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Home » Select one of the major developmental periods you have studied thus far in the course: infancy, early childhood, middle childhood, adolescence, early adulthood, or middle adulthood . · Step 2: Select a phenomenon or construct that features prominently in your chosen developmental stage. The construct should reflect one or more of the major areas of human development (physical, cognitive, social, emotional). For instance, if you are focusing on adolescence, perhaps you select the construct of egocentrism , which includes both cognitive and social components. · Step 3: Review the section(s) of the Santrock text that are relevant to your developmental stage and construct.

Select one of the major developmental periods you have studied thus far in the course: infancy, early childhood, middle childhood, adolescence, early adulthood, or middle adulthood . · Step 2: Select a phenomenon or construct that features prominently in your chosen developmental stage. The construct should reflect one or more of the major areas of human development (physical, cognitive, social, emotional). For instance, if you are focusing on adolescence, perhaps you select the construct of egocentrism , which includes both cognitive and social components. · Step 3: Review the section(s) of the Santrock text that are relevant to your developmental stage and construct.

· Step 1: Select one of the major developmental periods you have studied thus far in the course: infancy, early childhood, middle childhood, adolescence, early adulthood, or  middle adulthood . 
· Step 2: Select a phenomenon or construct that features prominently in your chosen developmental stage. The construct should reflect one or more of the major areas of human  development  (physical, cognitive, social, emotional). For instance, if you are focusing on adolescence, perhaps you select the construct of  egocentrism , which includes both cognitive and social components.
· Step 3: Review the section(s) of the Santrock text that are relevant to your developmental stage and construct.
· Step 4: Prepare a research paper that addresses the following: 
· Step 4.1: Describe, in detail, the developmental stage you are focusing on for this research paper. You should briefly review the major developmental tasks of this stage as they pertain to physical, cognitive, social, and emotional  development . 
· Step 4.2: Describe, in detail, your selected construct of interest. Be sure to define the construct and discuss its relevance during your selected stage of  development . If the construct first appears earlier in  development , or somehow changes with  development  across various stages, you will need to discuss how the construct changes over time. 
· Step 4.3: Pick at least one  theory  that helps to explain the relevance of your construct to your chosen developmental stage. Explain the  theory  and its application to your construct and stage.
· Step 4.4: From the available 12 peer-reviewed journal articles, select and read at least 3 peer-reviewed journal articles that have some relevance to your topic and/or proposed study. Some articles may contribute information about your topic of study, or they may contribute information about research methods that could be applied to your specific topic of study. You are not required to understand or discuss the statistics involved in these articles, but you should be able to glean some information from the articles with relevance to your topic or proposed methods.
· Step 4.5: Now, consider yourself a scientist. Imagine you can conduct any study you like about this construct in your chosen developmental stage. Put forth at least 1 research question, and describe the method(s) you would use to collect the data (e.g., observational, survey/interview,  standardized test ,  case study , physiological measures). Explain what type of study design you would use (e.g., descriptive, correlational, experimental). What is your hypothesis about what the results of the study will be? Why would this study be important to conduct, and how might it contribute to new knowledge in this area of developmental science? 
· Step 4.6: Prepare a references page that lists each of your sources in APA style. Note that you will need to list your textbook as well as each of your 3 peer-reviewed journal articles. The References page will be the last page of your research paper

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