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Leading Ethically and Legally at Home and Abroad

Project 3: Leading Ethically and Legally at Home and Abroad Start Here


The nature of an organization’s business and the environment the business operates in will guide management in ensuring that decisions are both legal and ethical. In this project, you will expand your ability to make ethically responsible decisions by applying an ethical decision-making model to resolve a business ethics case. Begin with Step 1: Perform Ethical Analysis.



Your work will be evaluated using the competencies listed below.


· 1.3: Provide sufficient, correctly cited support that substantiates the writer’s ideas.


· 1.4: Tailor communications to the audience.


· 1.6: Follow conventions of Standard Written English.


· 2.1: Identify and clearly explain the issue, question, or problem under critical consideration.


· 2.4: Consider and analyze information in context to the issue or problem.


· 2.5: Develop well-reasoned ideas, conclusions or decisions, checking them against relevant criteria and benchmarks.


· 5.1: Develop constructive resolutions for ethical dilemmas based on application of ethical theories, principles and models.


· 5.2: Assess the implications of legal, ethical and cultural (national) standards on an organization’s operations in global markets and make recommendations for appropriate actions.


· 5.4: Resolve workplace conflicts using the optimal approaches and techniques for the situation and involved parties.


· 7.4: Analyze the impact of international and foreign laws on US organizations acting domestically and abroad.


· 9.3: Apply the principles of employment law for ethical practices and risk mitigation.


Step 1: Perform Ethical Analysis

Vice President Dodger has provided you with the Electropic LLC case file, which details recent events at Electropic LLC, one of Colossal’s technology companies. He has asked you to analyze the legal and ethical aspects of the case. The ethical aspects of the situation seem complex, and you realize that you need a structured way to think through the various resolutions to the case and their implications. You know that there are many different schools of ethical thought and a variety of frameworks or approaches for analyzing ethical problems, but you decide that the best approach to this particular situation is  Badaracco’s right versus right framework.


You’ll start by working through the right vs. right ethical analysis, considering the various options for action and the winners and losers for each option. What are your recommendations for the best ethical course of action? Be sure to analyze all four questions and all three tests of Badaracco’s framework.


When you’ve finished analyzing the ethical aspects of this case, continue to the next step, in which you’ll consider any legal issues that could affect your decisions.


Step 2: Perform Legal Analysis

As you continue to sift through and consider all the details of the Electropic LLC case, Vice President Dodger reaches out with an important note:



From: Kenneth Dodger, Vice President, Colossal Corporation


To: You


Just wanted to remind you that in addition to the ethical aspects of the Electropic LLC situation, there may be legal implications that the human resources department needs to account for before moving forward with any plan of action. To that end, you’ll need to review any relevant information about  fraud and  employment at will, that might affect what could or should be done about the situation at Electropic LLC.


When you’ve worked through the possible legal implications and arrived at a recommended course of action for Electropic LLC’s HR department, it’s time to present your analyses, recommendations, and action plan in a report.


Please use your outline and research notes to inform the writing of your report.


That’s all for now. I know this is a tricky case. Thank you for your efforts.




email signature with Colossal Corporation logo and Kenneth L. Dodger, Vice President


Step 3: Write Your Electropic LLC Report


Use your outline and research notes to prepare your report. Be sure to meet the following requirements laid out by the VP:


· Using Badaracco’s right vs. right framework and your legal analysis, prepare a report.


· Include APA-formatted in-text citations and an APA-formatted reference list (do not format the body of the report using APA style, just the reference list). See  references and citations  for details.


· Include in your report a detailed analysis of all four questions and three tests of the Badaracco framework; also include an analysis of the legal issues.


· Include a specific recommendation on what actions, if any, HR should take based on your legal and ethical analysis and conclusions.


· The report should be no more than 10 pages (double spaced, 12-point font; the reference list does not count toward page limit).


· Title your file using this protocol: lastname_Electropic_date.docx.


Submit your Electropic report to the submission dropbox located in the final step of this project. You should try to have this report complete by the end of Week 6. In the next step, you will begin work on the final task from the VP regarding global law and ethics.


Step 4: Review the Global Shippers, Inc. Case File

Now that you’ve submitted your response to the Electropic incident, you turn your attention to the  Global Shippers case file. The vice president has appointed you to a board of confidential advisors to discuss whether the Global Shippers CEO’s actions were legal and ethical.


You open the file. Reading over the specifics of this situation, you soon understand that the VP is legitimately concerned about the legal and ethical violations.


In the next step, you will gather the information you need to identify important issues for the VP.


Step 5: Gather and Analyze the Information

While you have some general awareness that there are many ramifications of international transactions from legal and ethical perspectives and many cultural differences among countries, you realize that you need to know a lot more about these subjects before you can attempt to respond to the VP’s questions.


Before you begin your research, listen to this  introduction to cross-cultural awareness podcast as it relates to working with people from other cultures. Then review the following topics as you work to meet the VP’s request:  international business ethics, laws, and regulations,  cross-cultural ethical business decision making (specifically focus on the “Ethical Theory in Global Business” resources), and  country cultural differences.


Step 6: Engage in the Global Law and Ethics Discussion


Now that you’ve gathered information and analyzed the legal and ethical consequences of Manning’s actions as outlined in the  Global Shippers case file, you’re expected to discuss your conclusions and rationales with the board of confidential advisors convened by Vice President Dodger. Two main requirements will structure this discussion:


· First, each board member is to post an initial response fully analyzing the following questions:


· Were Manning’s actions legal under the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, and what are the possible penalties for violating the act?


· Were Manning’s actions legal under the UK Bribery Act and what are the possible penalties for violating the act?


· Were Manning’s actions ethical, particularly in light of differing cultural norms?


When answering these questions, be sure to apply the following guidelines: Provide a full explanation for why all his actions were or were not legal and ethical in your discussion, including a full rationale for each conclusion. This post can be as long or as short as you need in order to effectively make your points.


· Second, each member of the confidential board of advisors must provide a substantive response to at least one posting from a colleague in the discussion, critiquing the initial post with rationale based on legal and ethical analysis.


Consult  MBA Discussion Guidelines for instructions on participation in discussions.




Course Resource




MBA Discussion Guidelines


Throughout the MBA program, you will be asked to participate in discussions. Assigned discussions, both individual and group work, are part of the process of developing your project deliverables.


In general, address your discussion posts to your classmates, rather than the instructor. Do not attach files; use only the discussion textbox. Your posts do not need the structure or format of formal business memos or reports. These discussions should be an informal exchange of ideas with your peers. You should, of course, still adhere to the norms of standard written English.


To receive the maximum benefit, you should participate in accordance with the guidelines provided below.


· timeliness


· proper citation


· cite sources any time you quote or paraphrase an idea or evidence from another work


· use APA citation style (example below)


· meaningful engagement


· posts contribute to substantive scholarly discussion


· student demonstrates professionalism in interaction with peers


· posts critically discuss topics presented in the current week and, when appropriate, in previous weeks


· posts are grounded in the theories and concepts presented in the course




Based on the  UMGC library’s guidance on APA citations , including guidance on how to cite content from the UMGC online classroom, please use the following format for classroom resources with no author or no date:


Title of resource. (n.d.). Document posted in University of Maryland Global Campus Course Name Course Number online classroom, archived at:  hyperlink


SWOT  analysis. (n.d.). Document posted in University of Maryland Global Campus MBA 610 2182 online classroom, archived at:

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