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King Djoser funerary complex, 2630 BCE Saqqara, Lower Egypt Let us look at the entry hall to the complex. It is the rectangular volume furthest left in the image above (there is an opening at its bottom you can almost see). The images shown help to reveal the approach sequence. First, notice how small the entry is relative to the rest of the site in the site plan (the entry hall is at the bottom-left). Looking at the plan, photos, and drawings, we can see and feel the ebb and flow of the entry hall. Note how columns appear at regular spacing, creating a rhythm, and they are not free-standing but, rather, engaged to walls (they are called “engaged columns”).

KING DJOSER’S (ZOSER’S) FUNERARY COMPLEX   King Djoser funerary complex, 2630 BCE   Saqqara, Lower Egypt   Let us look at the entry hall to… Read More »King Djoser funerary complex, 2630 BCE Saqqara, Lower Egypt Let us look at the entry hall to the complex. It is the rectangular volume furthest left in the image above (there is an opening at its bottom you can almost see). The images shown help to reveal the approach sequence. First, notice how small the entry is relative to the rest of the site in the site plan (the entry hall is at the bottom-left). Looking at the plan, photos, and drawings, we can see and feel the ebb and flow of the entry hall. Note how columns appear at regular spacing, creating a rhythm, and they are not free-standing but, rather, engaged to walls (they are called “engaged columns”).

Joy -Inside Out When I think of living Inside Out€ I am immediately reminded of the relationship between man and the Holy Spirit. If we have ears to listen and eyes to see, the truth will be revealed to us, and we will be able to move forward in the right way after discernment: When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth, for he will not speak on his own authority, but whatever he hears he will speak, and he will declare to you the things that are to come€ (ESV, 2016, John 16:13). It is imperative to look inside, to take quiet moments where everything else around us is settled so that we can focus on the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

Discussion 6 responses: Read and respond to the four posts below.   Joy -Inside Out               When I think… Read More »Joy -Inside Out When I think of living Inside Out€ I am immediately reminded of the relationship between man and the Holy Spirit. If we have ears to listen and eyes to see, the truth will be revealed to us, and we will be able to move forward in the right way after discernment: When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth, for he will not speak on his own authority, but whatever he hears he will speak, and he will declare to you the things that are to come€ (ESV, 2016, John 16:13). It is imperative to look inside, to take quiet moments where everything else around us is settled so that we can focus on the guidance of the Holy Spirit.