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Modern Terrorism

HSE 470: Modern Terrorism
Response #1 (Johnathan): Terrorism is a regular problem throughout Africa. Especially in I would say Nigeria, Somalia, Mali, and Burkina Faso having probably the biggest threats of terrorism. The reason for this they all have in common which is corruption and a weak government. Additionally, the failure of these governments to provide security for vast sections of their populations has only contributed to feelings of resentment toward governmental authorities. Thus terrorist organizations have been known to utilize these feelings to increase radicalization and recruitment tactics leading to an increased danger of terrorism in these areas. 
The counter-terrorism strategy of the African Union I would not say is a failure it is definitely progressive and seeks to do a lot however, I think all things need improvement based on escalating situations. This means weaknesses in implementation need to be addressed the African Union has provided an excellent framework for combating terrorism however, they have nothing to show or prove that it has had an impact on terrorism in the slightest. This is an issue the African Union has recognized themselves. This issue occurs in key state actors in the fight against terrorism having yet to ratify the protocol for the African Union’s counterterrorism framework such as Somalia, Kenya, and Nigeria being some of them having yet to put the protocol into action. So the African Union has an excellent counter-terrorism strategy however, getting all parties on board is where much of their issues lay. 
Good talk, not enough action – the AU’s counter-terrorism … (n.d.-a).
Terrorism in Africa | chatham house – international affairs think … (n.d.-b).
Response #2 (Ramada): The African continent faces significant challenges with terrorist threats, with several nations experiencing heightened levels of violence and instability. Countries such as Nigeria, Somalia, Mali, and Libya have been particularly affected by terrorism due to various factors. In Nigeria, the Boko Haram insurgency and its splinter group, Islamic State West Africa Province (ISWAP), have wreaked havoc in the northeastern region, exploiting socio-economic grievances, weak governance, and ethnic tensions. Somalia has long been plagued by the al-Shabaab militant group, which capitalizes on political instability, state fragility, and ungoverned spaces to carry out attacks and control territory. The African Union’s counter-terrorism strategy has faced criticism for its perceived shortcomings and limitations. While the framework outlines comprehensive measures for enhancing regional cooperation, intelligence-sharing, and capacity-building, implementation has been hindered by resource constraints, institutional weaknesses, and competing priorities. Moreover, the proliferation of terrorist groups across the continent underscores the need for a more coordinated and robust response from African nations and international partners. The Sahel region, encompassing countries like Mali, Niger, and Burkina Faso, has witnessed a surge in violent extremism, fueled by poverty, marginalization, and the proliferation of arms and illicit activities. The UN has expressed concerns about the spread of terrorism in Africa, calling for enhanced efforts to address root causes, strengthen governance, and promote inclusive development. Despite ongoing military interventions and counter-terrorism operations, the persistence of terrorist threats underscores the complex and multifaceted nature of the challenge, necessitating sustained engagement and cooperation at the regional and international levels.
Center for Preventive Action. (2023, August 10).  Violent Extremism in the Sahel. Global Conflict Tracker.
‌ United Nations. (2023, March 28).  Speakers Warn Security Council Terrorism Spreading across Africa at Alarming Rate, Call for Greater Support, Enhanced International, Regional Cooperation | UN Press.
HSE 460: European Union
Response #1 (Patrick): The German domestic intelligence agency stated that far-right extremism is the biggest terrorism threat because of its potential to stimulate or encourage violence and promote hate. As for the Alternative for Deutschland party, it has gained attention in Europe but its threat level can vary depending on different perspectives. “In the traditional political spectrum spanning from progressives to Nazis/fascists, the AfD is closer to the latter and often seen as chauvinistic, right-wing-populist” (Klikauer, 2020). The Alternative for Deutschland can be compared to other right-wing parties in such as the National Front in France or the Freedom Party in Austria. These parties share some similarities such as skepticism towards the European Union, concerns about immigration, and focus on national identify. As for far left communism, even though it has declined greatly in recent years, it is always important to stay vigilant and address any potential threats. It is crucial to promote understanding and respect among all political ideologies.  
Klikauer, T. (2020).  Alternative für Deutschland: The AfD: Germany’s New Nazis or another Populist Party? Liverpool University Press.
Response #2 (Hudson): There are many reasons whether recent threats or past trends that have caused the German domestic intelligence agency to state that far-right extremists are the biggest threat in terms of terrorism. To start, there is a rise that can be seen from the far right that has caused a need for concern within the area because of their ideology and the threats that they pose. No country wants to be faced with any threats and with those threat assessments being taken it clearly shows a major threat from the far right which would cause the country’s intelligence agency to state this and have reasonable concern. Trends are also a very big thing to look at, With the right being seen in other countries as well as Germany the trends that come from the far right cause a great deal of concern because you can see what they are capable of and willing to do. There is also a great deal oh history within Germany from the far right and understanding this history there can be a clear cause for concern. The AfD poses a significant threat within Europe. The group’s influence and impact are something that is a cause for concern. The groups stance in things such as immigration has caused strain between different groups and countries, and they have the potential to become a much bigger problem if not handled. As long as far-left communism is still active it will pose a threat. Although far-left communism has diminished compared to the past it is still something that is relevant and has the potential to become something more if left unattended.
Kubicek, P. (2020 ). European Politics (3rd ed.). Taylor & Francis.
Revelations from the Russian Archives internal workings of the Soviet Union. Library of Congress. (1992, June 15). Retrieved September 13, 2021, from
HSE 450: Individual and Cultural Perspectives of Terrorism Radicalization
Response #1 (Kanysia):  The Office of the Director of National Intelligence came about because of the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004. Currently, there are eighteen different agencies which report to the ODNI directly. This is what makes up the Intelligence Community. They work together to gather and share information that pertains to national security and then locate and stop terrorists. The ODNI is head of this community and deals with its budget, resources, and coordination. Counter-terrorism is measures that are set in place to stop and prevent terrorism from happening. Regarding the Central Intelligence Agency and Federal Bureau of Investigation, they are known to be apart of the main IC agencies involved in counterterrorism. “The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) was given responsibility for domestic intelligence inside the United States, and the CIA was charged with developing foreign intelligence outside the country” (Taylor and Swanson, 2019). The CIA gathers and analyzes the intelligence, then the FBI looks into and then prosecutes the terrorism cases. A fusion center is “a “clearinghouse” or information “hub” that blends the power of information technology with terrorism prevention and crime fighting” (Taylor and Swanson, 2019). The Department of Homeland Security works with other agencies, sectors, and fusion centers by communicating and sharing information in order to put a stop to terrorists. When it comes to preventing attacks and the impact of intelligence leaks, homeland security tries to stop attacks by sharing information and keeping things safe. It depends on what is being kept secret, whether or not the leaks are bad or not. References Chapter 9 and 10: Taylor, R. W., & Swanson, C. R. (2019).  Terrorism, Intelligence, and Homeland Security (2nd ed.). Pearson.
Response #2 (Patrick): The U.S intelligence community and Office of the Director of National Intelligence combat terrorism by integrating foreign and domestic counterterrorism systems. This helps “provide terrorism analysis, share information with partners across the counterterrorism enterprise, and driving whole-of-government action to secure our national CT objectives” (1). Federal agencies like the CIA and FBI use intelligence to monitor possible threats and investigate actions that are connected to terrorism. Fusion centers are centralized centers that allow for the gathering and sharing of information and intelligence with various agencies. The centers facilitate “receipt, analysis, gathering and sharing of threat-related information between State, Local, Tribal and Territorial (The National Counterterrorism Center, n.d.), federal and private sector partners” (U.S. Department of Homeland Security, n.d.). Homeland Security plays a crucial role in preventing attacks by implementing measures to enhance national security and protect citizens. They work to identify potential threats, secure borders, and collaborate with intelligence agencies to gather information. Intelligence leaks can have a significant impact on national security. When sensitive information is exposed, the can cause compromised investigations, jeopardize the safety of individuals, and hinder efforts to prevent future attacks. 
Fusion centers: Homeland security. U.S. Department of Homeland Security. (n.d.).
Odni Home. The National Counterterrorism Center. (n.d.).

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