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· Netting, F. E., Kettner, P. M., McMurtry, S. L., & Thomas, M. L. (2017).  Social work macro practice (6th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson. 
· Chapter 2, “Historical and Contemporary Influences on Macro Practice” (pp. 29–58)
Post the following:
· Using information from the Learning Resources, identify one group affected by an institutional policy change that occurred in the past.
· Explain how the group was either helped or harmed by this institutional policy change in the past.
Respond to two colleagues who selected different populations:
· Explain how the changes encountered by your colleague’s chosen group is similar or different from the changes encountered by your chosen group.
Collapse Subdiscussion Reanna Heath
Reanna Heath
SundayMar 3 at 3:34pm
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· Using information from the Learning Resources, identify one group affected by an institutional policy change that occurred in the past. 
· Explain how the group was either helped or harmed by this institutional policy change in the past. 
 An institution is an organization that is constructed for the purpose and function for the civility of the United States. It considers culture, norms, political and socio-economic standing. Some examples of these are: universities, churches, the stock exchange, police departments, and some even include social institutions such as marriage (F Ellen Netting, 2012). 
One American institutional policy change in the recent past is the adoption of legislative term limits. Less than half of our United States adhere to a replacement of offices in no more than 6 years. This causes the elected official to give all they must contribute their allegiance in the relatively short time they have in office. On the other hand, it is a benefit to maintain fresh perspectives and convictions to the seat ( Institutional Change in American Politics: The Case of Term Limits | Political Science, 2007). 
F Ellen Netting. (2012).  Social work macro practice. Pearson Education. 
Institutional Change in American Politics: The Case of Term Limits | Political Science. (2007). to an external site.  
Using information from the Learning Resources, identify one group affected by an institutional policy change that occurred in the past.
Women have been impacted the most in the last 100 years, especially during the 1900s, regarding policy changes that have had a lasting impact (Netting et al., 2017, p. 45). Beginning in the 1800s, women organized together from all types of diverse backgrounds formed the Women’s Suffrage Movement with leaders such as Elizabeth Stanton and Lucretia Mott, who initially organized the movement in 1848 as a response to the fact that they could not attend a convention that a group was holding that they were apart of solely because they were women (Netting et al., 2017, p. 45). This created a rise among women across the United States to unite, including names like Harriet Tubman, who joined their cause to fight for women’s rights, especially for the right to vote (Netting et al., 2017, p. 45).
Explain how the group was either helped or harmed by this institutional policy change in the past.
Women were greatly helped by the passage of the 19th Amendment in 1920, which allowed women to vote (Netting et al., 2017, p. 45). No longer were women’s opinions to be solely kept to themselves, but they could speak up and say who they wanted in office to represent issues that were important to them. This includes healthcare issues that impact women on a regular basis, as we are now seeing today in how our country votes. By women getting a say in who represents them on a political level, they can change policies and laws just by who they vote for that benefits women and their future instead of oppressing them as it had in the past.
Netting, F. E., Kettner, P. M., McMurtry, S. L., & Thomas, M. L. (2017). Social work macro practice (6th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson.

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