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Home » Quiz Instructions 1 ptsQuestion 1 The term organization child€ refers to the child who spends more time in organizations than at home. is alienated from satisfying personal relationships. is most at ease in a situation with supervision, guidance, and adult control. has no family and is reared in an institutional setting.

Quiz Instructions 1 ptsQuestion 1 The term organization child€ refers to the child who spends more time in organizations than at home. is alienated from satisfying personal relationships. is most at ease in a situation with supervision, guidance, and adult control. has no family and is reared in an institutional setting.

1/26/24, 1:06 PM Quiz: Ch 8 Review Quiz – Mooney Social Problems 1/10


Ch 8 Review Quiz – Mooney Social Problems Started: Jan 22 at 12:13pm


Quiz Instructions


1 ptsQuestion 1


The term “organization child” refers to the child who


spends more time in organizations than at home.


is alienated from satisfying personal relationships.


is most at ease in a situation with supervision, guidance, and adult control.


has no family and is reared in an institutional setting.


1 ptsQuestion 2


______________ is education that includes all racial and ethnic groups in the school curriculum, thereby promoting awareness and appreciation


for cultural diversity.


Affirmative Action


Character education


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Multicultural education


The voucher system


1 ptsQuestion 3


From the teachers’ point of view, middle-class children _________ compared to children from economically disadvantaged homes.


are easy and fun to teach


are too spoiled


do not want to do their homework


don’t know how to work


1 ptsQuestion 4


The self-fulfilling prophecy occurs when individuals


are satisfied with their occupation.


are satisfied with their family life.


act like they are expected to act.


rebel against the demands of authority figures.


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1 ptsQuestion 5


What has happened to the practice of grouping students by ability?


There has been a recent increase in ability grouping.


Grouping by ability has been abandoned because of the potential negative effects on self-esteem.


Grouping by ability has not changed much in the last 100 years.


Girls are more likely than boys to be put in different ability groups.


1 ptsQuestion 6


The classic study by Rosenthal (1968) in which some students were identified as “spurters” but actually were no different from the other


students illustrates the


the integration hypothesis.


cultural imperialism.


social promotion.


the self-fulfilling prophecy.


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1 ptsQuestion 7


Students in middle and upper income families are


less likely to graduate from college.


less likely to graduate from high school.


less likely to enroll in advanced mathematics classes.


more likely to attend college


1 ptsQuestion 8


Project Head Start is designed to help which of the following?


Gifted and talented students


Students with learning disabilities


Preschool children from disadvantaged families


Pregnant high school students


1 ptsQuestion 9


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In 1954, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in Brown v. Board of Education that segregated education was


a matter for each individual state to decide.


constitutional as long as all schools received equal funding.


in the best interests of U.S. society.


unequal and unconstitutional.


1 ptsQuestion 10


Which teachers are more likely to be victimized in schools?


Rural more than urban


Elementary rather than high school


Females more than males


Private schools more than public


1 ptsQuestion 11


According to recent research the gap in mathematics achievement between boys and girls can BEST be explained by


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hardwiring in the brain.


the level of gender equity in the society.


how the students are treated by the teacher.


bias in standardized tests.


1 ptsQuestion 12


American public school parents identify ____________ as the biggest problem in schools.


financial support


violence and crime




lack of good teachers


1 ptsQuestion 13


Financial support for education


is the same for all students throughout the U.S.


varies significantly from state to state.


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is not a problem in the United States.


comes entirely from the families of the students.


1 ptsQuestion 14


__________ is a situation or circumstance that is intentionally created to embarrass, ridicule, harass, or demean as part of an initiation process.










1 ptsQuestion 15


Who is more likely to be the victim of violence?


Students who are away from school rather than at school


Males more than females


Older students rather than younger students


Teachers more than students


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1 ptsQuestion 16


Which statement is true about bullying?


Males are more likely than females to be the victims of rumors.


Boys are more likely than girls to bully by being physically aggressive.


Being purposively excluded from activities does not count as being bullied.


Females are more likely than males to be physically injured by bullying.


1 ptsQuestion 17


Siobhan goes to school in a low-income neighborhood. Her teachers are likely to be


hired in their area of expertise.


beginning, rather than experienced.


of her same race/ethnicity category.


full-time rather than substitute teachers.


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1 ptsQuestion 18


Most college graduates


finish school in debt.


are debt-free because their parents paid for their education.


were financed by government programs tha paid for their entire education.


default on their education loans.


1 ptsQuestion 19


Community colleges


are losing students because of the perception they are a waste of money.


are increasing in popularity because of their lower costs.


tend to attract middle-class students more than others.


are private for-profit institutions.


1 ptsQuestion 20


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Standardized tests are criticized


because they are unreliable.


because they favor minority students.


for emphasizing thinking at the expense of learning.


for being too objective.


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