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The Connection Between Developmentally Appropriate Practice and Curriculum

The Connection Between Developmentally Appropriate Practice and Curriculum
There is a strong connection between developmentally appropriate practice (DAP) and planning curriculum. “DAP provides guidance for thinking about, planning, and implementing high-quality programs for young children. It informs our decision making and gives us a basis for continually scrutinizing our professional practice” (Kostelnik, Soderman, Whiren, & Rupiper, 2015, p. 23). It is this process that allows us to ensure that the curriculum we are implementing is meeting the needs of the children we are working with. In this first discussion forum we will look at the connection between DAP and planning curriculum by taking a deeper look at the role teachers and administrators play in supporting a developmentally appropriate curriculum for teaching young children, including utilizing their knowledge of the principles of child development.
To begin, review the twelve overarching principles of DAP (Kostelnik, Soderman, Whiren, & Rupiper, 2015, p. 23). Next, locate your assigned group from the table below.

Last Name Begins With

Overarching DAP Principles

A – H

·       Adults develop warm caring relationships with children.
·       Child guidance fosters self-regulation. Adults acknowledge children’s positive behaviors, reason with children, and treat their misbehaviors as learning opportunities.
·       Curricula are whole-child focused. Programs address children’s aesthetic, emotional, intellectual, language, social, and physical needs.
·       Programs address the learning needs of all children, including children who have special needs and those who do not speak English as their home language.

I – P

·       Indoor and outdoor environments are safe and stimulating; routines are well suited to the needs of young children.
·       Children have numerous opportunities to learn by doing through hands-on activities that are relevant and meaningful to them.
·       Children are active decision makers in their own learning. They have many opportunities to initiate activities and to make choices about what and how they will learn.
·       Children have numerous opportunities to play throughout the day.


·       Teachers are intentional in their teaching. They have specific goals in mind for children’s learning and use relevant instructional strategies to address those goals.
·       Curricula are integrated across disciplines and developmental domains.
·       Assessment takes place continuously throughout the day and addresses all developmental domains. Adults gather information about what children know and can do through observations, by collecting work samples, and by inviting children to document their own learning.
·       Early childhood practitioners establish reciprocal relationships with children’s families.

Address the following items based on the group to which you were assigned:
·       Compare and contrast the role of a teacher and the role of an administrator in implementing each of the overarching principles of DAP in a school or center.
·       Explain how each of the overarching principles of DAP you were assigned align with the Principles of Child Development and Learning that are shared in Table 2.2 on page 47 of our course text.
o   Provide explicit examples of how the principles are connected and how understanding these connections will inform your curriculum decisions.
·       Discuss how your knowledge of these overarching principles of DAP will allow you to build upon your knowledge in order “to design, implement, and evaluate meaningful, challenging curricula for each child” (NAEYC Standard 5c).
Guided Response: Respond to at least two of your peers’ posts who were assigned to different groups from yours. If possible, try to respond to peers from both of the other groups. In your peer responses, address the following based on the principles shared in your peer’s response:
·       How is this practice aligned with what I know about child development and learning?
·       In what ways does this practice take into account children’s individual strengths and needs?
·       How does this practice demonstrate respect for children’s social and cultural lives? (Kostelnik, Soderman, Whiren, & Rupiper, 2015, p. 25)

TABLE 2.2 Connecting Knowledge of Development and Learning to Teaching Practices

Principles of Child
 Development and Learning

Developmentally Appropriate Teaching Practices

Children develop holistically

• Teachers plan daily activities and routines
 to address aesthetic, emotional, cognitive, 
language, physical, and social development.
• Teachers integrate learning across the 
curriculum (e.g., mixing language, physical, 
and social; combining math, science, and 

Child development follows 
an orderly sequence

• Teachers use their knowledge of 
developmental sequences to gauge whether
 children are developing as expected, to
 determine reasonable expectations, and to 
plan next steps in the learning process.

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