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Home » Instructions: Based on all readings and resources this week and the outline template provided, create a Requirements Work Plan for your individual case study project. You are using the same project for which you wrote your Business Case. Use a business writing style where applicable and do not assume the audience of this Requirements Work Plan has read your Business Case document.

Instructions: Based on all readings and resources this week and the outline template provided, create a Requirements Work Plan for your individual case study project. You are using the same project for which you wrote your Business Case. Use a business writing style where applicable and do not assume the audience of this Requirements Work Plan has read your Business Case document.

Total Points: 100
Overview: This assignment is part 2 of the ongoing case study project introduced at the start of the course. Complete this portion of the case study using the accompanying outline template provided in Blackboard. The Case Study Project is not a collaborative effort. All assignments should be completed individually.
Instructions: Based on all readings and resources this week and the outline template provided, create a Requirements Work Plan for your individual case study project. You are using the same project for which you wrote your Business Case. Use a business writing style where applicable and do not assume the audience of this Requirements Work Plan has read your Business Case document.
 Use the “Requirements Work Plan Outline” template to complete the assignment and
submit to Blackboard.
 Please follow APA guidelines (proper margins, double-spaced, Times New Roman font,
12-point font).
 Use APA citation format and include a reference/works cited page when necessary.
 Writing should be clear, concise, and well organized. Thoughts should be expressed in
a logical manner.
 The writing should be free of spelling, grammar errors with excellent sentence /
paragraph construction.
 The outline template should be 4 pages maximum in length including reference page/work cited page.
 Save your files using the following filename convention:
o RequirementsWorkPlan – FirstName_LastName
Be sure to read the criteria, by which your paper/project will be evaluated, before
you write, and again after you write.
PMG501 – Scope Project Management
Unit 2 Assignment: Create a Requirements Work Plan for Your Case Study
Evaluation Rubric for Unit 2: Creating Requirements Work Plan Assignment
CRITERIA Deficient
Needs Improvement Proficient
0 – 17 Points 18 – 23 Points 24 – 29 Points 30 Points
Executive Summary
Executive summary
is inadequate or
Executive summary is
unfocused and does
not give a clear
Executive summary
presents a specific
position or perspective
but may lack clarity or
Executive summary gives a clear, well- written position or perspective.
Reasoning Topic and reasoning is not clear or inadequate. Misconceptions are present. Little to no evidence of unit concepts applied.
The reasoning for the topic is implied though not explicitly stated. Some misconceptions may be present. Few unit concepts applied and evident.
Mostly addresses reasoning for topic and relates to being an effective EMH leader. Some unit concepts applied and evident.
Thoroughly presents a clear line of reasoning for the topic and effectively relates to being an effective EMH leader. Several unit concepts applied and evident.
Support Statements
Primary roles and responsibilities are inadequate or missing. Body of knowledge in the EMH field is not apparent or supported. Little to no evidence of unit concepts applied.
Primary roles and responsibilities lack clarity and detail; may not effectively support the thesis statement. Reader is not effectively introduced to an existing body of knowledge in the EMH field. Few unit concepts applied and evident.
Primary roles and responsibilities to be covered mostly support the thesis statement. Reader is introduced to an appropriate body of knowledge through relevant resources and language used. Some unit concepts applied and evident.
Primary roles and responsibilities to be covered effectively support the thesis statement. Reader is introduced to an appropriate body of knowledge through relevant resources and language used. Several unit concepts applied and evident.
0 – 5 Points 6 – 7 Points 8 – 9 Points 10 Points
Clear and Professional Writing
Writing assignment contains no sense of organization. Paragraphs lack clear ideas. Contains several errors in grammar, spelling and punctuation which detracts from content of the passage.
Writing assignment contains a sense of organization. Some paragraphs have clear ideas. Contains several minor errors in grammar, spelling and punctuation, but does not detract from content of the passage.
Writing assignment contains good overall organization. Most paragraphs have clear ideas and are supported with some examples. Mostly free of errors in grammar, spelling and punctuation.
Writing assignment is well-planned and well- thought out. All paragraphs have clear ideas, are supported with examples and have smooth transitions. Free of errors in grammar, spelling and punctuation.

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