, October 7). Hurricane Matthew, one year later. Retrieved from
New Bern Sun Journal. (2021, September 18). Hurricane Florence recovery and repairs still needed three years later. Retrieved from
15 pages long, APA style
This report should cover the following:
· Create a logic model for your organization that outlines the goals of its programs. The logic model should provide the foundation for your discussion in the rest of the report as you indicate whether the organization is moving towards its outcomes or not
· Using some of the language and logic from the course, describe how your organization currently tracks performance. Who is in charge of monitoring the programs you’re familiar with? What is done with data that is collected for performance measurement? In what ways does your role in the organization utilize performance measures?
· Describe the current performance of the organization using terms and tools (like KPIs) from the course
· Place the organization’s performance in context by using tools such as benchmarking
· Give suggestions and goals using some tools (like OKRs) on how the organization might improve its performance in the next 5-10 years.

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