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Home » nstructions: Add an executive summary and a table of contents after the title page. Include a closing summary at the end. Add the content from your previous assignments in different sections, update as necessary, and introduce each section with brief comments.

nstructions: Add an executive summary and a table of contents after the title page. Include a closing summary at the end. Add the content from your previous assignments in different sections, update as necessary, and introduce each section with brief comments.

The final assignment is a combination of all of your earlier course assignments. It is
important to assume that your final project plan is being reviewed by someone from an
executive management team; therefore, the final project should be a seamless
document and the reader should not have to open any other documents. When you are
done, you should have one seamless and professional-looking project plan formatted
according to the APA guidelines.
• Add an executive summary and a table of contents after the title page.
• Include a closing summary at the end.
• Add the content from your previous assignments in different sections, update as
necessary, and introduce each section with brief comments.
• APA-formatted Word document. Portrait or landscape orientation is acceptable.
• Length of a maximum of 10 pages, excluding title and reference pages.
• Include at least three references.
Be sure to read the criteria by which your work will be evaluated before you write
and again after you write.
BUS530 – Project Managment
Final Project Plan
Evaluation Rubric for Final Project Plan Assignment
Criteria Exemplary Proficient Needs Improvement
50 points 40 – 49 points 30 – 39 points 0 – 29 points
Project Components
All required components addressed in full detail and are included in project.
All required components addressed; missing some detail(s) in the project.
Most required components addressed in the project.
Some or no required components addressed in the project.
10 points
0 points
Length No more than 10 pages.
n/a n/a More than 10 pages.
10 points 0 points
References At least 3 references.
n/a n/a Less than 3 references.
30 points 24 – 29 points 18 – 23 points 0 – 17 points
Clear and Professional Writing and APA Format
Writing and format are clear, professional, APA compliant and error free.
Few errors that do not impede professional presentation.
Significant errors that do not impede professional presentation.
Errors impede professional presentation; guidelines not followed.

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