Human Resource Management Pub
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As a public employee, I would not want to be categorized as a “cost” to the company, I would rather be categorized as an “asset” to the company. In the video, Barry was labeled an “asset” and was praised for almost everything he brought to the company, however, Sammy was just as smart and talented, and she also brought bigger marketing deals to the company that boosted it sales by 40%, but was not praised. Sammy began to feel very unappreciated, and unwanted at the company. Of course, I do not agree with employees being labeled as neither “cost” or “asset.” It only tells us that a company does not value the skills and hard work of the employees.
I am “the equivalent of an appreciating piece of property,” because being a “liability to be minimized,” only means they are slowly looking for my replacement. My value to company is huge, I bring leadership, and benefits for the company, hardworking, and very reliable.
When addressing the heart of human capital challenges, the heart and soul of employees does not fit into strategic “capital” management. Human capital needs to be a top priority in your company. If i was hired as Director, this would be an huge impact in a good way. It helps me to ensure that my employees are qualified, and are “assets” to the company, rather than a “cost.” The company and our employees should flourish, and be on top.
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