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Home » Online Monitoring: A Threat to Employee Privacy in the Wired Workplace: An Annotated Bibliography Adams, Scott. Dilbert and the Way of the Weasel. New York: Harper, 2002. Print. Adams’s Dilbert€ cartoons are known for satirizing everyday workplace issues. The cartoon on page 106 illustrates how rampant Internet use in the workplace has become and suggests that both employers and employees are well aware of the practice. The cartoon points out the difficulty employers face in trying to restrict employee Internet use.

Online Monitoring: A Threat to Employee Privacy in the Wired Workplace: An Annotated Bibliography Adams, Scott. Dilbert and the Way of the Weasel. New York: Harper, 2002. Print. Adams’s Dilbert€ cartoons are known for satirizing everyday workplace issues. The cartoon on page 106 illustrates how rampant Internet use in the workplace has become and suggests that both employers and employees are well aware of the practice. The cartoon points out the difficulty employers face in trying to restrict employee Internet use.

MLA Annotated Bibliography (Orlov)


Anna Orlov


Professor Willis


English 101


3 March XXXX


Online Monitoring: A Threat to Employee


Privacy in the Wired Workplace:


An Annotated Bibliography


Adams, Scott. Dilbert and the Way of the Weasel. New York: Harper,


2002. Print.


Adams’s “Dilbert” cartoons are known for satirizing


everyday workplace issues. The cartoon on page 106 illustrates


how rampant Internet use in the workplace has become


and suggests that both employers and employees are well


aware of the practice. The cartoon points out the difficulty


employers face in trying to restrict employee Internet use.


American Management Association and ePolicy Institute. “2005


Electronic Monitoring and Surveillance Survey.” American


Management Association. Amer. Management Assn., 2005.


Web. 15 Feb. 2006.


According to the survey of workplace Internet use


summarized in this article, employers are most concerned


about employees visiting inappropriate Web sites. However,


employers’ monitoring of employees extends beyond blocking


certain Web sites. Many employers who participated in the


study also track individual keystrokes and review e-mails. The


study suggests that the majority of employers who monitor


Internet use are telling their employees that they are being


Orlov 1


Marginal annotations indicate MLA-style formatting and effective writing.


In MLA style, each entry begins at the left margin; subsequent lines indent 1⁄2”.


The annotation begins on a new line and is indented 1⁄2”.


Source: Diana Hacker (Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2007). This paper has been updated to follow the style guidelines in the MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers, 7th ed. (2009).


Source: Diana Hacker (Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2007).


monitored. These findings seem to contradict many of my


other sources, which claim that employers are not doing


enough to explain Internet monitoring to their employees.


“Automatically Record Everything They Do Online! Spector Pro 5.0


FAQ’s.”, n.d. Web. 17 Feb. 2006.


Spector Pro is a type of Internet surveillance program.


This Web page, sponsored by the manufacturer of the product,


explains the functionality of the software and describes its


features. It can be installed on a variety of computers and


can be installed in “Stealth” mode so that the user cannot


detect the software on his or her computer. The program can


also monitor all computer use ranging from Word documents


to Web sites. This source supports my other sources by


illustrating the ease with which this kind of software can be


installed as well as the extensive amount of information it


can gather for employers.


Flynn, Nancy. “Internet Policies.” ePolicy Institute. ePolicy Inst.,


n.d. Web. 15 Feb. 2006.


This excerpt from Flynn’s The ePolicy Handbook offers


statistics on employee Internet use and five suggestions for


minimizing it. Flynn claims that the majority of employees in


the United States are using company time to surf the Internet


and that companies are suffering huge financial losses as a


result. Her suggestions for minimizing personal Internet use


include establishing a company Internet policy and installing


Orlov 2


Orlov interprets the source’s findings in relation to other sources in the bibliography.


Annotations are usually three to seven sentences long.


Double-spacing is used throughout, with no extra space between entries and no extra space between entries and their annota- tions.


monitoring software. This is consistent with the suggestions


of many other sources.


Source: Diana Hacker (Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2007).


Frauenheim, Ed. “Stop Reading This Headline and Get Back to


Work.” CNET CNET Networks, 11 July 2005. Web.


17 Feb. 2006.


The author examines the results of a study of ten


thousand employees conducted by America Online and, which found that the Internet was the most


popular means of wasting time at work. Frauenheim notes


that the extra time spent surfing the Internet is costing


companies an estimated $759 billion a year but also quotes


the senior vice president at and a director at


America Online, who argue that employee Internet use


actually increases productivity and creativity in the


workplace. Frauenheim suggests that the increase in personal


Internet use at work might result from a longer average


workday and that use of the Internet has made employees


more efficient, giving them more free time to waste.


Gonsalves, Chris. “Wasting Away on the Web.” Ziff


Davis Enterprise Holdings, 8 Aug. 2005. Web. 16 Feb. 2006.


In this editorial, Gonsalves considers the implications of


several surveys, including one in which 61% of respondents


said that their companies had the right to spy on them. The


author agrees with this majority, claiming that it’s fine if his


company chooses to monitor him as long as the company


Orlov 3


discloses its monitoring practices. He adds that he would


prefer not to know the extent of the monitoring. This article,


though not entirely objective, offers an employee’s


perspective on Internet surveillance in the workplace. It also


Summary is followed by a balanced evaluation of the source.


Source: Diana Hacker (Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2007).


contradicts some of my other sources, which claim that


employees want to know and should know all the details of


their company’s monitoring procedures.


Kesan, Jay P. “Cyber-Working or Cyber-Shirking? A First Principles


Examination of Electronic Privacy in the Workplace.” Florida


Law Review 54.2 (2002): 289-332. Print.


This extensive, balanced article examines the legal


issues involved in Internet monitoring and employee privacy.


Kesan establishes that US written law and common law do not


guarantee a right to electronic privacy in the workplace. He


suggests that Internet policies should be addressed through


a “market-based” contractual approach that would benefit


both employers and employees. Kesan examines employee


concerns, such as a working parent’s desire to check on his or


her children while at work, and employer concerns, such as


legal liability for inappropriate employee Internet use. He


concludes that a company should develop an Internet policy,


make that policy known to all employees, and then monitor


employees to ensure that the policy is being followed.


Lane, Frederick S., III. The Naked Employee: How Technology


Is Compromising Workplace Privacy. New York: Amer.


Management Assn., 2003. Print.


Lane’s book discusses the lack of employee privacy


Orlov 4


in the modern workplace. The author acknowledges that


employers have several reasons to be concerned about employee


Internet use, such as theft, a decrease in productivity, and


workplace lawsuits. At the same time, however, he questions


Source: Diana Hacker (Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2007).


where employers will draw the line as technology becomes


better and better at tracking an employee’s every move.


This book is accessible and draws from a variety of sources;


it confirms the information provided by my other sources.


Tam, Pui-Wing, et al. “Snooping E-Mail by Software Is Now a


Workplace Norm.” Wall Street Journal 9 Mar. 2005: B1+. Print.


The authors point out that in every state except


Connecticut and Delaware, companies can legally monitor


employee e-mail without notifying employees and can also use


e-mails as evidence in lawsuits against employees. According


to the article, only 27% of companies monitor employee-to-


employee e-mails, although these e-mails are potentially the


most incriminating, since employees are less likely to censor


themselves with other employees. The article also explores


the means by which companies now monitor employee e-mail,


such as software that searches not only for inappropriate


words but also for words specific to the industry and even


the company. Although the article is narrowly focused, it


offers a good overview of current practices regarding e-mail


monitoring in the workplace.


Tynan, Daniel. “Your Boss Is Watching.” PC World. PC World


Communications, 6 Oct. 2004. Web. 17 Sept. 2006.


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This conversational article presents ten myths about


employee Internet and computer monitoring and reveals how


wrong they are. Although several of the “myths” are discussed


more extensively in my other sources, Tynan presents some


new information. For example, he states that some employers


Source: Diana Hacker (Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2007).


monitor employee Webmail accounts in addition to company


e-mail accounts. Perhaps most important, the article gives a


sense of how unaware most employees are about the current


capabilities of employee Internet monitoring and about their


own lack of legal protection from employers who monitor




Verespej, Michael A. “Inappropriate Internet Surfing.” Industry


Week. Penton Media, 7 Feb. 2000. Web. 16 Feb. 2006.


Unlike most of my other sources, this article is aimed


at employers and suggests that they need to do more to


establish Internet policies and monitor employees. Verespej


warns that if employers do not establish Internet policies,


they leave themselves vulnerable to expensive and


damaging lawsuits, such as suits based on inappropriate or


discriminatory e-mails distributed in the workplace. He offers


several examples to back up his claim that employers are


more at risk than employees from lawsuits. This seems to


contradict the information in my other sources, which present


the risks mostly in terms of employees’ privacy.


Orlov 6

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