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Summative Assessment: Data Plotting and Information Analysis

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Summative Assessment: Data Plotting and Information Analysis


Part I: Plotting Data on a Map


Read the following scenario:

Now that you know where the outbreaks are located and which age groups are most affected, your organization wants to map out the areas that pose the highest exposure risk.


Create a symbols map using Microsoft Excel and the data provided in the High Risk Areas spreadsheet to determine the areas of the country with the most risk.


Review the “Plotting Data onto a Map in Microsoft Excel” document for instructions on completing this portion of the assignment.


Write a 350- to 525-word analysis of the data that answers the following questions:

• Which cities (states) are high risk and low risk?

• Which areas of the country are high risk and low risk?

• What else can be deduced after evaluating the chart?


Include your map with your analysis, not separately. Label as a “Figure” according to APA formatting.



City Feb. Cases March Cases April Cases

New York 19 56 189

Los Angeles 6 12 201

Chicago 0 3 14

Houston 19 19 272

Philadelphia 0 1 5

Phoenix 23 78 289

San Antonio 6 9 95

San Diego 3 38 258

Dallas 4 13 83

San Jose 10 23 109

Austin 28 59 281

Jacksonville 10 97 322

San Francisco 2 13 76

Indianapolis 0 2 7

Columbus 1 5 14

Fort Worth 8 26 98

Charlotte 1 2 19

Seattle 1 10 65

Denver 2 11 30

El Paso 3 4 29

Detroit 4 14 35

Washington D.C. 2 18 61

Boston 1 2 28

Memphis 2 7 31

Nashville 1 4 23

Portland 1 6 18

Oklahoma City 1 1 11

Las Vegas 1 22 146

Baltimore 1 8 26

Louisville 2 15 17

Milwaukee 1 3 12

Albuquerque 2 15 51

Tucson 2 9 114

Fresno 13 45 187

Sacramento 2 9 51

Kansas City 3 13 38

Long Beach 13 19 215

Mesa 2 35 231

Atlanta 11 35 220

Colorado Springs 0 0 5

Virginia Beach 0 0 4

Raleigh 0 2 8

Omaha 0 0 3

Miami 21 72 299

Oakland 3 15 84

Minneapolis 1 3 9

Tulsa 8 43 127

Wichita 1 12 83

New Orleans 12 101 248

Arlington 1 2 11







Part II: Information Analysis


Compare the charts and graphs you created for the reports in previous assessments and determine conclusions based on the analysis of the data.


Select a health care facility or service (e.g., hospital, physician practice, long-term care facility, ambulance service, pharmacy, or skilled nursing facility).


Write a 700- to 1,050-word analysis, addressing the following:

• Describe how your selected health care facility or service can benefit from the information you gathered and analyzed in the previous assessments.

• Examine any conflicts of interest, ethical considerations, or community health effects that may factor into the benefits identified.

• Identify any points that can be served by further research into either the facility, a service it provides, or the given data.

• Reference data, graphs, and charts to support your claims.


Cite at least 2 scholarly references to support your assignment. Feel free to use supplemental readings from peer-reviewed journals as references. Do not use “.com” commercial, “.edu” education, “.org,” or “.net” proprietary sources. You may use one .gov reference, such as the CDC or NIH. *please do not use link as reference


*This data was used to create previous charts and graph.


City Date Cases

New York 4/24/2017 189

Los Angeles 4/2/2017 201

Chicago 4/27/2017 14

Houston 4/27/2017 272

Philadelphia 4/24/2017 5

Phoenix 4/2/2017 289

San Antonio 4/7/2017 95

San Diego 4/2/2017 258

Dallas 4/24/2017 83

San Jose 4/23/2017 109

Austin 4/17/2017 281

Jacksonville 4/14/2017 322

San Francisco 4/9/2017 76

Indianapolis 4/11/2017 7

Columbus 4/9/2017 14

Fort Worth 4/29/2017 98

Charlotte 4/10/2017 19

Seattle 4/12/2017 65

Denver 4/2/2017 30

El Paso 4/28/2017 29

Detroit 4/28/2017 35

Washington D.C. 4/3/2017 61

Boston 4/13/2017 28

Memphis 4/25/2017 31

Nashville 4/24/2017 23

Portland 4/2/2017 18

Oklahoma City 4/27/2017 11

Las Vegas 4/27/2017 146

Baltimore 4/24/2017 26

Louisville 4/2/2017 17

Milwaukee 4/7/2017 12

Albuquerque 4/2/2017 51

Tucson 4/24/2017 114

Fresno 4/23/2017 187

Sacramento 4/17/2017 51

Kansas City 4/14/2017 38

Long Beach 4/9/2017 215

Mesa 4/11/2017 231

Atlanta 4/9/2017 220

Colorado Springs 4/29/2017 5

Virginia Beach 4/10/2017 4

Raleigh 4/12/2017 8

Omaha 4/2/2017 3

Miami 4/28/2017 299

Oakland 4/28/2017 84

Minneapolis 4/3/2017 9

Tulsa 4/13/2017 127

Wichita 4/25/2017 83

New Orleans 4/10/2017 248

Arlington 4/12/2017 11



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