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Project 1 Company Overview

Project 1 – Company Overview
For this project, you will develop a company profile for a Fortune 500, publicly traded company which uses Information Technology to conduct it business operations. Fortune 500 companies almost always have a significant presence in cyberspace and therefore have a need to protect their information, information systems, and information infrastructures from threats and attacks which could originate from anywhere in the world.
You will use the same company for Projects #2, #3, and #4 so, it may be worth your time to review those project description files AND information about multiple companies before deciding which company you will focus on. Project #2 is an IT-focused Risk Assessment for your selected company. Project #3 is an IT-focused Risk Management Strategy for the company. Project #4 is a Privacy-focused Compliance Analysis.
A list of approved companies (those ranking 1-15 in the CY 2021 Fortune 500) appears at the end of this assignment description file (see Table 2). If you wish to use a company not on the approved list, you must first obtain the approval of your instructor. Alternate companies must be in the Fortune 500 and must be publicly traded on one or more of the US-based stock exchanges. The current Fortune 500 List is here:
1.       Chose a company from the table provided at the end of this assignment file. Locate its public website and review how the company presents itself to customers and the general public.
2.       Review the company’s Investor Relations website. Compare how it represents itself to investors and shareholders as compared to how it presents itself on its customer-facing website. The link to the Investor Relations website is provided in the table at the end of this file.
3.       Review Section 1 of the company’s Form 10-K Annual Report to Investors to learn about how the company presents itself to investors and shareholders. The link to the Form 10-K is provided in the table at the end of this assignment file.
Retrieve the Hoovers profile for your selected company. The base URL for Hoovers is You will need to login to the library using your UMGC SSO login credentials.
a.       Enter the company name in the Search bar at the top of the window and then click the search icon.

b.       Browse the company profile using the menu on the left.

4.       Read and analyze the Company Summary, Company Description, and Company History as presented in the Hoovers profile. Browse through additional sections in the profile to develop an understanding of the company, its products and services, and the geo-political environments in which it operates. Who are its customers? What does it sell (or how does it make money)? What laws and regulatory bodies is it subject to?
Analyze the Company’s Use of Information and IT
Note: You do not need to be precise or exacting in your analysis for this section. It will be sufficient that you identify general categories of information and IT that the company relies upon for its business operations.
1.       Review Chapter 2 in (ISC)2 SSCP Systems Security Certified Practitioner Official Study Guide.
2.       Read the following sections in CIPM Certified Information Privacy Manager All-in-One Exam Guide: Appendix A.
a.       Factor Analysis of Information Risk
b.       Asset Identification
c.       Hardware Assets
d.       Subsystem & Software Assets
e.       Cloud-based Information Assets
f.        Virtual Assets
g.       Information Assets
h.       Asset Classification
i.         Data Classification
3.       Identify 3 or more additional sources of information about the company and how it uses information and Information Technologies to conduct its business operations. These sources can be news articles, articles in industry or trade journals, data breach reports, etc.
4.       Using your readings and research, develop an information usage profile for your company. Your goal is to identify categories of information that need to be protected against losses of confidentiality, integrity, and availability. Your profile should contain 10 (acceptable) – 15 (excellent) distinct categories of information. You may use the example table shown below or create one of your own design. Your profile should address the following:
a.       What types of information does this company collect, process, transmit, and store as part of its business operations?
b.       What types of Information Technologies does this company use to accomplish its business objectives? What types of information are required to operate these systems?
c.       Does this company use Operational Technologies (e.g., robots and control systems used in manufacturing or for other types of device controls)? What types of information are required for these systems?
d.       Summarize the company’s Information Use & Protection Requirements. What is the sensitivity level of the information? What would be the potential impacts of attacks causing loss of confidentiality, integrity, and/or availability both for single incidents and over time.
Table 1. Information Usage Profile (sample)

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