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Home » SCHOOL OF NURSING GRADUATE STUDIES MASTER OF SCIENCE IN NURSING – FNP NUR6150 Advanced Prac/ce in Primary Care: Pediatrics Signature Assignment Understanding disease condi/ons specific to pediatrics is vital to ensure proper and /mely diagnosis and treatment to improve healthcare outcomes for the pa/ent. The purpose of this assignment is to evaluate one disease condi/on in the pediatric popula/on and explore current evidence-based guidelines and treatments to determine a proper plan of care. This assignment will focus on the following course student learning outcomes (CSLO): 2. Develop advanced prac/ce care plans to help manage the delivery of health care to the pediatric client and family (EOPSLO# 3, 5, 6, 7). 3. U/lize relevant evidence-based research findings in the clinical management of the pediatric client (EOPSLO# 1, 3, 4). 4. Integrate legal, ethical, socioeconomic, psychosocial, and cultural factors in the delivery of health care to the pediatric client (EOPSLO# 2, 6). 6. Communicate prac/ce knowledge effec/vely both orally and in wri/ng (EOPSLO# 5). 7. Demonstrates informa/on literacy skills in complex decision-making (EOPSLO# 1, 5). Instruc+ons: Please choose one pediatric health condi/on learned in the course. Once the health condi/on is chosen, you are to write a three-to-five-page paper in APA format 7th edi/on with the following sec/ons and level 2 headings: Introduc@on -Brief overview of pediatric health -Introduce the disease condi/on chosen -Importance of understanding the condi/on Presenta@on of Condi@on -Describe the condi/on chosen and its pathophysiology. -What signs/symptoms are iden/fied in the pa/ent that can be found? -Iden/fy if there can be presenta/on varia/ons based on culture, race, ethnicity, age, etc. Diagnosis of Condi@on -Diagnos/c tes/ng (include imaging, labs, and other necessary evalua/ons based on condi/on) SCHOOL OF NURSING GRADUATE STUDIES MASTER OF SCIENCE IN NURSING – FNP -Clinical evalua/on via medical history and physical examina/on Treatment of Condi@on -Medica/ons -Treatments -Managing symptoms (if needed) -Non-pharmacological treatments (if applicable) Poten@al Health Risks if Leo Untreated -Physical and mental health risks Recent Evidence-Based Advancements in Condi@on -Choose one evidence-based treatment that has shown to improve condi/on within the last 5 years. -Briefly summarize the treatment and results. Conclusion -Recap points discussed in paper -Importance of management and early diagnosis (if applicable)

SCHOOL OF NURSING GRADUATE STUDIES MASTER OF SCIENCE IN NURSING – FNP NUR6150 Advanced Prac/ce in Primary Care: Pediatrics Signature Assignment Understanding disease condi/ons specific to pediatrics is vital to ensure proper and /mely diagnosis and treatment to improve healthcare outcomes for the pa/ent. The purpose of this assignment is to evaluate one disease condi/on in the pediatric popula/on and explore current evidence-based guidelines and treatments to determine a proper plan of care. This assignment will focus on the following course student learning outcomes (CSLO): 2. Develop advanced prac/ce care plans to help manage the delivery of health care to the pediatric client and family (EOPSLO# 3, 5, 6, 7). 3. U/lize relevant evidence-based research findings in the clinical management of the pediatric client (EOPSLO# 1, 3, 4). 4. Integrate legal, ethical, socioeconomic, psychosocial, and cultural factors in the delivery of health care to the pediatric client (EOPSLO# 2, 6). 6. Communicate prac/ce knowledge effec/vely both orally and in wri/ng (EOPSLO# 5). 7. Demonstrates informa/on literacy skills in complex decision-making (EOPSLO# 1, 5). Instruc+ons: Please choose one pediatric health condi/on learned in the course. Once the health condi/on is chosen, you are to write a three-to-five-page paper in APA format 7th edi/on with the following sec/ons and level 2 headings: Introduc@on -Brief overview of pediatric health -Introduce the disease condi/on chosen -Importance of understanding the condi/on Presenta@on of Condi@on -Describe the condi/on chosen and its pathophysiology. -What signs/symptoms are iden/fied in the pa/ent that can be found? -Iden/fy if there can be presenta/on varia/ons based on culture, race, ethnicity, age, etc. Diagnosis of Condi@on -Diagnos/c tes/ng (include imaging, labs, and other necessary evalua/ons based on condi/on) SCHOOL OF NURSING GRADUATE STUDIES MASTER OF SCIENCE IN NURSING – FNP -Clinical evalua/on via medical history and physical examina/on Treatment of Condi@on -Medica/ons -Treatments -Managing symptoms (if needed) -Non-pharmacological treatments (if applicable) Poten@al Health Risks if Leo Untreated -Physical and mental health risks Recent Evidence-Based Advancements in Condi@on -Choose one evidence-based treatment that has shown to improve condi/on within the last 5 years. -Briefly summarize the treatment and results. Conclusion -Recap points discussed in paper -Importance of management and early diagnosis (if applicable)

 In Topic 4, selections for the Southwest Transit marketing team were made, and now your job is to present the recommendation to your director. Surprisingly though, a directive is issued informing management that only four people will be able to staff the team, which will of course increase the pressure finalizing the selection.
Consider the vision for a successful Southwest Transit marketing team composed in Topic 4. Narrow down the team selection to four individuals for presentation to the director. Decide which strategies will be most effective for leading the agreed-upon team. Compose a PowerPoint presentation (10-12 slides), then record your 5-7-minute presentation using YouTube Video, Loom, or Zoom. On the title slide of your PowerPoint presentation, provide the link to your YouTube, Loom, or Zoom video recording that you created. Your presentation should address the following:
1. Who are the four team members, and what was the primary reason each person was selected? How difficult was it to come to a decision regarding team selection? Which potential team member was most difficult to come to a consensus about? Why?

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