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Proper Telephone Etiquette

Proper Telephone Etiquette
Create A Scenario On Proper Telephone Etiquette
In a medical office, you will be required to answer the telephone, create appointments, register patients, cancel appointments, take phone messages, and transfer calls. Sometimes you may have to complete these tasks simultaneously. For this assignment, you will create a two-page scenario involving registering a patient over the telephone and taking a phone message in between using proper telephone etiquette.
To complete this assignment, click on the following link to see an example scenario of creating an appointment for a new patient over the telephone and a sample message pad to use to create your scenario of the phone message. (Note: This assignment requires you to register a patient in the clinic over the telephone not schedule an appointment. You need to create a scenario creating a phone message between patients.)
Appointment Scenario
Subject Electronic Health Records and Medical Office Procedures
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