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Home » Implicit stereotypes: when people judge others according to unconscious stereotypes Similarity-attraction bias: tendency to more easily and deeply connect with people who look and feel€ like ourselves

Implicit stereotypes: when people judge others according to unconscious stereotypes Similarity-attraction bias: tendency to more easily and deeply connect with people who look and feel€ like ourselves

ROLE OF THE INCLUSIVE LEADER? 12/4/22153786/google-timnit-gebru- ethical-ai-jeff-dean-controversy-fired
Implicit stereotypes: when people judge others according to unconscious stereotypes
Similarity-attraction bias: tendency to more easily and deeply connect with people who “look and feel” like ourselves
In-group favouritism: tendency to favour members of in-groups and neglect members of out-groups
Attribution error: when the wrong reason is used to explain someone’s behaviour; coupled with in-group favouritism, this results in a positive attribution for in-group members and a negative attribution for out- group members
Confirmation bias: seeking or interpreting information that is partial to existing beliefs
Groupthink: when the desire for group harmony overrides rational decision making
Presenter Notes
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Cognizance of Bias Highly inclusive leaders are mindful of personal and organizational blind spots, and self-regulate to help ensure “fair play.” “The leaders that are inclusive do a couple of things,” says Sodexo’s Anand. “At the individual level, they are very self-aware, and they act on that self-awareness. And they acknowledge that their organizations, despite best intentions, have unconscious bias, and they put in place policies, processes, and structures in order to mitigate the unconscious bias that exists.” Bringing yourself to cognizance Delete?
Bias conscious and unconscious
Training: from values to skill
Diversity by process design
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If you are a recruiting how do you biases play in e.g. Names on short listing; hair Process design: The activity of determining the workflow, equipment needs, and implementation requirements for a particular process. Theory must match practice: e.g training Consider you will be in the job market soon
•Job market and recruitment process •Salary and conditions negotiation •Promotion and progression processes •Performance and success at work
Cultivate critical awareness of how aspects of your identity might affect
So that you can plan response and take appropriate action that maximises your progression and success
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Focus on your identity Negotiation/don’t be under employed: working class, first. BAME Hewlett Packard: 60% men vs 100%
•Challenging discrimination in individuals in your team
•Challenging your organisation e.g. institutional racism
•Opportunities WRES, RECM, Stonewall •Government imperative to publish gender pay gap
Your role in promoting anti- discriminatory practice
Presenter Notes
Presentation Notes
Point 2: Institutional Racism: Stephen Lawrence centre Point 3: does your organization have this? WRES Workforce Race Equality Standard  RECM race equality charters mark Stonewall gay,
•Bias •Unconscious bias •Sources of privilege •Deconstructing “merit”
Reflect on
Presenter Notes
Presentation Notes
Bias: v Sources of privilege: is not about socioeconomics; rights that are unearned Deconstructing merit: is merit objective or do you ascribe varying levels of value to difrent type fo merit. Are your recruiting relationships or cause you are similarr to me Versus: imposter syndrome
 Bourke, J. and Dillon, B. (2016). The six signature traits of inclusive leadership Thriving in a diverse new world. Deloitte Consulting. inclusive-leadership.html [Accessed November 1 2018]
 Department for Business, Innovation & Skills (2013) The business case for equality and diversity: a survey of the academic literature. -and- diversity -a-survey-of-the-academic-literature [Accessed November 1 2018]
��Inclusive Leadership: Part 2C��
ROle of the inclusive Leader?
Slide Number 3
Slide Number 4
Slide Number 5
�Cognizance overcomes Bias�
�Personalising Inclusive Leadership �
�Personalising Inclusive Leadership �
�Personalising Inclusive Leadership �
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