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Is free trade ultimately beneficial for countries or harmful?

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he Question: Is free trade ultimately beneficial for countries or harmful?
approximately 1,000 words in length, ±50 words. Use a standard 10–12pt font with 1”
In writing your essay consider the following:
•According to trade theory (e.g., Heckscher-Ohlin, Stolper-Samuelson, Ricardo-Viner), which specific groups benefit
economically from free trade, and which groups are harmed? Do the benefits outweigh the harms?
•When might governments have an incentive to protect certain industries? Does protectionism mitigate the potential
negative effects of free trade, or is it generally more harmful than beneficial?
•Beyond economics, what other issue-areas might be affected by free trade (e.g., labor standards, the environment,
intellectual property, etc)? Are these effects positive or negative? Do these effects outweigh economic benefits?
•Thinking in terms of globalization overall (i.e., trade plus investment and monetary relations), is economic inter-
dependence between countries generally beneficial or harmful?
Papers will be graded according to the following rubric:
•Uses basic trade theory (e.g., Heckscher-Ohlin, Stolper-Samuelson, Ricardo-Viner) to explain who benefits from
trade and who is harmed
•Shows an understanding of protectionist incentives and potential consequences of protectionism
•Develops an argument for/against free trade that is plausible, coherent, and informed by the trade theory concepts
•Uses appropriate sources if needed, such as reputable newspapers and newsmagazines, and does not use inappro-
priate sources
•Meets expectations for organization, grammar, spelling, writing style, and word count
•Includes citations for all referenced material
The following sources (some pro, some con) will help you get started:

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