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Home » Questions 1. In your everyday life how do you make sure you take care of your physical and psychological health. I take care of my physical and psychological health by making sure I set aside time to focus on these things, such as a short walk even if I’m busy, or an hour to watch tv I enjoy so I can get a break from other stressors.

Questions 1. In your everyday life how do you make sure you take care of your physical and psychological health. I take care of my physical and psychological health by making sure I set aside time to focus on these things, such as a short walk even if I’m busy, or an hour to watch tv I enjoy so I can get a break from other stressors.

1. Physical/Psychological health
2. Perseverance
3. Ethics
4. Ability to acquire knowledge
5. Leadership
6. Career Orientation
7. Interpersonal skills
8. Intellectual curiosity
9. Multicultural appreciation
10. Social responsibility
11. Adaptability
12. Artistic/Cultural appreciation
1. In your everyday life how do you make sure you take care of your physical and psychological health.
I take care of my physical and psychological health by making sure I set aside time to focus on these things, such as a short walk even if I’m busy, or an hour to watch tv I enjoy so I can get a break from other stressors.
2. Can you share a personal experience that required perseverance, and how did it shape your character?
One experience that required perseverance was moving to New York for school away from my family in Illinois. I am incredibly close with my dad and there were plenty of times I wanted to give up and change to a school closer to him, but I also knew I truly wanted to remain in New York, so I pushed through any homesick days. This shaped my character primarily by building my independence; I always considered myself incredibly independent as I grew up an only child, but this changed my perspective on that as I came to accept living on my own and starting anew with no one nearby.
3. How do you approach ethical decision-making in your personal and professional life?
In my personal life, I try and take into account how my decisions would impact others and whether it is the right decision that will have everyone remain safe, and hopefully happy. It is similar in my professional life, especially majoring in Psychology, I am required to consider any possible risk that comes with the work I do and minimize that wherever I see fit.
4. What strategies do you employ to enhance your ability to acquire new knowledge and skills?
The main strategy I use is taking advantage of the vast access that comes with modern technology and how much knowledge can be found with a single Google search. I consider myself a generally inquisitive person, and so I am always seeking out new knowledge or skills and there are plenty of articles, videos, and courses available for free online, so I use that whenever I want to learn something new.
5. Describe a situation where you had to demonstrate leadership skills. What was the outcome, and what did you learn from the experience?
One situation where I had to demonstrate leadership skills was in my current Experimental Psychology course as I am working in a group of four. Since we are all working together, it is easy for things to get muddled or for everyone to push things aside since there is someone else who can do the work too, so I took on a leadership role to help with information, assignments, and ultimately ensuring we complete everything cohesively and in a timely manner. With this, we have worked excellently as a group and there is never any question about how things will get completed, and I have learned that it is important to step up to a leadership position if no one else will to have success.
6. How do you envision your career evolving in the next five years, and what steps are you taking to achieve those goals?
In the next five years, I envision that I will have completed a master’s program in Psychology and I will be involved in research projects that I am truly passionate about regarding childhood development. I’m currently working towards this by finishing up my undergraduate degree, seeking out research assistant and analyst jobs even if they aren’t in development so I can gain the experience necessary, and researching schools I would like to apply to after a gap year.
7. Share an example of a challenging interpersonal situation you navigated successfully. How did you approach it, and what did you learn?
One of the most common interpersonal conflicts I, and I’m sure many others, have faced revolves around politics and the values I hold deep that differ from others, especially those in my family. When it comes to things like elections or the recent COVID vaccine, I am very vocal about my opinions, and there is not always the same opinion held by my family, so I approach it in an understanding, non-aggressive way where I take their opinions into consideration but also assert that my opinions will not change, and we will simply have to agree to disagree. With this, I can learn that I am not always going to be “right” in a conflict and that not every conflict has to have a resolution where someone’s mind is changed. Ultimately, we are all human with different minds and opinions, so interpersonal conflicts help me learn about others’ thoughts and simply find a way to navigate around them.
8. How do you foster and maintain intellectual curiosity in your daily life? Can you provide an example of a recent topic or idea that captivated your interest?
Currently, it is a lot easier to foster intellectual curiosity as I am in school, so I maintain it by taking courses that interest me; recently, I was captivated by a lot of media and how it interacts with the human mind and society, so I have done things like take Science Fiction and Gender and complete research projects focusing on violent media’s impact on mood as well as how seeing women in power in media impacts young girl’s development. Ultimately, I am pursuing a career in psychological research which is where much of my intellectual curiosity lies so I focus on researching topics that interest me through that.
9. In what ways do you actively seek to understand and appreciate diverse cultures in both your personal and professional life?
Like the above question, I have a lot of interest in media and pop culture, so I appreciate diverse cultures by engaging in their stories. Whether it be watching a foreign language film or show, or simply watching a show that depicts a diverse story, I strive to learn and appreciate in those ways.
10. How do you believe individuals can contribute to social responsibility, and what initiatives or actions have you taken to make a positive impact in your community
I believe individuals can contribute to social responsibility by volunteering in whatever way fits their schedules and lifestyles. Personally, I have involved myself in various volunteer groups back home and I am looking to get more involved in New York when I am done with school, though if people do not have the time but have excess funds, donating is a great help, or even simply sharing outreach programs if that is all they are able to do.
11. Can you share a situation where you had to adapt to unexpected changes? How did you handle it, and what did you learn from the experience?
I had to adapt to unexpected changes my freshman year when I went from having two roommates to having none. This was in the 2020-21 school year so there were still a lot of restrictions, my classes were online, and I was still new to the city and school, so I relied a lot on having roommates as a way to be social and get used to the new life, but during winter break they both left for various reasons and I was left alone, which was a little overwhelming at first. I overcame this by still reaching out to other friends who were in the city and finding places we could socialize with the restrictions in place and being safe, and I once again learned the importance of independence and not having to rely on others. Before, I was only going to cafeteria and getting meals with my roommates because it felt safe and comfortable, and with this I was forced to change that trajectory and learned how to feel truly comfortable by myself as there were some days I didn’t talk to anyone in person.
12. How do you integrate artistic or cultural appreciation into your life, and how has it influenced your perspectives?
One of the biggest ways I integrate artistic and cultural appreciation into my life is through music. I am very rarely sitting in silence; I always have something playing and appreciating the sounds and lyrics that come with music new and old allow me to appreciate every day. It has influenced my perspective as music is something incredibly personal and I get to hear other people’s stories through it, which can then influence how I think about life and my own experiences.

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